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Boats at Royapuram

Many boats were washed up on shore and a number were damaged or destroyed in the tsunami.

Financial Donation Information
Financial needs and how you can donate

Tsunami damage & relief Updates
Andaman Islands
Sri Lanka

YWAM International

Tsunami damage in India - Photos
Royapuram slum
Royapuram slum II
Royapuram boats
Royapuram - 2 weeks later (part 1)
Royapuram - 2 weeks later (part 2)
Government officials tour the Royapuram area
Cleanup efforts in the Royapuram area
Foreshore Estates (North) - Fishing Boats & Aid
Foreshore Estates (South) - Tsunami Damage
Elliots beach slum (north) - Tsunami damage
Besant Nagar slum (part I) - beach debris
Besant Nagar slum (part II) - destroyed huts
Besant Nagar slum (part III) - destroyed huts, homeless
Kottivakkam fishermens village
Newspaper headlines in local Chennai papers
Colachel tsunami destruction - part I
Colachel tsunami destruction - part II

YWAM - Tsunami Disaster Relief Projects in India
YWAM comforting hurting people in Colachel
YWAM over a relief camp in Colachel
YWAM Distribution of surgical masks at Colachel
YWAM giving out filtered water at Colachel
YWAM bread distribution at Kottivakkam fishermens village
Artlab, Intermission & YWAM - Kottivakkam Beach cleanup (part 1)
Artlab, Intermission & YWAM - Kottivakkam Beach cleanup (part 2)
YWAM collection of donated items to help affected villages

Tsunami Related Links

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