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Educational Portfolio

                                  Admission to Teacher Education

Admission to Student Teaching

Professional Program Exit



Field Experiences

Joan Martin Elementary, Hobart

  • 1997 - Volunteer Experience for Psychology 361

    I completed 30 volunteer hours in a 2nd grade classroom.  I observed and interacted with the students in order to learn more about the developmental stages they were in according to Piaget, Erikson, and Selman.


  • 2000 - Social Studies Method Course 316

    While completing this course, I was in a 1st grade classroom.  My partner and I taught several lessons according to the theme of "Family", which was a requirement based on the Indiana State Standards for Social Studies Instruction.

Liberty Elementary, Hobart

  • 2001 - Science Method Course 317

    While completing this course, I was in a 4th grade classroom.  My partner and I taught several lessons using the SCIS science kit.  Each lesson had to be connected to the Indiana State Standards for Science Instruction, as well as Purdue Standards.

Harding Elementary, Hammond

  • 2001 - Corrective Reading Method Course 307

    While completing this course, I was tutoring a student in a 5th grade classroom.  I developed lesson plans that were adapted to her reading level and reading needs.  My student could read difficult text, but could not comprehend what she had read.  I developed multiple graphic organizers and checklists she could use before, during, and after reading in order to strengthen her comprehension skills.


  • 2000 - Reading Method Course 306

    While completing this course, we applied reading strategies that were being taught in this course to our field work.  I was placed in a 5th grade class and completed several different lesson plans related to activities we were taught during the course.

Edison Elementary, Hammond

  • 2000 - Math Method Course 315

    While completing this course, I taught Inquiry Math to two different 1st grade classrooms.  This experience was extremely beneficial because it taught me how to teach math to multiple levels of learners.  Also, it exposed me to an inquiry approach to mathematics and how it benefits students.

Caldwell Elementary, Hammond

  • 2000 - Language Arts Method Course 314

    While completing this course, My partner and I taught several lessons designed to develop students reading comprehension and fluency.