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Lesson Plan 2 (Week 2 – Wednesday)


Day 2 in computer lab. Students will continue to work in groups on their City Presentations and on their Poetry Slam projects. They will gather and organize materials form various websites with the help of the teacher. By end of class they will have Power Point Presentation on city done or close to done, and they’ll know what they’ll be doing for the Poetry Slam.


Computer lab material – projector hooked to computer teacher is working from. List of websites for students.

Hip Hop resources: The HipHop Circuit ; The Original Hip-Hop Lyrics Archive ; African HipHop ; Le HipHop ; SeneRAP ; MC Solaar .

General Search Engines in French: Voila ; Mirago ; Yahoo France ; Excite France ; Woyaa ; Yahoo Canada .

Poetry: Michel Astre ; Paris-Poèmes ; Poètes du Senegal ; Poètes Haitiens

French Speaking Nations: Travel project ; Map Index ; Flags ; France ; Asia


Ideally, each group should have at least one “technosavvy” student. If there is a group that doesn’t have one because there aren’t enough in the class, make sure to give them extra help.


  1. Get students into their PowerPoint Presentation groups and have them work on their presentations. Some will already have started PowerPoint Pres. in previous lab hour. Others may not have chosen country yet. Go around and make sure people know what they are doing and how. Assist when needed; try to narrow it down for them if they can’t figure it out. (30 minutes)

  2. Students work on Poetry Slam projects (some in groups, some individually depending on what they chose to do). For those who refuse to perform and who will be doing other types of jobs for the Slam, have them work with others so as to find out what they’ll need to do to help (ex: stage preparation, costumes, etc.). (20 minutes)

    Follow-up activity

    Students will have to keep working on their projects outside of class, in groups and individually, and report progress to teacher before their presentations come up. Also, they will have to keep teacher updated on Poetry Slam activities and figure out times with classmates for rehearsals, preparations, etc.

    Literacy aspect

    Surfing the Net/reading; computer skills; communicating in groups.


    As presentations and Slam grow nearer, I will have to make myself extra available for students to consult me outside of class, be it through meetings during lunch hour or after school or via email.

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