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Pursuing New Love
Together Let Us Travel the Universe

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Darling [First Name of the Person Who Will Receive This Letter],

Together let us travel the universe. Holding each other's hands, let us course new paths. In our journeys we will delight in the discoveries others have neglected. It matters not what we take with us as long as we have each other.

Love has become our guide. Roads that once seemed rocky are now paved smooth. We will choose to travel those less known paths, those that are not charted. We are finding delectable secrets once hidden as we progress on our way.

This is a new world to me, this world of love. I never knew there were no boundaries to our love. You seem to know the way and eagerly light the way. My shyness disappears and I am anxious to follow where you lead me. There is no need to beckon me. My love for you will always lead me to your footsteps.

Your companion and lover always,

[Your Name]

All My Life I Needed You ] Are You Dreaming of Me? ] I Ache To Know You ] I Have Fallen In Love With You ] It's 2:30 AM and I Cannot Sleep Thinking of You ] Love Letters Our Grandchildren Will Read ] Loving You Is Like Playing with Fire ] My Soul Is Afire With Longing For You ] Our Brief Encounter Last Evening ] Tell me again, you love me ] [ Together Let Us Travel the Universe ] Why Can't I Have Enough of You? ] Your Kisses are Heaven ]

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