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humanity - evolution - universe - life - spirit - love - health - society - groupthink - religion - leader - capital - waste - world - law

1. Affirmation & Critique -- Christ, the Spirit, and Glory

Christ, the Spirit, and Glory

2. Against Mind-Body Medicine

That the health of the mind and body are linked is generally seen as obvious, almost beyond question. The belief is part of our folk-lore: clichés such as ' healthy body, healthy mind' and 'dying of a broken heart' express the physical-mental connection in opp

3. Arm The Spirit - For Revolutionary Resistance!

Arm The Spirit is an autonomist/anti-imperialist information collective based inToronto, Canada. Our focus includes a wide variety of material, including ...

4. Brain and Behavior

Stimulating articles and demonstrations from Serendip at Bryn Mawr College


Information about the brain and brain health and fitness.

6. BrainWave Control, IBVA Technologies, Inc. Interactive Brainwave Visual Analyzer Brain Mind EEG Biofeedback Assistive Wetware Neuro Bio Biometric

The world's best brain/computer interface. Comes with everything you need at the right price.

7. Call For a New Buddhism

Claiming that the West must develop its own Jeffersonian Buddhism based on noble principles of dignity and respect for all.

8. Changes: Celebrating Our Growing Consciousness

From Laurisa on The Sharing Place.... "When we enter spiritual life, we proceed on the mistaken assumption that enlightment lies elsewhere, usually at the end of a long path of struggle and ef...

9. Consciousness and Neuroscience

Review article describing biological approaches to the study of consciousness by Francis Crick and Christof Koch.

10. Consciousness Research Laboratory

"Conducts scientific research on commonly-reported human experiences traditionally called psychic (psi for short). CRL concentrates on controlled laboratory studies of mind-matter interaction phenomena, distant healing intention, clairvoyance, and precognition."

11. Consciousness, Life and Meaning

Essay on evolution, consciousness

12. CREATIVITY - Enchanted Mind

... Everyone has latent creativity waiting to unfold. Add flexibilityto your mind with these simple techniques. ...

13. CS: Center for Consciousness Studies

The Center for Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona encourages the promotion of open, scientifically rigorous and sustained discussions of all phenomena related to conscious experience.


... Gregory Bateson, Ernst von Glasersfeld, GeorgeKelly, Ronnie Laing, Humberto Maturana. ...


Two very well writen books by Earle Josiah,Power and Freedom, some amazing facts about the human spirit. Love and the key to enlightenment

16. Enlightenment Central

a waystation on or near the enlightenment path, with articles, quotations, links, abstracts & tapes of meeting talks and workshops relating to enlightenment, consciousness, brain and biofeedback.

17. Enterra Institute for Holistic Living

Holistic programs to alleviate stress, promote peaceful conflict resolution, enhance intuition and creativity, and increase well-being using meditation, yoga, Waterbalancing (aquatic bodywork) and other modalities. Daniella Sapriel, Director. Los Angeles, California.

18. Epistemology, Consciousness, &c

... on consciousness, includes: A symposium on Roger ... Irrelevant to the Mind/Body Problem ... ofCreativity and Consciousness: Philosophical and ... For The Soul by Francis

19. GaiaMind


20. Gene, Behavior, Brain, Buddha, Mind: Dr. Lebovitz Compiles Research On Them.

Gene, behavior, brain, Buddha, mind: Dr. Richard M. Lebovitz presents a compilation of current research on these topics. Lebovitz asks: Gene determined brain and behavior or the mind of the Buddha.

21. Global Consciousness Project -- consciousness, group consciousness, mi...

Scientific research network studying global consciousness: Description, Specifications, Data Access, Results

22. How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School

Recent research provides a deep understanding of complex reasoning and performance on problem-solving tasks and how skill and understanding in key subjects are acquired.

23. Imagination, Mental Imagery, Consciousness, Cognition: Science, ...

... Other issues in the theory of mind and consciousness:Color Realism: Toward a Solution to the "Hard ...


Main Publications Our Practice Links Feedback Events INSIDE THE NEURON: CONSCIOUSNESS, UNCONSCIOUSNESS, SPLIT CONSCIOUSNESS Their statues are made of silver and Gold The product of the hands of man Nostrils they have, but smell not; They have hands

26. Institute of Noetic Sciences

Focuses on consciousness and human potential. Conducts and sponsors research into the workings and powers of the mind, including perceptions, beliefs, attention, intention, and intuition. "We are bold enough to inquire about phenomena that don't fit into the conventional scientific model."

27. Intuita Mind-Lab: intuition at work, consciousness training, Intuition in Business, Intuitive Intelligence, Intuition Training, Intuition Coach.

Today we have access to more information than ever before. This can work for us or against us. When it works against us we actually experience an intelligence deficit. Here's why. Our habit with infor

28. Jan's Page - Channeling Nature, Devas, Angels & Spirit Guides

Large collection of Channeled Nature Spirits with many photos, High Guidance from Auron'a and other Spirit Guides, Meditations, Workshops and contact information for Janet Dane of The Lightwork Centre.

29. Kundalini List Meditation/Visualization: Crystals

A Kundalini release can be triggered by meditation, yoga, prayer, massage, holistic bodywork, drugs, a life crisis, childbirth, menopause, certain ascetic or sexual practices, or other life experiences.

30. Links for Cognitive FAQ Brain Meditation Neuroscience Technology Stereoscopic Shamanism Products OOBE neuron networks Mind Lucid intelligence Handbook

Portal Cognitive FAQ Brain Meditation Neuroscience Technology Stereoscopic Shamanism Products OOBE neuron networks Mind Lucid intelligence Handbook Guide Experiences enhancement Dreaming Dream conscio

31. Links for Transformation

Links to may great sites that support your personal development, physical and mental health, and progress on the spiritual path.

32. Love and Science, One in Consciousness

online collections by Susan Kramer. "The spirit of mysticism and the laws of science merge into one consciousness from the viewpoint of harmony."

33. Meditation Information Network

Meditation Information Network, supporting critical examination of Transcendental Meditation and the programs associated with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

35. Metabeings and Individuals: Aids and Obstacles to Growth

Metabeings and Individuals: Aids and Obstacles to Growth by Deb Bodeau Abstract We all participate in collective consciousnesses - groups, organizations, societies, cultures. For the individual seeking psychological or spiritual development, partic
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36. Metaphysics: Quantum Quackers

Quantum Quackery is the field of quantum mechanics reviving the ancient mystic principle that human consciousness is in control of reality. Read why this is wrong.

37. Mind and spirit. Mind and energy. Mind and psychic ability.

Mind and spirit, mind and energy, mind and psychic ability. The Mindgate model supplies a visual representation of this mind energy.

38. Mind Uploading Home Page

Welcome to the Mind Uploading Home Page. Robots shallinherit the Earth; and they shall be ...

39. Mind/Brain resources.

Useful links on cognition and mind from well known cognitively oriented philosopher Valerie Gray Hardcastle.

40. Mystery of the Soul

Presents a practical approach to the mystery of consciousness.

42. Neoplatonism: A Metaphysical Precedent for the Structural Dialectics Paradigm

"In my view, the structural dialectics paradigm, the organization of existence based on the metaphysical principle of unity diversity, is the grand framework for the independent investigation of reality."

43. Odyssey of the Soul - Using inner mind and higher spirit for self-healing, personal change, spiritual growth, psychic abilities, and a meditation for.

Odyssey of the Soul - Using inner mind and higher spirit for self-healing, personal change, spiritual growth, psychic abilities, and a meditation for altering the future and balancing the earth.

44. Online papers on consciousness

... Extinction of an intuition? Owen Flanagan & Tom ... One-self: A meditation on the unity ... Thedistinction between mind and cognition. Consciousness and Artificial ...

45. Organs of Computation

A Talk With Steven Pinker.

46. Philosophy of Mind

An introductory essay on the philosophy of mind as it relates to cognitive science. By Rob A. Wilson.

47. Practices to Expand Perception

Using our 6th sense for a fuller and richer experience of life. Some exercises included.

48. Presupposition and Consciousness

Discussion of the way presupposition affects consciousness in particular the subconscious mind and the effect of 'counterfeit' supposition.

50. Psychic Realms

Mysteries of the Mind by Dr Richard Lawrence - illustrated

51. Psychic Site - Home

Championing Psychological Freedoms in Cults, Corporations, Families. Mind Control Research, News. Cult Veteran Personal Stories.

52. PsycSoul

Soul, Psychology, and Consciousness: Psychosynthetic and Esoteric Perspectives by Mark K. Thomas 7/21/97 California Institute of Integral Studies EWP 742 - The Psychology of Consciousness Instructor Daniel Deslauriers, Ph.D. Introduction Assagioli

53. Reiki Plus

Reiki intuition, treatments, numerology, and complementary and alternative therapies and information.

54. Seth's Concept

Seth's Concept. All of the answers and information herein are the words of Seth (or Future Seth) which I have reordered and revised to give continuity to my understanding of the material.

55. Short History Of Spirit Channeling

By Douglas Robinson.

56. Soul

(Catholic Encyclopedia)

57. Soul Connection

Dedicated to a holistic view of life that recognizes individuals as networks of energy and information, integrating body, mind and spirit. Explore such practices as meditation, yoga, aromatherapy, and gems.

58. Spirit Worlds

Here you will find an up and coming site devoted to Spiritual consciousness. There are articles written by some amazing authors and channels as well as links to pages on every one of the worlds religions and a database of holistic practitioners of all kinds.

60. Spiritual, Metaphysical, Magical

My personal Spiritual, Metaphysical, Magical experiences along with spirit energy photos and comments on Spiritualistic experiences.

61. Spiritualism

Careful explanations dealing with all the aspects of life, afterlife, spirit communication, karma, reincarnation, meditation, ghosts, hauntings, evil, heaven, hell, premonition, fortune telling, auras, trinity, Christ,God, devil, different religions, healing and many, many other important subjects.

62. Spotting and Dumping the Criminal Mind

"...Consider Dostoevsky's analysis of the criminal mind in his masterwork `Crime and Punishment': The criminal assumption is that one has the right and authority to take or confiscate values earned by others so long as someone else has a need for those values.

63. The Chemical Manipulation of Human Consciousness

The Personality & Consciousness Bookstore is devoted to Theories and Theorists in the field of psychology known as 'personality'. Consciousness is essential as well.

64. The Church of Tantra

A brief essay on will and tantra from a Thelemic perspective, by Rose Dawn Scott.

65. The End of Philosophy and the Rise of Films

Essay inspired and illuminated by Heidegger's thought.

66. The Energy Circuit: metaphysics, angels, channeling, newage, psychic, ...

You will find valuable metaphysical information about angels, channeling, New Age books, your life purpose, spirituality, personal readings, numerology and handwriting analysis on this page.

67. The Final Battle

A novel dealing with human potential, meditation and the power of the human mind, hallucinogenic drugs, psychic phenomena, and armageddon, with some practical advice on surviving in the 21st century.

68. The Guiding Hand

Comprehensive study into what automatic writing is and how to achieve it. Author discusses its scientific and spiritual implications.

70. The Identity Theory of Mind

Evaluates the theory that holds that states and processes of the mind are identical to states and processes of the brain. By J. J. C. Smart of Monash.

71. The Journey of Your Soul--Michael Teachings

A book excerpt from "The Journey of Your Soul - A Channel Explores Channeling and the Michael Teachings" - By Shepherd Hoodwin.

72. The Method of Nature me more like this

73. The Mystery of Meditation

A thoughtful presentation of the principles of yogic meditation, with references to other meditation disciplines.

74. The Mystic -- A Journey Into Higher Consciousness

A somewhat commercial offering of teachings, principles, techniques of mysticism from around the world and across centuries of time. Stated goals: discover potential, gain peace of mind, overcome stress, awaken mystically.

75. The Nature of Man

A comparison of three views of the nature of man and their impact on the modern church.

76. The new science of spiritual Neurology

New university research in brain science offers new ihformation in reincarnation, deja vu, altered states, near-death experiences, consciousness, the psychology of spiritual transformation and more. Free downloads related to psychology.

77. The Paranormal Underground

Deals with paranormal, extraterrestrial, spiritual, occult, and other supernatural subjects.

78. The Taste of Depravity

From 'The Hedonistic Imperative,' by David Pearce.

79. Uri Geller on-line

Enter Homepage of the world's most celebrated paranormalist. A comprehensive resource on mind-power and paranormal phenomena Uri Geller's Novel on the Net!

80. Western Institute of Remote Viewing

Remote viewing psychic spiritual intuitive workshops, home study, training, classes, tapes.

81. What You Need to Know about Brain Tumors

An important booklet from the National Cancer Institute on brain tumors. Highly recommended for initial reading for brain tumor patients and general public.

82. Whole Brain Atlas

MRI and CT tomographic images of normal and diseased brains; from Harvard Medical School.

83. Wisdom From The Light

This site is to help awaken others to the path of spirit -- it is composed completely of channelings with spirit aiding in the design.

84. Your Future. Learn about the power of hypnosis, dream interpretation, meditation help, extra sensory perception, spirit guide, developing intuition.

Achieve visualization through self-help and dreams. Increase your human potential with positive thinking and touch your psychic ability. Earth Network of Dream Weavers- New Age education and self-actu

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