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Pursuing New Love
Your Kisses are Heaven

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My Love [First Name of the Person Who Will Receive This Letter],

Your kisses are heaven. Your lips lingering over mine and send my heart plunging to the depths of my being, leaving me breathless... Leaving me wanting more for now and forever. Yet, I am not sure if you are just playing a game or if I am truly the object of your affection?

Tell me, and bring this agony to an end. Tell me, and bring me to an eternal place of ecstasy. Do not crush my hopes, my darling [First Name of the Person Who Will Receive This Letter]. I will dissolve into nothingness if you just consider me your play thing.

I wonder what you think. Am I one of many to desire your affections? Oh, but if there are others, I know they could not possibly love you like I do.

Do you hear the sound in my soul? Do you feel the touch of my love? It is like nothing you've ever heard or felt. It is like the kisses of angels as you float above the clouds. It is the promise of a love that will be everlasting. It is the love I have for you.

Eternally yours,

[Your Name]

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