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Pursuing New Love
All My Life I Needed You

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Darling [First Name of the Person Who Will Receive This Letter],

There was a time when the thought of seeking someone to love was at the bottom of my list. A solitary walk on the beach was more attractive than being wrapped in a lover's arms. There just existed too many complications in loving. I had no need to care for anyone other than myself.

Now I see how self-absorbed I was. I don't understand what made me think that I could survive on my own. I didn't see the need for companionship. Wasn't that a concept that could easily be shared with a pet?

I suppose that I was so lonely that I couldn't describe it. I could only deny that I needed another. Work and accomplishments could not satisfy the emptiness, yet in my stubbornness I would not seek you out.

I still don't know what you saw that made you look past the disguises. I thought I fooled everyone in that I needed no other. In truth, I can confirm that all my life I needed you. You completed me and filled the empty place in my heart. You made me whole.

I love you more each day, now and always [First Name of the Person Who Will Receive This Letter],

[Your Name]

[ All My Life I Needed You ] Are You Dreaming of Me? ] I Ache To Know You ] I Have Fallen In Love With You ] It's 2:30 AM and I Cannot Sleep Thinking of You ] Love Letters Our Grandchildren Will Read ] Loving You Is Like Playing with Fire ] My Soul Is Afire With Longing For You ] Our Brief Encounter Last Evening ] Tell me again, you love me ] Together Let Us Travel the Universe ] Why Can't I Have Enough of You? ] Your Kisses are Heaven ]

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