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Warning: PG-17 (Adult Situations)

Trouble in Texas
Part Three

“So Cassie what happened that first night that you and Dean had dinner?”
Dean picked her up at the dorm that night. He knocked on the door at the room and Cassie’s Mormon room mate, Sara, answered the door. She was tall with long brown hair that looked mousy; her whole appearance screamed I hate myself.
“Hi I’m Dean,” he said before Cassie told him to come in from the other side of the door.
“Come in for a second,” she said as Sara left the room. She sat on the bed as she put her shoes on.
“I wasn’t that hard to find in the building, right?” Cassie asked as she finished and grabbed her purse.
“No it was easy,” he said as they shut the door.
{End Flashback}

“Hey I’m going to need some navigational help here,” Dean said.
They were in down town Dallas, luckily it was after rush hour. Cassie had the map.
“Just go south toward Waco,” she said.
“Okay goes south toward Houston both ways will work.”
“You sure?” Sam asked.
“Positive,” Cassie insisted.
Cassie showed Sam the map and how the highways merged. He agreed finally.
“Yea, it’s going to be really hard to get lost,” Sam laughed.
“I just hope they have good catfish because I’m starving,” she laughed.
Sam took out his cell.
“I better make a reservation,” he said.

After he took care of that he was ready to hear more about Dean and Cassie’s first dinner.
They went to eat at the local pizzeria. The place was full but for a couple of people it was easy to find them a table. Cassie said hi to her friends and introduced Dean on the way to sit down. They ordered two individual pizzas because they had such different tastes.
“I’m not supposed to have pizza, I think you’re being a bad influence on me,” she teased.
“I hear that a lot,” Dean said with a smile. I like that she knows how to laugh at herself. Dean’s pizza was a meat lovers while Cassie had veggies with pineapples, they were both happy with their choices and the pizza was quite tasty.
“This pizza is really good, do you eat here often?” Dean asked.
“Not really, since I’m vegan I’m not supposed to eat the cheese, remember?”
Dean laughed, “That’s too bad you may want to rethink that.”
{End Flashback}

“Dean, how rude,” Sam said.
“She knew I was joking,” Dean said.
“Yea, I got him right away he was easily the coolest guy I ever met; not necessarily cool in a good way at times though,” she said as she cleared her throat.
“What?” Dean said trying not to smile in response to her comments.
Cassie clammed up.
“Was I really that cold?”
Cassie let Dean know that he only reacted they way he was taught. He was only protecting himself. In an attempt to lighten the mood Cassie told Sam how her and Dean hit off right away they were both a bit arrogant and stubborn. After meeting Dean Cassie never wanted anyone else even after Dean left his had marked her soul.

At the restaurant they parked down the street, Sam gave Cassie and Dean a moment alone. He held her as they leaned against the car kissing.
“We still have to be careful, okay.”
“Of course,” she replied as she looked in his eyes.
“Have I told you how happy I am that you came along?”
“Maybe once or twice,” she said pressing her lips against his again.
“Have I told you how much I love you lately?” Dean asked
Cassie nodded, “In many ways.”
Dean smiled as he kissed her one last time before taking her inside to meet up with Sam.

The restaurant was as lively as every other establishment around you would never know people had died there recently. Dean wondered how they got away with opening up so soon. Despite the reservation they had to wait in line with everyone else for at least a half hour according to the waitress. Sam and Cas sat down while Dean went back out to the car to get Cassie’s shrug. He wondered if she knew the cold she was feeling was more than likely the ghosts.

When they were seated upstairs in on of the three rooms that were formerly bedrooms Dean was still cold; as he looked over at Sam he could tell he was feeling it to. No one else seemed bothered as he tried to see how everyone else was reacting to the creepy feeling he had. Cassie was reading the menu and didn’t seem bothered either. Maybe he was overly sensitive to these things.

Cassie ordered Cajun catfish with beans and rice while Dean and Sam got the Friday fish fry.
“I love these old houses; I think in the north someone would have made a B & B out of this place instead of restaurant, don’t you think?” she asked making conversation.
Dean nodded.
While Sam agreed, “I think it’s doing really well as a restaurant so guess they knew what they were doing.”
Dean was looking in the mirror above Cassie’s head, every time he glanced away he saw something opaque floating in it but when he turned around nothing was there but the same couple that had been eating behind them the entire time. He didn’t mentioned it he just kept watch.
Once the meal arrived everyone showed how much they enjoyed the food by quietly eating it. Cassie laughed after a bit.
“You can always tell if the food is good; because everyone eats in silence.
“I can’t say I’ve had much catfish in my life, but this is outstanding,” Sam replied.
“Same here,” was all Dean added.
About the time they were considering dessert there was a loud crash then someone screamed. Dean grabbed their ticket as all three of them rushed downstairs. There was a man lying on the lawn surrounded by a dozen or so people by the time they saw him. Going on the assumption that the screamer was female Dean sent Cassie to the women’s room to see what she could find out while they asked questions outside.

The first thing she heard when she got in there was someone crying.
“You okay?” she asked through the stall door.
The attendant just watched her.
“Could you please get her some water?” Cassie asked the attendant who went out to do what she asked.
“Do you know the person that fell out there?”
“He was my boyfriend,” she said crying again.
“I’m sorry,” Cassie said as she let her know she had her water.
A short dark haired young lady opened the door to take the water. She drank all the water and handed it back to Cassie.
“Thanks. He was married but we had been seeing one another for over a year,” she informed them. Since the attendant was now standing near Cassie.
“Should we call someone?” the attendant asked.
The lady, Maureen, handed her his card and the attendant went out of the bathroom with it.
“You going to be okay?” Cassie asked with concern.
“I think so, the cops will need to talk to me, right?”
“What did happen?"
“It was weird we were walking near the end of the hall; I felt a rush of cold air then he was gone.”
“Head first out the window.”
Cassie wondered aloud if he had jumped but Maureen insisted they he didn’t she thought he might have been pushed by some unseen hand but she had no proof.

Cassie met Dean and Sam outside the restaurant so they could go back to the car.
“Another case of infidelity,” Cassie said.
“Looks like one of our ghosts is out for revenge,” Dean said.
“Well according tot he research only one of the resident ghosts was murdered so we can assume it’s her,” Sam said.
Cassie told them about the rest of the conversation with Maureen. They decided to go back tomorrow to talk to the owners.

Back at the hotel they discussed their options. “We really have no jurisdiction with this thing, with the other ghosts that are present we can’t perform a cleanse because they would be eliminated too.” Sam said.
“I think if the owners want to retain business they would be more concerned with getting rid of what’s causing the problem than worrying about the feelings of the spirits,” Dean said.
“So you think there is a judgmental ghost causing these deaths?” Cassie asked from the kitchen.
“That seems to be what these guys had in common,” Sam said as he headed for the shower.

Dean pinned Cassie against the counter in the mini kitchen; they were kissing when Sam came out of the room using the shower.
“You can have the room back, I’m done,” he said.
“Good night,” they said as they went into the room.
After they were finally cuddled up in bed Dean wanted to find out when they would marry.
“So have you thought about your vows yet?”
“Actually I have and there won’t be anything about obeying in them,” Cassie laughed.
“I expected as much,” Dean said with a smile.
“But I will respect you as my husband,” she said serious now.
“You know that license we picked up is only good for thirty days and we can use it in two.”
“I know, I am ready when ever you are,” she said as she kissed him.

The restaurant was roped off the next day just like they suspected it would since it was a crime scene but the owner was available. Dean asked to speak with her and she came outside to talk to them.
“We were here yesterday when the accident happened,” Sam said.
“I spoke with the girlfriend of the guy that died and she insisted she felt something before he went out the window,” Cassie added.
“I’ve heard that before about the cold spots and such,” the owner said.
She told them she knew they should have just left the place closed after the last death but they had someone come in and supposedly clear out the ghosts before they had reopened. She hadn’t experience anything that seemed paranormal since the cleanse so she assumed it was okay now the business was in jeopardy and she didn’t know what they would do.
“I definitely felt some activity when I was here yesterday,” Dean said and Sam agreed.
They let her know that they had experience with this type of thing and they were hoping that she would let them try something but insisted that she should help.

When they went back later to meet the owners they went in the house alone with the monitor to check out the spirits, they were careful to stay away from windows. There was definitely spirits still in the house. They let the owners know and the gave them the herb bundles to use in the cleanse they told them to take control and not have any fear as they opened all the windows and burned the herbs through out each room of the house. They circulated the odors with a fan so they didn’t miss any part of the house. Once they were done they waited a half hour before going back in with the monitor.
“So you should feel some sort of release after all that,” Sam said.
“I feel better that we are taking control,” the owners wife said.
Cassie and Dean came out and gave them the thumbs up.
“Looks like it worked but you definitely want to go back in with the other herbs to create a positive energy now that the negative is gone,” Cassie said proud of her internet research.
The owners thanked them for their help as they left them.

Cassie was sitting in the passenger seat of the car listening to the radio the next afternoon dozing, while Sam and Dean were in the store, when there was the sound of crunching metal on her right side. She screamed as her arm began to ache. Dean ran up to the drivers door to see if she was okay. His heart ached when he saw her face; as gentle as possible he slid her across the seat toward him while Sam dialed 911. Dean could tell her arm was broken because it lay unnaturally as tears ran down her face. He gently pushed the driver seat back so she would have room.
“You're going to be okay Cas,” he said smiling at her.
“Okay,” was her only reply.
The owner of the car that hit theirs was in even more of a shock because it had been a little child at the wheel and the mother didn’t know what to do. He had released her parking brake and gone backward in the parking lot.
“They are on the way they said to keep her awake,” Sam informed him.
“Cassie, talk to me, yell at me or something,” Dean said.
“I’m awake but it really hurts.”
“I’m sorry, Baby, you know I would take your place if I could,’ Dean said.

Dean rode with Cassie in the ambulance while Sam took the car to be repaired Dean insisted Cassie would be fine and Sam could join them at the hospital after he took care of his other baby, his car. Sam shook his head he couldn’t believe him. He was left to get the insurance information from the rightful driver of the other vehicle. The lady seemed to be okay now but earlier when he asked how she was doing she hadn’t said much. Her son was only three and shouldn’t have been in the car alone especially in the front seat. Sam got her information plus directions to the nearest mechanic so he could get his assignment done. While they worked on the door he phoned to check on Cassie.

Dean let him know they were setting her arm that was broken in three places otherwise she was fine. They wanted to keep her overnight to make sure she didn’t have whiplash or something. Before they hung up Dean gave him directions to the hospital and thanked him for taking care of the car.
“I didn’t mean to be a jerk,” Dean said.
“It’s okay I know you were worried about Cas,” Sam said.

Once the car was being cared for at the mechanics Sam took a cab to the hospital. When he walked into Cassie’s room he found Dean sitting by her bed as he watched her sleep.
“How is she?”
“She just dozed off they gave her some pain medicine,” Dean said taking Sam out in the hall to talk.
Sam noticed Cassie arm was in a full arm cast. Oh she is going to hate having someone help her do everything even if it is Dean, Ouch. Sam gave him the update on the car situation and Dean thanked him again for taking care of things.
“How are you holding up?”
Dean smiled.
“I’m fine Sam I know Cassie is tough even though I don’t want her hurting.”
“It’s natural for you to feel that way; It doesn’t make you weak to care, Dean, stop fighting it.” Sam said smiling.


Trouble in Texas Part One

Trouble in Texas Part Two

Trouble in Texas Part Four Coming Soon**

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