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The Cross-Over Internet Adventures
Updated: 17th February 2003

The Cross-Over Internet Adventures (or XIAs) is a companion series of Moderated Round Robins that complement the (Eighth Doctor) Internet Adventures. A staple of fan-fiction the world over, the idea of the TARDIS crew rubbing shoulders with the heroes of other realities is a natural extension of the *IA universe.

There is also a mailing list for talking about all aspects of the IAs, including sign-ups for the next one. Because all you have to know about the Doctor and companion teams comes from the television series, it's easy for newcomers to dive straight in.

All 7 of the Cross-Over Internet Adventures completed to date are archived off this page, both in .ZIP format and as individual chapters. The current XIA is XIA #7 - The Mouth of the River.

01.From UNIT With Love

02.The Wanderers

03.The Osirian Legacy

04.Rare Specimens

05.Fear Itself

06.Kindred Spirits

07.The Mouth of the River

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