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Good News
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
This day....
Mood:  quizzical
Now Playing: Living...
Topic: Just Life!

I figured other than my regular postings to drop a note on a personal level...As I ready for bed I am very thankful to God for blessing me so much. I had enecountered problems with getting a call through to my convalescing Mother in the early morning, and in the mean time My Sister whom I had not talked to for a while called...we had a good chat.


Sis is ten years older than I am and has been an extra Mom to me...we talked of family and her grandkids, it was very informative...Sis was the main one who always told me I was smart, sharp and intuitive...she is a multi-talented lady who understands her Brother more than anyone else in the family I think..I learned to create by watching her paint as a child, and was a model for her in her art. My first modeling job! :)))  The pay was good...BurgerChef and going to see The Sound of Music. South Pacific, Oklahoma...


So after the call I was able to get through to my Mom and chat...I call her daily...I chat with her, but mainly listen, and give ear to her...and we pray, it means alot to her, and I know God hears us!


It was Mom who has been the example of a Godly Woman, and how we as five kids, Mom have us read Uncle Arthur Stories at the Kitchen table...those stories were stories that were true of the miraculous ways God answered prayers for people...especially Children! Those stories even seemed far fetched until I took God at His Word many years later and started seriously walking with Him....there are memories of instances of things we endured as a family that I would not take a fortune for because those were times where God used Mom as an example to us, and I am eternally thankful!.

When Dad died I was about 9 and Mom went back to school and got her Nursing that time there was only My Younger Brother and I, and I stepped it up as a big brother should. My Sis and Oldest Brother were off to war, and older Brother off to college. In light of being fatherless, we still had fun as we as a family, did paper routes and traveled..and lived well! Every Sunday am & pm in church and Wednesday for Prayer meetings....


So, referring back to the call with my Sister, she touched on something and it struck a chord with me as we chatted. We had discussed me being single :)) which has been the longest stretch of me being that way since I was a much younger man....and I spoke about what I would like in that area...and how I felt I was more clear about making right choices, I think what struck me was talking of being multi-faceted (My paraphrased term) and it led me to later think I have been praying was all about completeness which I realized needed to be for me..and vice versa.


So those that do visit these pages and read my postings, just know this is not the norm. I welcome Your prayers for me in this matter. I enjoyed the last few years being single for sure, and God only knows it may be quite a few more or even for good. But once again I seek some clarity from Him in this area and where to go from here in general...first and foremost to know Him more! I am tired and instead of risking my posting as something rambling I will close out for the night! Blessings! 

Mahalos In Christ,

Brother Timothy

Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.


Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 3:34 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 8 February 2012 3:14 AM EST
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