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Planet Hollywood Photos

In December 1999 our group held a get-together dinner at Planet Hollywood in Beverly Hills. Planet Hollywood was one of my personal favorite restaurants. Upon hearing rumors of the restaurant chains closure, I wanted to have one last fun-filled group dinner there! The dinner was delicious and we all had a wonderful time enjoying each others company while sharing our love for Michael!!!!! After dinner we all munched on goodies I had made and placed in MJ goody bags for each member!!! We also had a Christmas gift exchange!!! The best part of the evening....talking about MJ's gorgeous new look in the December TV guide issue that had just reached the newsstands!!!!!

*Please be patient as it takes a few moments for the pictures to load*
I apologise for the fuzzy pictures.
Reading King! & TV Guide

Here are some members gathering around to read the latest issue's of King! & TV Guide and looking up for a quick hello!!!! *LOL*

Munching Out! *LOL*

Here are members posing for a quick picture while taking a break from munching out! *LOL* From left to right are: Richard, Lisette, & Brian.

Look At My Gift!

This is Heather showing off the millennium glasses she received as a Christmas gift in our gift exchange.

Planet Group Shot

This is our group posing for yet another group shot after our dinner at Planet Hollywood. Like my MJ jacket?? *LOL* Standing from left to right are: Fahad, Richard, Donna, Agnes's mom, Lisette, Heather, Guy, Nuria, Sheree, Brian, Agnes, Susan, Elen, & Ahmad.

Hard Rock Pictures

Group B.B.Q. Pictures

Bowling Pictures

40th MJ Birthday Celebration

Solvang/Neverland Pictures