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USA Waving Flag

"America's Favorite Pastime
Includes the Blind and
Visually Impaired!"

Coventry South Sharks Glowing Blue Text Logo
Animated picture of Home-Run Hitter Swinging the Bat Animated picture of Home-Run Hitter Swinging the Bat



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"We're Akron Ohio's
'Favorite' Beep Baseball Team!"

...also Akron's ONLY Beep Baseball Team!  


Beep Baseball
Volunteers' Section


Why Volunteer?

Volunteers change the community, making it a better place for all to live. There are thousands of people in most every community--people that need your help. You can take the time to help a child to read, be a companion to the elderly, distribute food to the hungry, or help the disabled realize their sporting dreams--right in your own community, with the sport of Beep Baseball.

One of the best things about volunteering is that not only will your community benefit from the talents and time you share, but you will benefit as well. You can...

  • Meet new and interesting people and develop new friendships.
  • Share your talents and abilities.
  • Help shape your community's future.
  • Expand your knowledge.
  • Build teamwork.
  • Build your self-esteem.
  • Develop and increase your leadership skills.
  • Learn and develop new skills, and even
  • Advance your career.
As a volunteer, you can meet people, learn new skills, share your talents, experience different cultures, improve your resume--and you might even live longer! Most importantly, you will touch the life of someone you are helping.

There are lots of opportunities for individuals and groups to make a difference. Whether you are an individual volunteer, an existing group or organization, or would like to join a group project, there is always a way for you to contribute. The sport of Beep Baseball needs--and wants--your help!

To help us match you with the right volunteer opportunity regarding Beep Baseball in our community, please contact us today, and let us know what you'd like to do, and what you are able to do.

We have numerous volunteering options, from transporting visually impaired players to games, to giving you the opportunity to help coach or be a spotter or umpire, while learning the skills to become a regular Beep Baseball Umpire or Coach in the future--if you want to.

We also have volunteer opportunities with general help or even some administrative work, if you'd like.

you can help Beep Baseball thrive in your community--and ours!

There are some volunteer tasks that you can help with, without ever leaving the comfort of your home or office. Tasks that can be performed on a computer or via the Internet.

To find out how easy it can be to help change the world, by helping improve the lives of the blind and visually impaired, and helping them get involved in sports in your community--and perhaps realize dreams they didn't even yet know they could ever achieve, please, contact us today.

You, and your efforts, can and will make a difference.

You can help by giving your time simply to help wherever you are needed, during games, or you can help by donating your specific skills in some way that can help the team.

Beep Baseball is a volunteer-driven sport. If you are reading this--and thinking of volunteering--but are not local to Northeast Ohio, that's okay. You can still help.

Teams around the USA are always in need of volunteers, especially if you have any of the following skills or desire to help in any of the following areas...

  • Help with transportation to/from Beep Baseball games and practices.
  • Help with (and willingness to learn) coaching and umpiring/spotting of the games/players.
  • Nonprofit fundraising, grantwriting, etc.
  • Public Relations (PR).
  • Administrative tasks necessary to run program/team smoothly.
  • Web design or graphic artist.
  • Marketing expertise.
If you have any of the above skills, or if you just want to help this sport grow so it will continue to help the blind and visually impaired realize their dreams, aspirations, and possibilities, then please, e-mail us or call us at (330) 745-7853 today, right now, and get things started.

We look forward to hearing from you--and working with you.


Everett Gavel, GM
The Coventry South Sharks
- Greater Akron, Ohio's 'Favorite' Beep Baseball Team