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Pursuing New Love
I Ache To Know You

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Dear [First Name of the Person Who Will Receive This Letter],

Consider the possibilities of loving me. You would have someone by your side, at your feet, who adores you. You would know that the only thoughts on my mind are those of you. I would spend my life dedicated to making your dreams come true. All because I love you.

The mysteries that draw me to you are unending. Each day would be filled with discovery as we find out more about each other. Love is a complicated passion, woven with intricate glimpses into another's soul. I ache to know these intricacies. I ache to know you.

Let me show you how much I care. Let me be the one to share your love. Say you'll be mine. I can think of no other life than one spent loving you.

I am the destiny of your love,

[Your Name]

All My Life I Needed You ] Are You Dreaming of Me? ] [ I Ache To Know You ] I Have Fallen In Love With You ] It's 2:30 AM and I Cannot Sleep Thinking of You ] Love Letters Our Grandchildren Will Read ] Loving You Is Like Playing with Fire ] My Soul Is Afire With Longing For You ] Our Brief Encounter Last Evening ] Tell me again, you love me ] Together Let Us Travel the Universe ] Why Can't I Have Enough of You? ] Your Kisses are Heaven ]

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