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Solvang/Neverland Photos

Here are photos taken of our King Of Pop Fanatics group members on our trip to Solvang, CA. In November 1999, our group all caravaned up to Solvang for an over-night trip. Solvang is a small Danish town that is about a 2 hour drive north of Los Angeles. Solvang is also just minutes away from Los Olivos.....and you guessed it: NEVERLAND!

Of course, the main purpose of our trip was to visit the gates of Neverland! While at the gates, our group signed a huge message card for MJ. Each member who attended wrote their own personal message to Michael! The card was left at the gates in hopes that MJ would somehow receive it. Well, guess what....MJ RECEIVED THE CARD!!!! The reason I know this is because on Monday, January 17, 1999 at 4:30 PM I received a personal phone call from Michael himself!!!! I couldnt believe it!!! Actually, my daughter Heather answered the phone. Michael said "Hi, this is Michael Jackson. May I speak to Donna Green please"? My daughter then replied "Yeah, right, whatever"!...and she hung up the phone!!! She thought it was a prank call!!!! *LOL* A few minutes later Michael called back...thank goodness!!! When I got on the phone it still took Michael a few minutes to convince me it was really him! After a few minutes of trying to convince me, Michael started reading a message I had written to him on a card that my group left for him on our trip to the Neverland gate in November!!!! Once he began reading word for word what I had written, I KNEW IT WAS HIM!!! Out of respect for Michael's privacy, I feel a responsibility not to go into every detail of the conversation. I hope you understand. I can say, however, that I, as well as my husband and two children, Heather & Brian, each spoke with Michael for over 30 minutes. Michael seemed very happy, relaxed and easy-going. Talking to Michael is literally like talking to the kindest man on earth....because he is just that!! Oh, and if youre wondering what Heather said to him about hanging up on him....Heather apologised and told Michael she thought it was someone joking with her as a prank call. Michael replied by saying, "Thats okay, that happens a lot. Actually, it was kinda funny, thats why it took a few minutes for me to call back". *LOL*

*Please be patient as it takes a few moments for the pictures to load*

Group At Gate

Here are some of our group members standing at the Neverland gate holding some banners that I made. Standing from left to right are: Sheree, Susan, Rebecca,*Mystery Man*LOL*, Heather, Donna, Elen,& Lisette. Seated from left to right are: Brian, Nuria, and kneeling behind Nuria is Fahad.

Dinner At Mannys

After our fun day visiting the gates of Neverland, our group enjoyed a Mexican dinner party in a private room at Mannys Mexican Restaurant in Solvang. We had a blast!!!!

Group Shot

After our weekend in Solvang was over, some of us drove to Hollywood to have a good-bye dinner before going our seperate ways. This picture was taken before we all left for home. Standing in the back row from left to right are: Fahad, Susan, Heather, & Richard. Standing in the front from left to right are: Elen, Rebecca, Brian, Sheree, & Donna.

Message Card For MJ!

This is a close-up shot of the card our group left for Michael. This is the very same card Michael called to thank me and our group members for!! On the card we also included two photos we had taken of our group in front of the gate!!! Michael loved it!!!

Hard Rock Pictures

Group B.B.Q. Pictures

Bowling Pictures

Planet Hollywood Pictures

40th MJ Birthday Celebration