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IA #19 - Burning Flies

"I am the Master! And a bloody good drag artist!"

Earth, the late twentieth century, and the insects rule supreme on a remote Pacific island. Flies crawling everwhere, and trapped on a beach with the few surviving humans the Doctor can do nothing to fight back.

And if the flies don't get him the Daleks will. Hovering over the blue-green planet like vultures over a corpse, the pepperpot monsters from Skaro recite rousing war-poetry as they plan to forever wrest control of our planet from the tyrannical rule of Emperor Letherbridge- Stewart and his elite band of UNIT soldiers. As their tactical computers calculate certain victory, their flame-haired Mistress amuses herself with her newest love toy, an insignificant studmuffin named "Adric".


Once again our Doctor and his friends cross the boundary between two Universes and find themselves in that wacky alternate existance with a radically Altered State. But this time the alternate Earth is under more threat than it has ever been before. Can the Doctor solve all its problems and return it to a state of peaceful banality? And even if he can, will he stop the flies from sucking the juice of the juiciest fruit of them all... him?

And does he really have sex with Bernice in chapter 12?

These questions and more will be answered between the pages of... Burning Flies, the eagerly anticipated sequel to Altered State.

This is another round-robin story featuring the 8th Doctor.

Certain characters in this story (mentioning no names) may be copyright the BBC, and/or Fox, and/or Virgin Publishing. Each chapter is © its author, as credited below.

The blurb you see above was whipped up in five minutes by James Farmer. The moderator for this story was Becky Dowgiert, and the cover is the work of the mysterious Time Lady X.

If you would prefer to read this story offline, you can download a Zip archive containing all the chapters by clicking here.

This story's entry in the Internet Adventures Discontinuity Guide can be read here.

This story contains adult material that is violent, sexual and potentially disturbing in nature, and should only be read by people who are over 18 and have had all their shots. No responsibility is taken for anyone who is subsequently disturbed by the content of this story.

Below are the chapters; just click on the one you want to read. You can also read the 'commentary track' in a pop-up window.

The original template for this document was created by: James Farmer and modified by Jon Andersen

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