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Warning: PG-17 (Adult Situations)

Trouble in Texas
Part Four

When Cassie woke up a few hours later her arm felt like it was on fire inside the cast she knew something was wrong. Dean lay beside her on the bed while Sam lay in the chair near the television. Dean woke up as soon as Cassie moved he looked over and saw tears streaming down her face.
�What�s wrong?�
�It�s burning,� she said almost inaudibly.
He reached to push the button for the nurse.
�Hold on okay,� Dean said wiping at her tears not sure what else to do.
The nurse came right in and after Cassie told her what was wrong after asking her a few questions the doctor came in and Dean and Sam had to leave the room.

They were surprised when they rolled her out of the room and she was sedated again.
�What�s going on?� Dean asked the doctor who just ignored him.
The nurse told them they had to reset her arm but she would be okay. Sam just looked at Dean.
�How hard could it be to set a broken arm?�
Dean was pacing now. Sam suggested they go to the cafeteria to wait. Dean wanted to make sure they were in the room when Cassie got back so he hesitated to leave.
�Dean she won�t even know you�re here she be still knocked out,� Sam said.
�I�ll know if I�m not here,� Dean insisted as he took a seat in the chair Sam had sat in previously.
�I�ll bring you something to eat,� Sam said as he left the room.

It was almost three hours when they wheeled her back in the room. Sam was right of course she was out but Dean was glad he was there to see her. My poor baby.
This had turned into a long day for everyone; Sam was in the chair again sound asleep this time while Dean sat and watched Cassie sleep. Dean was surprised by the sound of his cell ringing but he grabbed it up and headed outside to keep from waking Sam and Cassie.

It was John wondering where they were.
�There was a car accident Dad we�re going to be in Texas a few more days,� Dean said making things sound worse because he wanted Cassie to have time to rest.
John wanted to know as soon as they left Texas he knew something was going on that Dean wasn�t saying but he didn�t let on. He also knew it had something to do with Cassie, not that he didn�t like her, Dean had been changing ever since they met her. If they only lived different lives John would have encouraged the relationship. Maybe he was being selfish by putting himself in the path to cause Dean to doubt his feelings for Cassie but in the end it would save her a lot of pain or at least he hoped.

Dean hung up hating that he lied to his father but knowing he would have tried to stop them from getting married and Dean wasn�t going to let that happen for any reason. Cassie was awake when he walked back in the room.
�Feeling better?� he asked glad to see her smiling.
She nodded as he sat gently on the bed beside her while he tilted her chin up to receive his kiss. Cassie loved they way Dean always tasted like mint, Dean loved they way her teeth felt against his tongue. They were still kissing when Sam woke up.
�Hey,� he said interrupting them.
�Hi Sammy,� Cassie said with a laugh.
�Just what I need two people calling me something I hate,� he said with a grin.
Sam left to go to the cafeteria to smuggle them up some food to eat.
The doctor came by to check out Cassie�s arm and tell her about taking care of the cast then he released her to go.

Dean was helping Cassie get dressed when Sam came back to the room.
�Sorry,� Sam said going back outside.
Cassie laughed, �That�s when knocking comes in handy.�
Dean agreed as he helped her pull her jeans up over her boots.
�Well you have practice taking off my clothes now you get to do in reverse,� she said smiling.
Dean didn�t mind though he knew she was going to hate him having to help her with everything including brushing her teeth since she was right handed and that was the arm that was broken.

They finally let Sam in the room to tell him Cassie was ready to leave so Sam phoned the mechanic to find out of the car was ready as they headed to the elevator.
�They said it should be done this afternoon.�
They took a cab to the hotel to get there stuff together so that when they got the car they could head to Padre Island. Dean finally told Sam about John calling and he even confessed to leading John to believe the car was in worse shape than it really was while not telling him Cassie was hurt. Sam totally understood Dean�s reasons.
�Don�t sweat it Dean you did the right thing; you know how Dad felt about Cassie coming along with us to begin with.�
�Then why do I feel so guilty about it?� he asked as Cassie came in the room dragging her bag.
�Thanks for the help,� she said sarcastically looking at Dean
. �I�m sorry, Baby, here let me fold those for you,� he said carefully unzipping the bag as all the clothes over flowed from it.
He frowned she was obviously just frustrated when she threw the clothes in.

Cassie sat on the sofa near Sam. Sam smiled at her.
�You okay?� �Yea, I need to get some Advil though my head is aching which means the arm will start up next.�
�We should get your prescription filled,� Dean suggested.
Cassie shook her head.
�Advil is the strongest thing I�ll be taking,� she insisted.
Dean knew how she felt about drugs even prescription ones; she was still very much a fan of natural products. To her Advil was hard core she preferred herbal cures but on the road it was just too hard. When they got the car back they would find a health food store for her to get some supplies.


Once they were back on the road Cassie fell asleep lying down in the backseat with pillows cushioning her arm. Dean made sure she was well padded; Sam thought it was funny but he didn�t smile because he knew Dean was doing his best to take care of his sweetheart.
�How long is the drive?�
�Almost seven hours but we�ll stop overnight in a few hours,� Dean said.
�Cassie already frustrated not being able to do everything for herself?�
Dean nodded.
�I knew how she was going to feel but I love babying her hopefully she�ll relax and let me.�

Dean tried so hard to keep where they were headed a secret but Cassie found out in the end. Fortunately for Dean she knew several families in Padre because she had spent two Spring Breaks there. She was able to arrange for them to share a beach house with one other couple. It was split level with three bedrooms and French doors a real step up from their hotel rooms, though since Cassie joined them the rooms had been more upscale.
�I love that you tried to surprise me,� she said as she admired her wedding ring while Dean watched her.
�So when did you have time to get me a wedding ring?� Dean asked.
�While you weren�t watching," she grinned he would never now how long ago she had purchased the ring with hopes of marrying him.
Dean handed her an Advil knowing she was getting tired since she was yawning again. Making love had been a challenge but one they confronted together. Cassie thought it was actually more fun. She bit her lip, the code for maybe we can try something else before the pain killer kicks in. Dean smiled. Getting married at sunset on the beach had been romantic, Cassie still couldn�t believe it had happened.

Dean had purchased her an off white tea length lace dress and even with her cast she had felt beautiful. Dean hadn�t minded either he loved her so much it didn�t matter if she had married him in her cowboy boots. Dean and Sam wore their black slacks with no jackets. Cassie picked them out off white shirts with diagonal stripes that were totally different. Dean looks so sexy with the open collar shirt they had a hard time keeping their hands off one another while dressing in the same room since he had to help her. No one had worn shoes in the sand; Cassie thought it would be whimsical, Dean agreed their entire relationship was different than anyone else�s he had ever met but for them it was perfect. After the ceremony Sam went out to one of the dance clubs alone so Cassie and Dean could have time by themselves.

The next morning Dean heard Sam�s cell ring then a woman�s voice. He listened for a few minutes, Sam was with a woman that surprised Dean, but good grief he was only human. Dean was glad he was finally with a woman even if it was only for the night. Dean turned over and saw Cassie smiling.
�It had to happen eventually,� she said reading his mind.
�My thoughts exactly,� he said kissing her.

It was lunchtime before anyone left their rooms. Sam was alone in the kitchen when Cassie and Dean showed their faces.
�Afternoon,� Cassie said as she sat down gingerly babying her arm.
�Hey,� Sam said.
�Sammy,� Dean said poring he and Cassie some juice.
Sam didn�t enlighten them on the person they heard him with and neither of them wanted to embarrass him so they didn�t say anything.
�Dad called,� Sam said after the silence when on for some time.
�He want anything or just trying to figure out what we are up to?�
�I didn�t talk to him he left a message for you to call him," Sam said as he rinsed out his plate.
He was being so quiet Cassie felt sorry for him.
�How was your night on the town?� She asked.
�I had fun and yes I brought someone back, but I�m seeing her tonight too. We�re just having fun so you two don�t need to worry about me,� Sam said.
�Good for you,� Dean said as he headed to the room to phone John.

He wasn�t going to lie to him; he was a grown man free to make his own decisions.
�Hey Dad, if you are around pick up.�
�Yea,� John said when he picked up.
Dean laid everything out for him not leaving out anything. John congratulated him then he wanted to know how he could put Cassie in harms way and justify it.
�We are going to do the best we can, Dad that is all a person can do.�
John decided there wasn�t anything he could do change Dean�s mind but hoped he would get Cassie off the road for her own sake.

They stayed in Padre for a week before they started the long drive out the state. Cassie figured it was a good time to head back to her home to get everything packed up. She was going to give the job over to movers to finish packing up for storage so should eventually have a sale, after she got what she wanted out of the house. It took them three days to get back to Mississippi which was quite a bit of driving for Sam and Dean.

When they arrived at Cassie�s the guys just wanted to sleep in a real bed so Cassie allowed them that pleasure for almost two days. Dean helped her pack the items in the shed up as well as the mementos from the study when he finally felt up to it. Just when they had completed packing everything they needed Dean received a call from John.

Cassie and Sam watched Dean as he listened to his father on the phone. Dean looked angry but he didn�t say a word. When he hung up he told Cassie they needed to talk and they went into the study.
�Dad thinks he knows where the demon is that killed my Mom and Jess,� he said as she sat in his lap.
�Then we should leave now,� she said looking expectantly at him.
Cassie knew that wasn�t the problem.
�Just tell me what�s wrong,� she said.
�You can�t go Cas.�
�We had this discussion Dean I�m going with you.�
He shook his head.
�You remember our discussion wrong then because these hunt you can�t come on.�

She remembered his vows to her: I will protect you even when you refuse to see my reasoning. I will love you when you think you hate my guts. I will never not think of your best interest, until I take my last breath. Cassie looked at him as she bit her lip, this time because she knew his love meant he was hurting but he felt he had to leave her to protect her. She had promised to trust him no matter if it might mean at times she would rarely see him. She believed any time with him was worth it, that�s how much she loved him. She hoped someday they would have a normal life; but that wasn�t guaranteed, but she refused to live without him at all. He held her awkwardly against his chest.

�Do you want to go to your aunt�s or somewhere else until I come back to get you?�
�I want to go with you,� she insisted as she poked her lip out like a little girl.
�It hurts for me to do this; don�t make it harder, please,� Dean pleaded with his eyes.
Cassie knew he was right she could see he was hurting.
Sam knocked on the door.
�Dean, you two aren�t making love are you? I want to know what Dad said,�
Dean opened the door so he could tell Sam the news.

That night Dean watched her sleep if his Dad was making this up he would kill him. His heart couldn�t take much of this. He wanted to touch her but he didn�t want her to wake up and be angry with him all over again. Part of him wanted her to go but he knew that was selfish even if she wanted it too. He gave in and kissed her hair, he loved the way it smelled. She looked up at him and he bent down to kiss her.

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Next Book in the Trilogy of Stories -- Cassie Winchester

Trouble in Texas Part One

Trouble in Texas Part Two

Trouble in Texas Part Three

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