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humanity - evolution - universe - life - spirit - love - health - society - groupthink - religion - leader - capital - waste - world - law

1. Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) Award-Winning Site - ...

... Action on Smoking and Health A National Charitable Antismoking & Nonsmokers' RightsOrganization Supported by Tax-Deductible Contributions ...

2. All Out Training - exercise videos fitness health nutrition

Get fit now! is your source for exercise, health and nutrition advice, with expert information on building muscle mass, weightlifting and sports nutrition. MuscleandFitness...

4. Articles

Heel to Toe is commited to helping people reach a higher level of fitness and health, Whether weight-loss, prevention of osteoporosis, or more energy is the goal, we can help design the right fitness program. Our web site contains fitness and health

5. Association of Women’s Fitness

Resource site on women’s fitness and health, with a special focus on preventing home gym training injuries.

7. Attitudes & Health, Longevity

Free self-help program will send you e-mail messages for one year to help you improve unhealthy attitudes uncovered by the tests.

8. Austin Wing Tsun - Sifu Jeff Webb's Gym

Kung fu for health and self-defense. Quality instruction and a friendly atmosphere are the hallmarks of our school. Check out our web-site or visit our school in person.

9. Better Body | Online Health and Fitness

Web Ring for a healthier lifestyle

10. plans for aerobics bodybuild weightlift powerlift sport...

Easy to use software that automatically creates workout planning better than a professional coach or personal trainer. Knowledge Demonstrations Routines Workout Planning

11. Body Wise - The Leaders in Nutrition and Wellness - Home Page

Body Wise Wellness Program focusing on nutrients, antioxidant supplementation, weight management, cholesterol status, athletic activity. Optimal Health and Financial Freedom.

13. Children's Environmental Health Research--An Introduction

Children's Environmental Health Research--An Introduction

14. Don't Forget to Breathe

A closer look at why holding your breath does next to nothing to help exercise

15. Dr. Paul's Child Health and Wellness Information

Provides child health and wellness information from birth through adolesence in a variety of media.

16. Egg Nutrition Center

Scientific information for nutritionists and health care providers to learn about eggs and good nutrition. Has list of research and scientific studies done an eggs online.

17. Environmental Health Information Service

Click for Text-Only Version, ... Household Pesticides Dam BuildingIssues. Databases, NAPE Environment + Health Directory. ...

18. Exploratorium: Revealing Bodies

looks at the way imagery has changed the way we look at our bodies, drawing from many times and cultures.

19. FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition

ensures that food is safe, nutritious, and wholesome, as well as regulating the safety of cosmetics.

20. Fitness and Health Assessment Software

Preventative health, managed care, wellness, fitness and nutrition industries.

22. FitnessLink - Reshape Your World

... Reshape Your Body: Exercise Encyclopedia, Sports Fitness, Outdoor Adventures,Home Gym, Virtual Gym Reshape Your Mind: Motivation, Mind/Body Workouts ...

23. Fitscape total body wellness! Your online resource for health and fitness! Specializing in weight loss, diet, nutrition, exercise, and supplements.

Fitscape, The Largest Health and Fitness Site on the Web! Your online resource for health and fitness! Specializing in weight loss, diet, nutrition, exercise, and supplements.

25. Gold's Gym

Official site of the gym dedicated to serious fitness for every body. Offering a gym locator and membership for nutrition advice, tips, and chat. Locations world wide.

26. Hardcore bodybuilding, health and fitness, nutrition supplements, Beve...


27. Health & Fitness - 20 GET MOVING MOTIVATORS

Studies have shown that carrying groceries, doing yardwork, and cleaning your house counts as physical activity. So, while you're not exercising per se, you're at least giving your body some physical benefits.

28. Health Success

Group that shares fitness and nutrition tips and ideas concerning health issues and weight loss. Eating habits, weight loss, and diabetes education materials available.

29. Health Windows Jr.

Information on health, wellness, science and the environment. Includes a homework help section.


Links to health and wellness information on the internet. Medical conditions, fitness, nutrition, smoking cessation, weight loss and aging. TV health and medical news in cooperation with NBC.

31. Herb Research Foundation - Herbs and Herbal Medicine for Health

Learn about herbs for health from the nonprofit Herb Research Foundation dedicated to responsible informed self-care with medicinal plants

32. Human Nutrition

Newsletter with articles about nutrition research, dietary guides, product and book reviews, and better health through nutrition.

33. Infogym

Offers advice on shape, health, wellness, fitness and diet.

34. JanaTrains: Fitness, Exercise, Nutrition, Strength Training

Welcome to JanaTrains A site about fitness, exercise, nutrition, strength training, motivation and general health. Get the essentials about getting and staying in shape and have fun while you do!

35. Karlsigma's Fitness Philosophy

Tips for diet, nutrition, exercise, fitness, mental health, and longevity, from a retired scientist.

36. reduces stress and improves health, wellness, EQ, produc... has information on stress, wellness, health news, motivation, back care, cookbook, fitness, stop smoking, mind body balance, EQ, emotional intelligence, alcohol, and first aid and safety

37. Male Health Center

This site provides information on male health issues: wellness, prostate cancer, impotence, sexual dysfunction, nutrition, and what women can do to help keep men healthy.

38. – Strength Training Nutrition Muscles Health Sports Ad... is your source for health exercise, sports, male sexuality & nutrition advice. one of the Fitness Online Network, along with Muscle & Fitness and Flex magazines

39. Muscle & Fitness, your source for exercise, health and nutrition advic...



E-zine for bodybuilders, addressing health, nutrition, and fitness.

41. MuscleNOW - Muscle WITHOUT steroids or supplements!

Muscle diet / training techniques for muscle gain without supplements / steroids - Learn why supplements such as creatine HMB androstenedione testosterone boosters are ineffective

42. NAT Tools for Good Health

Bodybuilding, health and fitness nutrition supplements for bodybuilders, powerlifters, fitness babes, and hardcore training athletes

43. Nutrition and Fitness Software by NutriStrategy

diet and exercise software to help you meet your nutrition and fitness goals. This site features nutrient information, weight training exercises, calories burned during exercise and facts about the health benefits of physical activity.

44. Nutrition Explorations

The Fun and Easy Way to Teach Nutrition! Rated "Among the Best" by See what else we've won! (Pre-school andKindergarten) (Grade 2) (Grade 4) Materials Catalog

45. Nutrition for physical fitness and athletic performance for adults - P...

The purpose of the International Food Information Council (IFIC) Foundation is to provide sound, scientific information on food safety and nutrition to journalists, health professionals, educato...

46. Nutrition: Arbor Nutrition Guide

The world's largest catalogue of nutrition resources on the Internet, particularly suited to health professionals.

47. Planned Parenthood Federation of America

offers extensive information on all aspects of sexual and reproductive health.

48. SF Gate: Health: Articles, Resources and Q&A

... AZ Women's Health Sports & Fitness, ... it comes to treating mental health, exercise canbe more powerful ... the proteins in the human body and show how these proteins ...

49. Super Life Nutrition

Super Life Nutrition lets you take charge of your health and give your body the proper nutrition for sports, weight management, immune system, sexuality, detoxification arthritis, diabetes.

50. Surgeon General's Report: Women and Smoking 2001

detailing the reasons for smoking, usage patterns and trends, and the health consequences of varying age groups.

51. The Body: An AIDS and HIV Information Resource

... The Body and the clasped hands logo are registered trademarks ofBody Health Resources Corporation. ... Virologic Ortho Biotech, ...

52. The Spirited Walker: Fitness Walking for Clarity, Balance and Spiritual Connection

Interview: Carolyn Scott Kortge The Spirited Walker: Fitness Walking for Clarity, Balance and Spiritual Connection

53. Tip Archive-Fitness The Tip Archive - Fitness Fitness Tip Here is some of the latest information on strength training from a recent article from Bill Radford. Strength training involves working your muscles against resistance, whether it is rubber tu

54. Health -- Wellness, fitness, diets, nutrition

Information and advice on women's physical, emotional and reproductive health from the network, plus diets, weight loss tools, workout routines

55. Training Guide : muscles, health, fitness, exercise, weight-lifting, bodybuilding, workout, gym, bench press

The human body has evolved as a marvelous anatomical machine with the incredible ability to renew and replenish itself under physical stress using its built in biochemical, biomechanical systems by moving mass against gravity. This can either be accomplished by using one's own body weight (free form aerobics) as the weight source or by using a remotely located weight source (weight lifting). Free weights allow us to go beyond our body weight in many ways, working muscles individually or in groups allowing us to program in an unlimited number of ways we can benefit from exercise. Remember, all

56. Visible Human Project

creating complete, anatomically detailed, three-dimensional representations of the male and female human body. A project of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

57. Weight Lifting and Fitness


58. Welcome to 50plus!

Fifty-Plus Fitness Association is an international organization dedicated t o showing you how good growing older can be. It is committed to showing you how rewarding and critical exercise and an ...

59. Welcome to the ULTIMATE FITNESS site! Body Perfection Online is your only source for health, nutrition, and supplements.

Body Building, Nutrition, Supplements; Body Perfection Online is your only source for health!

60. Wellness

Online resource for information on health and wellness, with links to specific information such as eating disorders, diseases and nutrition.

61. Wellness for Body and Soul


62. WellnessWeb

Health and wellness information. Sections on impotence, cancer, heart disease, women's health, seniors, nutrition, fitness, and smoking cessation.

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