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Related Links

Tsunami general Information
Tsunami Info Digest
Map showing the full route of the tsunami wave
Videos of the tsunami from various countries
Wikipedia - Lots of information (updated) on the tsunami
USGS (US Geological Survey) Earthquake Information
Inbox Robot - Info on the latest earthquakes, tsunamis or related news

Tsumai related blogs
Alertnet - latest news on international relief efforts
Kiruba Shanker's blog - Chennai tsunami info & photos
JOEL News Blogs on the tsunami disaster

News sources on tsunami impact in India
The Hindu Newspaper (click on Tamil Nadu on the side for more tsunami news)

Colachel in the news
Colachel: Life is triumping over death (Dec. 29)

Organizations involved in the disaster relief effort
YWAM Chennai City Ministries

YWAM's Australian Relief and Mercy Services - includes tsunami aid info
If you have any more links to suggest, you can email them to

Financial Donation Information
Financial needs and how you can donate

Tsunami damage & relief Updates
Andaman Islands
Sri Lanka

YWAM International

Tsunami damage in India - Photos
Royapuram slum
Royapuram slum II
Royapuram boats
Royapuram - 2 weeks later (part 1)
Royapuram - 2 weeks later (part 2)
Government officials tour the Royapuram area
Cleanup efforts in the Royapuram area
Foreshore Estates (North) - Fishing Boats & Aid
Foreshore Estates (South) - Tsunami Damage
Elliots beach slum (north) - Tsunami damage
Besant Nagar slum (part I) - beach debris
Besant Nagar slum (part II) - destroyed huts
Besant Nagar slum (part III) - destroyed huts, homeless
Kottivakkam fishermens village
Newspaper headlines in local Chennai papers
Colachel tsunami destruction - part I
Colachel tsunami destruction - part II

YWAM - Tsunami Disaster Relief Projects in India
YWAM comforting hurting people in Colachel
YWAM over a relief camp in Colachel
YWAM Distribution of surgical masks at Colachel
YWAM giving out filtered water at Colachel
YWAM bread distribution at Kottivakkam fishermens village
Artlab, Intermission & YWAM - Kottivakkam Beach cleanup (part 1)
Artlab, Intermission & YWAM - Kottivakkam Beach cleanup (part 2)
YWAM collection of donated items to help affected villages

Tsunami Related Links

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Colachel bears brunt of tsunami