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Warning: PG-17 (Adult Situations)

Trouble in Texas

“Yea Dad, Cassie is with us,” Sam said as he absentmindedly watched Cassie and Dean in the store, as his father droned on about all the reasons Cassie shouldn’t travel with them. Sam saw Dean wrap his arms around Cassie as she laughed he kissed her neck. Then Dean headed toward the coffee center and Cassie grabbed two drinks out of the drink cooler before they met at the register to pay. Sam realized his father was waiting for a response from him.
“Dean insists Cassie will be fine, come on Dad he loves her give him a break,” Sam said.
John finally hung up with a request for Dean to call him, Sam told him he would let him know.

When they were back on the road Sam asked Cassie to tell him about how she and Dean met. Dean was quiet as he smiled.
Cassie had been on her cell inside the Seven Eleven store with her back to the door when Dean backed in the door almost hitting her. When he saw her he apologized as he boldly looked her up and down. Cassie smiled and completed her call. She was standing outside when he came out. He smiled at her. “So do you know of any good place I can take you to lunch?” Dean asked.
{End Flashback}
Sam laughed.
“I had no idea you meet at Seven Eleven,” Sam said.
Cassie smiled.
“I thought it was sweet,” she said.
“Do you want to hear the rest or not?” Dean said.
“I’m sorry go ahead.”

“Yea I know of a good place,” she said as she pointed to her black Camry.
Dean followed her to the restaurant in his car. Once they were at the restaurant Dean knew he wasn’t getting a burger. The place was full of college kids; it was a coffee shop type restaurant that served sandwiches. “Is this okay?” Cassie asked after they got in line.
Dean nodded; he figured he could be flexible.
“I don’t suppose they have burgers,” he said.
Cassie shook her head and smiled.
“They do have a great Philly cheese steak sandwich,” she said enthusiastically.
“Sounds good,” he said.
“By the way, I’m Cassie,” she said as they put her hand out for him to shake.
“I’m Dean,” he said holding her soft hand for a moment longer than necessary.
{End Flashback}

“So you didn’t even know each other’s names until you were about to eat lunch?”
Sam asked.
“We were in different cars, there wasn’t much time,” Cassie said laughing.
“He’s being facetious,” Dean said as he turned into a restaurant parking area.
After they ordered Cassie continued to tell Sam about their first meeting.

“So how long do you left in college?” Dean asked.
“I graduate next month with a journalism degree,” she said.
“What about you?”
“No college just high school, my brother’s in Law School but I’m more of a student of life,” Dean said.
“So do you usually pick up women at convenience stores?” she asked with a smile before she bit into her Tempeh Reuben.
“No, I’ve been at loose ends waiting to hear from my father,” he said without expounding.
“Well your offer was timely; my lunch date had just cancelled on me.”
Dean liked her looks from the start, obviously mixed with long wavy hair plus her snug jeans and feminine top fit nicely on her small frame; now he knew he also enjoyed the sound of her voice that was low and melodic. She licked her full lips.
“I’m glad you agreed to come,” he said with a smile.
“So you’re just visiting the area?” she asked as she sipped her green tea.
“Yea, but it could be a couple a weeks. Would you consider dinner with me tonight if you aren’t busy?” “Only if we ride in the same car,” she teased as she openly flirted with him.
{End Flashback}

“So that’s how it all started,” Sam asked.
“Yes,” Cassie said as they left the restaurant.
“Looks like you had eating in common,” Sam laughed.
“Lucky for us opposites do attract,” Cassie said as she smiled at Dean.
“Oh yea call Dad, Dean.”

Dean phoned his Dad as they got back on the road; he stood outside the car while Cassie and Sam waited inside.
“Dad she’ll be fine; yes, she asked to come.”
John insisted it was selfish and reckless to have Cassie with them.
“I’m glad you have so much confidence in Sam and I; I really have to go,” Dean said as he hung up. For a moment, Dean wondered if his Dad wasn’t right.

In the car Sam told Cassie what was going on with John.
“I made the decision I’m a grown up,” Cassie said upset as she went to grab the phone from Dean. But she was too late he had already ended the call.
Dean embraced her.
“It’s okay, I’m on your side,” he said smiling.
But she wasn’t easily distracted.
“Call him back so I can speak to him you should have let me talk to him to begin with,” she said stubbornly.
Dean smiled.
“Okay fine,” he said hitting redial and handing her the phone.

“Mr. Winchester this is Cassie I appreciate you being concerned for me I don’t want to live my life in constant fear. I admit my mom’s murder was disturbing but I’m working my way through that.”
John interrupted her to tell her maybe a little fear would benefit her.
She disagreed.
“Life is too sort and uncertain not to live it to the fullest,” Cassie said.
Dean kissed her.
John was still unhappy but he said he would talk to them soon as he hung up. She handed Dean the phone.
“You’re not off the hook,” she said as she crossed her arms over he chest.
He reached for her but she stopped him. “Promise me you don’t have any doubts.”
“Not doubts it’s just that so many times Sam and I have been hurt on these trips,” Dean said.
“But I agree with you life’s too short to worry, we just have to be careful.”
She sighed as they walked to the car hand in hand. “Spitfire,” Sam laughed.
“You have no idea,” Dean remarked.

After two days of Cassie traveling with them Dean had begun to have doubts again. He loved her beyond reason so he was concerned for her safety but Sam and Cassie both insisted that they would be careful while Dean told them he wouldn’t worry he still couldn’t help it. Since they began the journey as a threesome Dean hoped Sam wasn’t feeling left out, he was afraid it would be hard for Sam to see him and Cassie as they were affectionate with one another since he knew Sam missed Jessica. When they stopped in Oklahoma for the night Dean decided he and Cassie should have a talk.
“What is it?” Cassie asked.
“I feel sad for Sam, maybe we aren’t being fair,” he said smiling at her.
Cassie looked at him curiously.
“I just hope he isn’t hurting you know seeing us together,” he said while he pulled her back into his arms.
“I think he is a hell of a lot stronger than you give him credit for, more than likely he is encouraged by our relationship.”
“I hope so,” he said while she pressed her lips against his eager to feel his tongue in her mouth again.

A few days later while they filled up the tank of the car headed for Texas, Cassie picked up a couple of newspapers to read. She found something she thought would interest them right away.
“Hey check this out; Looks like a popular restaurant has had three mysterious deaths in the last month.” Dean looked at her as though she hadn’t said anything important.
“Cas,” he began.
“The important part is that this place is known for its abundance of paranormal activity, until recently all of the spirits seemed harmless,” she continued proudly.
Sam laughed then cleared his throat.
“Good eye,” he said.
Dean smiled to himself.
She told them it was in the Dallas area not far from where they planned on staying the night. Cassie had read John’s diary and was researching paranormal subjects on the internet so she wouldn’t be totally stupid about what they could encounter.

When they reached the Dallas metro area Cassie was excited. She insisted they should go western dancing since it was something Dallas was known for. Dean was uncertain about the plan; he and Cassie hadn’t gone dancing in years.

The last time he got in a fight with a man who was trying to pick her up. The guy just didn’t understand the word NO; Cassie had tried to be nice about it but Dean had to get involved when the man put his arm around her and began whispering in her ear. Dean believed it was his fault since he had been drinking and had to go to the men’s room leaving Cassie alone. He and the gentleman engaged in a fist fight in the parking lot but lucky for them the owner just sent them on their way when they were done thoroughly beating one another. Cassie took Dean to the emergency room but was furious with him for fighting he was bruised and sore but there were no internal injuries. Luckily she hadn’t stayed upset with him instead she took care of him for days afterward that happened at the end of their first week together.

Dean watched Sam and Cassie across the room; Cassie was making calls while Sam searched the phone book. They really wanted to find a nice place to go dance he didn’t have the heart to tell them he didn’t want to go. After she completed her call she came to sit in Dean’s lap, he smiled but she knew he wasn’t happy.
“If you really don’t want to do this, we don’t have to,” she volunteered with a pout as she ran her finger down his nose and he kissed it.
“No, I can do this for you, I may even enjoy it,” he said as she kissed him.

Cassie went with Sam to buy cowboy boots while Dean stayed at the hotel researching the Catfish Plantation where the murders had taken place. The place look like a hotbed of activity he was surprised to see no one had been hurt before now. His eyes burned after being online so long so he went to lie down. He woke up to find Cassie grinning down at him he thought wearing only her bra and panties. “What are you up to?” he asked her as she grinned.
She bit her lip but it gave her a look that screamed I did something naughty so Dean tried to tickle a confession out of her but she refused to disclose her secret. When she got off him he saw she was wearing red cowboy boots. Dean smiled they suited her perfectly. She hadn’t smiled like this since before her mother died; it was something he cherished; I love when she is so full of life.

He hadn’t planned it but he couldn’t resist her. He pulled her back on the bed and they made love with her boots on.
“I bet this makes me a real cowgirl,” she teased when they were done.
“I don’t doubt it and I thought stilettos were sexy,” he grinned.
When she was dressed to go out in her jean skirt and beaded red tank top she surprised Dean with his own pair of brown cowboy boots.
“You are so sneaky I thought you were the only one that got a pair, thank you,” he said kissing her.
“Sam bought himself a pair too, they’re pretty comfy casual shoes, once they’re broken in” she said.

After Dean showered he looked in the mirror and saw why Cassie had seemed so guilty; she had created a trail of hickies down his neck. He must to have been really tired to not have felt that. He smiled because he loved her affection.
“You’re in trouble, young lady,” he whispered in her ear as they were leaving to go out.
She just laughed.

At the bar Sam went his way with a promise to meet up with them in a couple of hours. Cassie and Dean’s first dance was to a slow song but the dance floor was so full that their was more kissing going on then actually dancing because of lack of space, but Dean didn’t mind. There next two trips to dance were for country a song which was great for Cassie since she loved the Two Step; Dean admitted to enjoying it too.

After a few beers Dean had to go to the men’s room; the line was so long he was gone for a half hour. When he returned Cassie was talking to a tall brunette man.
“Excuse me,” Dean said to the man.
“Looks like he made it back,” the man said getting off of Dean’s stool.
Cassie thanked him before he left.
Dean sat down.
“I told him my hubby was in the restroom; so he helped me save your seat,” she said.
“Why didn’t you say boyfriend?”
“Boyfriends’ aren’t usually permanent, husbands tend to be.”
Dean put his arms around her.
Would you like to get married?” Dean asked.


Trouble in Texas Part Two

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