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Welcome to the 2001 National Scout Jamboree Site of T1035

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TROOP 1035
2001 National Jamboree Web Site

July 18-July 23 Tour of Washington, DC
July 23-August 1 Jamboree @ Fort A.P. Hill, VA

July 21 Update - 4:14 PM CENTRAL TIME

Gene called and they were all back at the hotel. He said everyone was pretty dead. Some of the places visited today were the Zoo, Aerospace, the Holocaust, a money printing place and the Museum of Natural History where they saw the "Hope Diamond". He took a picture of this that he's anxious to share. The "Hope Diamond" is set in a necklace.

Gene said although tired, everyone is getting along great! They will be having a pizza party tonight and will have chapel after the party. Tomorrow they will be going to Gettysburg. Tomorrow night they will pack up their things to leave Monday AM for the Jamboree.

He will try calling again tomorrow.


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