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Educational Portfolio

                                  Admission to Teacher Education

Admission to Student Teaching

Professional Program Exit



Management Plan

Over the summer, I have done much research on classroom management.  My goal is to implement a plan where the students take more responsibility for their actions.  The plan I will chose to implement in my classroom is the Marvin Marshal's Raising Responsibility Management Plan.  Below is a list of sample procedures that will be implement within the classroom. 


Classroom procedures that will be discussed and role-played 

  • ·        How to enter the classroom

  • ·        How to participate in discussions

  • ·        How or when to ask a question

  • ·        How to use an activity center

  • ·        How to distribute/hand in supplies

  • ·        How to distribute/hand in papers/homework

  • ·        How to participate in small group activities

  • ·        Positive interaction with other students

  • ·        What to do if a problem arises

  • ·        Or anything else that requires a mode of operation

Positive reinforcement that will be used in the classroom 

·        Focus on positive behavior

  • o       I really like how _____________ is following the lifeskill of responsibility.

  • o       I really like how _____________ followed our procedures when she ___________.

  • o       Group one did an excellent job at the math center.  Can you tell the rest of the class how well you worked together?

  • o       Any other positive comment that reinforces positive behavior

Example of Classroom Responsibilities 

Do my work
Have materials
Be where I belong
Control myself
Follow directions
Speak considerately

Be prompt
Bring materials
Listen for instructions
Honor self and others
Accept ownership of my choices

How these responsibilities will be introduced: 

Introduction:  The teacher and class will discuss the different kinds of jobs that exist at the school such as principal, teacher, secretary, librarian, etc. 

Procedure:  The teacher will have students list some responsibilities of the jobs discussed.  Then the teacher will tell the class that there is another job called “Student”.  The teacher will ask the students what they believe their responsibilities will be in the classroom this year.  The teacher will focus on responsibilities rather than rules and express the difference to the students.  The student’s responsibilities should reflect the ones above.

After the responsibilities are listed then the teacher will design a contract, which will be signed by the student, teacher, and parent.     

Consequences: If the student acts irresponsibly then the contract will be taken out and discussed.  If the student continues to act irresponsibly then the student will be asked to write briefly on his behavior and what he can do to act more responsibly in the future.  This will be discussed and sent home to the parent to be signed.  If the student continues to act irresponsibly then a conference with the building principal and/or parent will be requested.

Walk-in Procedures

 My items will be put away

 My homework goes on the back table

 My lunch money goes into the pouch

 I will quietly choose a center activity

 I will complete a quiet activity until our morning meeting

Center Procedures 

I will quietly go to my chosen center

 I will quietly complete the activity of my choice

 I will wait to ask questions or make comments until discussion time

 When I am finished with my center activity, I will complete a quiet activity at my desk

Responsibility Chair Procedures

 I will quietly sit in the responsibility chair 

I will turn over the timer 

When the timer is finished, I will be done writing about my behavior 

I will leave it on the desk until the teacher is ready to conference with me 

I will quietly go back to the activity I was doing

Comment - Box Procedures 

I will quietly sit at the back table 

I will turn over the timer 

When the timer is finished, I will be done with my comment 

I will put the comment in the box 

I will quietly go back to the activity I was doing