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Rating: PG-16 Adult situations

Cassie Winchester
Part One

When Dean received a call from Cassie he and Sam were in Seattle.
“Hi,” she said.
“Hi Baby,” Dean replied with a smile in his voice. Sam smiled to himself. Dean hadn’t seen Cassie in almost two months and he had begun to bug him about taking a trip to see her. Sam tried to listen to the conversation but Dean wasn’t saying much, which was unlike him especially when it came to Cassie.
“We have to go meet her.” Dean said without preliminaries while he put his cell away.
He leaned back in the seat and closed his eyes but Sam wasn’t going to let him get away with just ordering him around. He needed an explanation; they had work to do and couldn’t go running off to see Cassie when Dean had the urge. Maybe I’m just being stubborn I would love to see Missy too. Sam pulled the car over and killed the engine.

Dean didn’t get up or look at him.
“She’s pregnant.”
“What?” Sam said.
“We need to discuss it face to face,” Dean said hesitant now.
Sam was quiet as he started the car again to get back on the road.
“Things will be okay, Dean,” he insisted.
“Yes, but I really don’t want to talk about this, yet.”
How did this happen? She needs to be with someone that’s stable, someone that can be there for her. I tried to keep her out of harm’s way; then I cause all the harm myself. I wish I could be unhappy about this news, but I love her so much, a baby just seems right.

Half way through their trip, Sam believed Dean should be ready to talk, since he was awake.
“What do you think about the news?” Sam asked.
“Really, I think I’m glad”
“I can’t see you staying home to raise kids,” Sam said trying not to be rude.
Dean laughed,, “ I can’t see it either but I want to do the right thing.”
“But what are you going to do? Take time off from hunting? Cas will need you with her,” Sam said concerned that Dean’s seemingly uncaring attitude could be a problem.
“Relax, Sam she and I will figure something out.”

Since they were in Washingon when Cassie had phoned so it was two days later when they finally arrived at the restaurant where she wanted to meet; they were a few minutes earlier than the time they had set. Dean really thought Cassie would be early, so he was surprised when she wasn’t there, when she was fifteen minutes late he began to worry. They decided to ask the waitress if she had seen her.
“Hi, can you tell us if you have seen a Multiracial young lady with long wavy hair in here earlier probably wearing a black leather jacket?”
The waitress went to the back to ask the waitress that was getting off duty. She came out wearing tight jeans and a t-shirt, she seemed surprised to see him. She was tallish with blonde hair and blue eyes, in her thirties slim but motherly, like she might have a couple of little ones at home. She told him the girl he asked about was in earlier but left with a man who looked like him.

“One of the reasons I remember is because he was a dead ringer for you, sent me to the restroom to check on her; I found her rinsing her mouth out and she seemed upset.”
Cassie told her that she was pregnant but the man wanted her to leave to go talk at the park. It didn’t make sense to her. But finally they drove off in her car. She asked Dean if he had a twin and they let her know as far as he knew Sam was his only brother. Before she left for the day the waitress, Natalie, came by their table again.
“It is a good thing she left when she did; we had some skinheads come through here about that time and they were looking for trouble it turned out they had killed someone a couple of days ago. The manager phoned the cops and they picked them up.
“They were acting really rude and cocky; I was glad to not be waiting on them myself,” she said as she left.

“Someone came here to get her out of the way so she wouldn’t be hurt.”
“A doppelganger?” Sam asked.
“I hope not though it does sound like it, but they usually predict death,” Dean said.
“But they don’t always come with bad news; there are times that during stressful circumstances they’re summoned to protect,” Sam said looking at Dean.
Dean didn’t understand the implication right away he was too worried about Cassie. Sam watched him; he had his head down as he tried to control his emotions. Now not just Cassie is missing but my child; I can’t get my head around that one yet.
“We have to find her,” Sam said intruding upon Dean’s thoughts.
They found a route to the closest park.

It took them twenty minutes to find the park, but the first thing they saw when they arrived was Cassie’s car. Dean was hesitant to get out of the car afraid they would find her lifeless body lying in the bushes with the baby missing. Why am I having such morbid thoughts? God, please I know I haven’t been a good person but her only crime is loving me.

“Dean, are we going to go check?” Sam asked concerned about Dean being so quiet.
They both got out and headed toward the trail. They went almost a mile before they saw her sitting on the grass. She was wearing her jacket but for the first time in a while she was in a jean skirt. I love her long legs,okay, I have to focus. She turned to see them with a smile on her face.
He nodded as he sat down and pulled her into his arms.
“You okay?”
She nodded against his chest. Sam took a look around to make sure they were alone. She said she hadn’t been in any danger; the man that was his twin had stayed with her until they got to this spot where she sat. He had made her promise not to leave until he came.
“Did he explain who or what he was?”
“No, but I knew for sure once we were in the car he wasn’t you besides he kept wanting to go to the park.”
She explained he comforted her and insisted that she would be fine; he wanted her to relax and take care of her baby because it was special.
“I wasn’t afraid even after he disappeared in front of my eyes, right where you’re sitting,” she said.

Sam said he would wait in the car after he let Cassie know he was glad she was okay. Dean helped her up so they coulg go to sit on a bench near the man made lake, they watched the ducks for a few minutes in silence. They had been together more than a year and a half; Dean and Sam visited her once every couple of months for two or three days, a couple times they had stayed a week. Sam was seeing Missy who was a friend of Cassie’s; a tall brunette with flashing green eyes. For a brief moment in time they would spend quality time with the women in their lives. This announcement from Cassie was actually quite timely.
He lookedlovingly into her eyes.
“I missed you,” she said.
He gave her a lingering kiss when he stopped she touched his lips.
“I love your lips,” she added as traced them with her finger before she kissed him again.
I missed you too and I don’t want you doing this alone I am staying around at least a couple months. Sam can pair up with Dad for a while,” he said kissing her again.
“Stay only if you want to not because you feel you have to,” she insisted.
Though their relationship was solid, Cassie had hesitated to call Dean about the pregnancy because she was never sure when he would be home and she didn’t want to nervously wait since it would have been bad for the baby.
“I want to, besides you will need someone to hold your hair back while you are throwing up,” he said with a smile as he hugged her.
“Well you’ve missed quite a bit of that already, “ she said smiling at him as she realized he was trying to be thoughtful.
"How far along are you?"
“Almost three months,” she said biting her lips.
“So you were pregnant when I saw you last?”
‘But I didn’t know, Dean I wasn’t sure then I felt like I failed you and I was afraid you would be angry,’ she said.
“Why would I be angry? You have to admit we haven’t always been careful, especially since we got married,” he said with a smile as he held her closer.
He kissed her forehead.
Neither of them could figure out why it would be so important for their baby to be protected but hoped it was true.

Sam tried to contact John after they presented him with their decision. As usual he didn’t pick up at first but once Sam left the message that he was going to be a grandfather, his father picked up the line. So that’s how it works.
“Let me speak to Dean,” John said with no acknowledgement to Sam.
“Yea,” Dean said.
“Dad, we phoned because Sam needs to hunt with you for a while; will you meet him please?”
If he didn’t want Sam helping him Sam would stay and take a break with him. It wasn’t a problem as far as he was concerned.
“She can’t have that child,” John insisted.
Dean let his father know they didn’t need his permission for anything.
“Well, I don’t mean to be disrespectful but I love my wife so we had a decision to make and it’s been made,” Dean said.
“I understand that you want to do the right thing by Cassie but I am advising against this,” John insisted but refused to tell him why.
“There is no way I can agree with you on this, if Sam can’t be with you then he can stay here with us. John didn’t think Sam coming with him was an option . Sam stood their slack jawed when Dean told him what Dad said; Sam agreed with Dean.
“How could he ask you to tell your wife not to have your baby?” Sam asked sadly.
“I know I could never do that,” he said to Sam before Cassie walked up.
Sam didn’t understand John’s logic and felt glad that Dean was being so brave about it all.

"Yea, Dean." “Do you think I summoned the doppelganger?” Dean asked as Cassie came over so he put his arms around her.
Sam shook his head.
“I don’t know, how would I know?” Sam asked.
Dean laughed, “You’re the researcher.”
Sam said he was stumped but believed as long as Dean didn’t see it he should be fine. Cassie gave Sam her keys so he could follow her and Dean to her house.
“What did John say?”
Dean hesitated, Cassie didn’t need to worry about this, but he wasn’t going to start lying to her now. He took a deep breath.
“He wouldn’t tell me why but he thinks you shouldn’t have the baby.”
Cassie didn’t say anything.
“Cas I disagree with him completely, I want our baby though I guess the final decision is yours.”
She smiled, “We decided together, right? Besides I love this baby there is no way I could give up, Dean.”
“Would it help if I talked to John?”
Dean shook his head, “I’m not worried about what he said I hope you don’t.

Later Cassie borrowed Dean's phone while she thought he wasn’t paying attention.
“John, it’s Cassie pick up,” whispered not wanting Dean to know.
John spoke with Cassie briefly but told her the same thing he had Dean. Cassie couldn’t believe it but determined she had done all she could. Dean heard the entire thing but didn’t let on. He just didn’t understand why his father would ask them to do something that he refused to give him a reason about. He believed his father just wanted to be in control when the time for that was past. He loved Cassie and their child wasn’t an option they could take or leave. It made him angry every time he thought of it.

During first week they moved out of the cottage where Cassie had lived at the home of one of her professor friends, MaryAnn. Cassie knew that Mary Ann didn’t like Dean because he was always away and she often told Cassie he was no good. When Dean suggested they should go ahead and get a place now that he was staying around a while. Cassie agreed though he didn’t want to isolate Cassie from her friends. Sam was happy to have a chance to spend time with his girlfriend, Missy at her apartment leaving Dean and Cassie to their own devices.
“Cas, the person you saw before will you let me know if you see him again, okay?”
“Of course, I will, I got the impression from the way you guys talked its best if you never see him, right?”
Dean laughed, “I don’t want to take any chances, let’s just say.”

They rented a townhouse five minutes from where Cassie lived before though the stairs were a concern to Dean.
“Promise me you will take it slow I don’t care if it makes you feel like a grandma, promise me,” Dean insisted he had such a bad feeling about them but at least they were carpeted. On the other hand the carpeting could be just as tricky as wood floors.
“I promise, daddy Dean,” she said as he tickled her. as they lay talking after making love.
“Dean, you never questioned your father’s instructions before have you?”
Dean sighed, “No.” “Why are you doing it now?”
“Because there is another life at stake; one that we have to protect,” he insisted.
She kissed him again.
“Thank you for agreeing with me on this.”
“You are very welcome,” he grinned as he began kissing her neck again while she ran her hands through his hair. I’m going to miss her even more this time, my sweet love. Cassie knew where this was headed as she shivered in anticipation. She missed him so much when he wasn’t with her how was she going to make it this time. She was going to enjoy the time they had and not worry about the future. She had to be strong so that he could do what he felt he had to do, that’s why they worked. He could never know how her heart broke each time he left her. Her lover, her husband, her Dean.

She was still working on the online blog everyday despite the fact that they were too many incidents for Dean and Sam to ever deal with. It was a good way for them to keep up with what was happening and map out the hot spots.

After a month and a half, Dean began getting restless he wanted to leave again so that he could be around during the later months of Cassie’s pregnancy. Another part of him didn’t want to leave since he now carried the sonogram picture in his wallet and he had just felt the baby move for the first time. He was torn but he had to be strong.
“Sam we need to get back out there,” Dean said pacing.
“What about the baby?”
“Everything is fine can you believe I felt our baby move yesterday; its all so surreal,” Dean said.
Sam laughed.
“I still can’t believe you’re going to be a dad.”
Dean nodded.
“I know but just to feel that baby move inside of Cassie made me realize how we have to get out of here so we can get back before I miss too many of those moments.”
“ Okay, well give me a little notice when you think you are ready,” Sam said.
“Sam, this is your notice,” Dean laughed.
“How are things with you and Missy?”
Sam said they were doing well so much so that when they returned he would be moving in with her. She knew all about the ghost hunting and was Cassie’s closest friend so that worked out for everyone. That night Cassie was a little surprised to hear about Dean leaving so soon but was glad they he was doing it in order to have more time with her later on.
“It’s a good idea, Missy can move in here while you are gone to help out.” she said.
“I’m glad you won’t be alone, but what about her apartment?”
“She’s subletting for a few months.”
Dean was glad that she would be there for Cassie.


Coming Soon Cassie Winchester Part Two

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