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Warning: PG-17 (Adult Situations)

Trouble in Texas
Part Two

Cassie stared at him unsure of what to say then someone banged against her stool.
“We should go its getting too crowded in here,” Cassie said as Dean helped her out of the way.
Once they were outside they paged Sam to let him know where they were. Dean was a little uncertain. Did she miss the question? Or was she just not interested? Surely she was she loves me, right? She looked at him while she bit her lip.
“Yea, Cas.”
He put his arms around her.
“Were you trying to ask me to marry you, back there?" she asked as she leaned against his chest.
“Yes,” he whispered in her hair.
“I love you but I don’t believe in fairy tales,” she said looking in his eyes. “You know I’m no Prince Charming and I’m rarely traditional; but I’ve thought about this,” he began.

Sam interrupted as he came out leading a tall blonde woman and immediately hailed them all a cab. He introduced her as Tina while they all tried to fit in the small backseat they were surprised Sam would take someone back to the hotel but there wasn’t anything that Dean could say in such close quarters.

Back at the hotel Cassie had to keep Dean from confronting Sam.
“You know your brother wouldn’t do something stupid,” she said as she stood in front of the bedroom door.
“So he’s thinking with the brain above his belt?” Dean asked.
“I think so,” she said eager to give Sam the benefit of the doubt.
Cassie sat on the edge of the bed.
“Besides we didn’t finish our talk,” she said.
Dean was quiet.
“You said you had thought about asking me to marry you,” she added wondering why he was looking strangely at her.
He pulled her up on the bed.
“I want to make an honest woman out of you,” he said smiling.
“If you’re sure the answer is yes.”
“I’m very sure,” he insisted as he kissed her.

He pulled her hands over her head and held them there. Cassie bit her lip, she hated being tickled but he owed her from earlier so she had to take her punishment. She smiled at him as he raised an eyebrow and kissed her nose. Her heart raced as he kissed her neck, oh no she could feel his breath on her skin, that was worse than tickling it felt like butterfly kisses but that felt good. Dean stopped and wet his lips while Cassie watched him.
“You look terrified, I won’t hurt you,” he teased.
“I’m not afraid,” she mumbled.
He felt sorry for her though she deserved to be screaming for mercy for what she had done; funny how one so brave could fall apart at the thought of being tickled it had to be psychological. He put his mouth to her ear.
“I’m giving you a pardon this time; just because I love you,” he whispered as he released her hands.
She pulled him down for a kiss.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t get me wrong this is a ONE time pardon,” he emphasized as he kissed her again.

Tina was on the phone in the other room.
“Yea, come get me but don’t let him follow you okay,” she said into the phone.
After getting off the phone Tina thanked Sam for helping her out of a bad situation. Just because she and Sam had danced her boyfriend had gotten angry and gone out to get his gun which is when Sam had sped them all off in the cab. Her friend was going to wait a while to come get her so as not to involve Sam even though she was afraid to go home.

It was the next morning before Tina’s friend phoned her again this time she was upset she told Tina that her boyfriend was looking everywhere for her and she needed to be careful. Tina told Sam what was happening and he hugged her sad that someone who seemed so nice could be involved with such a goof up. If I didn’t have Dean and Cas I would take her myself, but we have to get to work. Tina’s friend finally came an hour later and she thanked Sam profusely as he wished her luck.


Cassie woke up sick the next morning but she insisted she would be fine at the hotel alone. Dean was uncomfortable with Cassie being in pain.
“Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” he asked as she took some medication.
Cassie smiled she knew Dean hadn’t ever spent that much time with a woman to understand all the things they had to deal with.
“I’ll be okay, I promise,” she said after she gave him a kiss.
Sam and Dean left to talk to the wife of the man that had died at the restaurant.

In the car Dean was quiet; Sam looked at him he knew he was concerned about Cassie.
“Dean she’ll be fine she told you what was wrong with her right?”
“Yea, but I don’t feel any better because she is still in pain,” he said looking at Sam like he wasn’t getting it.
“You’re right I’m sorry we should take her a surprise back; I suggest some dark chocolate or a bag of chips, believe me they can take a lot more pain then we can,” Sam said with a smile.
Then he explained to Dean about his suggestions. Dean laughed.
“So what’s this about you and Cas getting married?”

Cassie suggested they go in as reporters for her new online paranormal blog; something they had convinced her to create and operate to keep up with activity that may not be reported in the newspapers.

The victim’s wife was an ex librarian who came across as very quiet and soft spoken. Because of the nature of the deaths their reporter identities fit perfectly. She told them that they had been to the restaurant several times before but the night her husband was killed he did not go with her. Then she started to cry; he was there to meet someone when he met his untimely death.
“Did you know you husband was having an affair?” Sam asked.
She shook her head as she excused herself to get a tissue. Dean got up to look at the photos on the piano of the stylish ranch style home. It appeared they had at least three teenagers; that’s a lot of work to deal with enough to drive you out of the house to find relaxation elsewhere, Dean thought.
“No, I had no idea,” she answered bringing the tissue box with her.
“The wife’s usually the last to know I’ve heard.”
“When you went to the restaurant before did you know about the paranormal activity?” Sam asked.
“There have been stories about that place for years; I never saw or felt any thing when we were there but I know of people who have.”
“I would appreciate if you don’t use our story in your magazine,” she insisted as they were leaving.
“Okay but we do appreciate your time,” Dean said.

They had one more stop on the outskirts of Dallas at the second victim’s home which was actually an apartment on the south side of town. No one answered the door so they left a note with a number under the door.
“So tomorrow after the hospital we head toward Waxahachie for a few days?”
“That’s the plan,” Dean said pointing to the Super Walmart.
Sam laughed as they got out.
“Don’t start with me I’m not getting soft I just want to take care of my Sweetie,” Dean said not looking at Sam.
“Okay so we originally came to Texas because you wanted to take Cassie to Padre? Since when do we take that kind of time off?”
Dean looked at him.
“Oh, you had planned on asking her there? Well what happened?”
“It just happened she was there and she looked so sweet; damn I couldn’t wait.” Dean said as they walked inside the store.
Oh Dean you are in for a life changing experience.
Cassie was on the sofa wearing sweat pants and a t-shirt with her legs up reading when they returned.
“Hi,” she said.
“You feeling better?” Dean asked.
She nodded as he hugged her.
“I brought you something,” he said handing her the bag.
“Godiva chocolates, thank you,” she said hugging him again and winking a Sam across the room knowing he had to be responsible for Dean’s enlightenment.
“Sam turn around for a minute,” Dean said.
“Look in the bag again.”
Once she did she saw a pair of red bikini panties with spoiled rotten on them and a tiny apple that hung down in the back something that would drive her crazy all day or turn her on.
She laughed.
“Something to look forward to when you’re better,” he said.
“I love them,” she said as she kissed him.

Cassie tossed and turned all night even after Dean woke her up to take more medicine.
“Will you massage my back?”
“Sure,” he said.
He placed his warm hands on her back and gently kneaded it with his palms, he used firm gentle strokes. She started to relax after a few minutes then she thanked him and apologized for waking him.
“Not a problem,” he said as she lay in his arms.
“I appreciate you being here for me.”
“Do you want a baby?” he asked surprising her.
“Someday that would be nice.”
“My thoughts exactly, but what if it happens before we feel ready?” he asked.
Cassie felt like this was a test question she wasn’t anti abortion but she also couldn’t see herself ever getting rid of Dean’s child so she just told him that. He was glad that she felt that way he should have asked these questions before because Cassie came across as really liberal at times.

Dean was wide awake now.
“So do you believe in fate?”
“I don’t know Dean I do think that things happen for a reason.”
“Yes, definitely us I think I’m good for you,” she said with a laugh.
He held her tighter as he smiled to himself.
“Yea I get that and you’re right; have I thanked you for coming back into my life?”
“You’re loving me has been thanks enough.”
She snuggled closer to him glad to have him beside her. Poor Dean he had no idea what he was getting into.

The next day, Cassie waited in the car while Dean and Sam went into the hospital to speak with the lone survivor of the restaurant incidents. Once they were on the right floor they told the nurse they were friends of the victim’s. She informed them he had three broken ribs plus numerous bruises and stitches. In the room they were back to being reporters.
“Mr. Baker, hi I am Dean and this is Sam,” Dean said pointing at Sam.
“We just had a few questions about your accident.” “Who are you?” he asked.
“We’re reporters for a paranormal periodical,” Sam answered.
“So I’ll be in a magazine?”
“Well we can only use so many stories in each issue but we’ll let you know if yours makes it,” Dean said pleasantly.
He seemed satisfied with that explanation.

The first thing they saw when they got near the car which was parked at the back of the lot was feet hanging out the back window.
“Nice color,” Sam said as he got in the car with a smile to Cassie.
Cassie had her feet out the window to dry her nail polish as she lay in the backseat reading. She sat up when she heard them. All she wore was a pair of Capri’s and a crop top. Dean slammed the door as he entered the car. Cassie instinctively knew that it had something to do with her.
“So how did it go?” she asked no one in particular.
“Good,” Sam said while looking at Dean.
“The guy said he was pushed and that it wasn’t and accident,” Sam added.
“Do you understand the concept of careful?” Dean interrupted obviously pointing his inquiry at Cassie as he turned to look at her. Cassie didn’t want to fight in front of Sam.

She slid on her sandals and got out of the car with Dean close behind.
“Damn it, Cas, I can’t do what needs to be done and worry about you,” he said stopping her by grabbing her hand.
“Then stop worrying,” she said point blank.
Sam could hear everything inside the car, no Cas he needs to worry its part of him. “You’re just being stubborn you know you were wrong,” he replied angrily.
“All the doors were locked.”
“But the windows were down and before you realized it someone could have unlocked the door and been in there with you.”
“It was hot,” she insisted.
He shook his head.
“Yeah,” he said.
“You’re right, I’m sorry for my carelessness please don’t tell John.”
Sam laughed to himself.
Dean wrapped her in his arms, “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

Back in the car and on the road Sam was quiet. “We know you heard everything so stop pretending,” Dean said hitting Sam on the shoulder as he drove.
“It’s okay Sam if you want to yell at me too just go ahead,” Cassie said.
“No, that’s between you and your fiancé,” he said with a smile.
“I didn’t mean to yell, just stop making me crazy.” Dean said as he turned around to smile at her.


Trouble in Texas Part One

Trouble in Texas Part Three

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