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humanity - evolution - universe - life - spirit - love - health - society - groupthink - religion - leader - capital - waste - world - law

1. (For organizations, one representative only)

The Millennium Forum Declaration An Agenda of "We the Peoples . Millennium Forum” The UN for the 21 st Century (DRAFT: 18 May 2000) A Vision of Global Inclusion At the dawn of the new millennium, we, representatives of worldwide civil soc

2. A revolutionary race for collective genius

Genius is the process of becoming and not something that already exists; that's why such thoughtfulness seems so abstract, so impossible to comprehend, so dangerous

3. Affirmative Action and Diversity Page

The Affirmative Action and Diversity Project: A Web Page for Research This site presents diverse opinions regarding Affirmative Action topics; rather than taking a singular pro or con position, it...

5. AMPP: Mass Media, Establishment Minions - Part 1

Next Chapter : Erosion of Individual Privacy Previous Chapter : Indoctrination Mass Media, Establishment Minions - Part 1 "The power to control information is a major lever in the control of society. Giving citizens a choice in ideas and informati

6. Bioneers: virtual environmental community with strategies for restorin...

Description on Home Page: A virtual community and annual conference offering environmental solutions and strategies for restoring the Earth. Biodiversity, ecological farming, spiritual & cultural...

7. Chapter 17, Commanding Life on Planet Earth

Commanding Life on Planet Earth The Final Decade of Earth's Anticivilization A parasitical-elite class has spawned this upside-down civilization an irrational civilization that inflicts purposeful harm on conscious beings, their economies, their soc

8. Chinese Top Paper Accuses NATO of Blaspheming Human Civilization

Chinese Top Paper Accuses NATO of Blaspheming Human Civilization China's foremost newspaper, the People's Daily, has condemned the U.S.-led NATO's barbaric strikes of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade as a wanton blasphemy against human civiliza

9. CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation

Promoting a worldwide community of informed, inspired, committed citizens who are actively engaged in confronting the challenges facing humanity. Subscribe to e-CIVICUS, our weekly email bulletin.

10. Civilization and Modernization1

CIVILIZATION AND MODERNIZATION   "Reflections of Humanity" by: Dr. Ali Shariati   Debates on the definitions of culture versus barbarism, or on the question of who is civilized and who is modern are best discussed in the light of Islamic doctrine. Q

11. Comparing Muslim Societies (Cole)

Both Islam and Islamic societies get rather distorted coverage in the Western media.

12. Cultural Diversity Multicultural Issues in Education--Race, Language, and Culture--and Effective Responses to Them

Information and resources about the nature of diversity and ways to respond positively to it in education. The document explores primarily race, language, and culture.

13. Diversity & Ethnic Studies Virtual Community

Provides links to African American, American Indian, Asian American, and U.S. Latino resources.

14. Diversity Training, Issues and Strategies in Organizations

An incisive article about diversity training, issues and strategies in organizations and businesses.

16. ERCOMER,The European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations...

ERCOMER, The European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations has a strong interest in comparative research in the fields of international migration and ethnic relati...


The Effects of Incorporation into World-Systems on Ethnic Processes: Lessons from the Ancient World for the Contemporary World Thomas D. Hall Revised version [May 29, and Oct. 6, 1997] of paper presented on the panel on Insecurity: Migration (Refu

18. Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR)

National media watch group that advocates for greater diversity and criticizes such trends as exclusion of viewpoints, consolidation of ownership and corporate bias. Includes Norman Solomon column, Counterspin radio program and more.

20. First Nations dot Com - The Village of First Nations


21. Gender and Dominance in Prehistoric Societies

Gender and Dominance in Prehistoric Societies This week's reading asks how human society came to be organized as it is and what role gender plays in that organization, a question that has occupied thinkers for hundreds of years. The earliest theor

22. Global Action

Activist organization opposed to corporate globalization.

23. Global Community Foundation

International non-profit charity organization for a global community with a social security system for all countries.

24. Global Internet Liberty Campaign (GILC)

takes global actions for the protection of freedom of speech and the right of privacy.

25. Global Village or Global Pillage: The Race to the Bottom

Benefiting people is our goal--not maximizing profits. Fair Trade works to promote economic, social and environmental justice worldwide. Global Exchange offers Fair Trade Coffee, Crafts, Gift Baskets,

26. Global Village: The Institute for Appropriate Technology

Community Sustainability

28. Grass Root Philosophy

                                GRASS ROOT PHILOSOPHY News and Views Direct from the Hay Stubble On My Back Forty.     Hello There! Are you on line today? (Email me at: ) I would like to remind you that this is "Our day!" I did n

29. Green Cross International

Founded by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1993, building on the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro and Agenda 21. Green Cross concentrates its efforts on five programs whose common theme is to promote a significant change in human values leading to greater respect and care for Earth's community of life in all its diversity.

30. Hellenic and Hellenistic Societies

Differentiates between Hellenic and Hellenistic government, education, language, commerce, class, philosophy, literature, science and religion.


CULTURAL TRANSFORMATIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN AFRICA: A PRELIMINARY REPORT By Abdullahi A. An-Na'im [*] Amy Madigan* [*] Gary Minkley** [*] I. I NTRODUCTION The Law and Religion Program of Emory University School of Law is organizing and implementin

34. Institute for Global Ethics

A nonprofit, nonsectarian, and nonpartisan organization dedicated to promoting awareness and discussion of global ethics.

35. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

technical papers and working group information from the United Nations Environment Program.United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

36. Islam: A Global civilization

This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favour unto you, and have chosen for you as your religion Islam." (Quran, Surah V:3

37. Linguistic diversity a concern in global village

During the past century, due to a variety of factors, more than 1,000 of the world's languages have disappeared, and it is possible to foresee a time, perhaps 100 years from now, when about half of to

38. Mars Society Civilization Culture Group

The Mars Society's Civilization and Culture Group is a forum for the discussion of the technical, political, economic, social, and ecological aspects of Martian exploration and settlement. The Group's

39. Minorities, Mullahs, and Modernity: Beyond the Nation-State: Culture and Ethnic Politics in Soviet Transcaucasia

Ethnic activism has emerged as one of the most difficult challenges for the USSR in the Gorbachev era. From the Baltic republics to the Caucasus and Central Asia, the scope and intensity of ethnic activism, along with the diversity of the issues raised, came as something of a surprise both for Soviet leaders in Moscow and observers of Soviet politics in the West. Western analysts of the Soviet ethnic politics have traditionally focused on the changing nuances of meaning articulated in party ideological tracts and nationalities policy, but reliance on official political discourse has willy

40. monkeyfist collective | a16.DC: mobilization for global justice

Why? We've built this site because citizens wonder what causes otherwise ordinary folks to put themselves in harm's way to protest a faceless bureaucracy. We built it because the mainstream media dismisses the anti-globalization movement as "decidedly left-wing and short on specifics." We are left-wing, and won't apologize for that, but we aren't short on specifics. This Web site will complement the brave people in the streets. If you want anti-globalization talking points for your book group, the office water cooler, or over the back fence with your neighbors, you've come to the right place

41. - Global English-Chinese Bilingual Community

English-Chinese bilingual portal of Best of China, Great Wall to China, Latest News, City Guide of Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing and more, Chinese People and Friends Directory - Bluepage, Cel

42. NAACP Online - Atlanta Branch

Ethnic organization, civil rights, equal rights, constitutional rights, racial discrimination.

43. New Civilization Network


44. Official Site of the Cherokee Nation based in Tahlequah Oklahoma - Fed...

Cherokee - The Official Web Site of the Cherokee Nation based in Tahlequah Oklahoma. The Western Band of Cherokee are a federally recognized Native American Indian Tribe. This web site containd C...

45. OneWorld

A community of over 200 leading global justice organisations under one roof. A massive site, containing news updated daily, concise briefings, interviews, and what you can do to help.


Return to Home Page The following paper was first published in Dance - from Research to Teaching, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Dance Research, 12-16 July, 1995, Drama , International Organization of Folk Arts, Athens, 1995 P

47. Prison Activist Resource Center: Welcome!

The Prison Activist Resource Center is the source for progressive and radical information on prisons and the criminal prosecution system. Educational and activist resources, news, alerts and analysis.

48. Public Citizen

Jan. 30 - The Bush administration delay of critical consumer, worker and environmental safeguards could be detrimental to the environment, people’s health and our natural resources.

49. Quality of Life: Issues and Questions by Hazel Hendeson

Quality of Life: Issues and Questions Hazel Henderson Preceding dialogues have illustrated the complex relationships between today's globalization of finance, technology and trade-and issues of employment, social safety-nets and quality-of-life.

50. Race to the Bottom Global Village or Global Pillage

This system of nation-based economies is rapidly evolving toward a global economy. Computer, communication and transportation technologies have lessened distance as a barrier, making possible the coordination of production and commerce on a global scale. Lowered tariffs have reduced national frontiers as barriers to commerce, facilitating transnational production and distribution. Corporations are globalizing not only to reduce production costs, but also to expand markets, evade taxes, acquire knowledge and resources, and protect themselves against currency fluctuations and other risks. As

51. Race, Democracy Culture

Phase I of the project consisted of an examination of the most effective sustained efforts by multi-cultural, interracial groups engaged in collective actions aimed at problem- solving and enrichment that create new or strengthen already existing social networks, institutions and assets resulting in new capacities for action and support, new quality of life in the community, and the renewing of democracy

52. Race-as a Social Policy

A look into how race and the idea of 'race' represents one the most dangerous myths of our times

53. Religion, Television and the Information Superhighway

The Philadelphia conference was very informative and educative for a grass-roots human rights activist like me. For the first time I was face to face with the media giants--who were so human and communicative, quite unlike giants. The spokespe

54. Reversing the Race to the Bottom Global Village or Pillage

As long as democracy remains exclusively national it will remain largely powerless to address the economic problems of ordinary people. It will take democratization at each level from the local to the

55. Sally Walton -- Global Perspective Speaker Author on Cultural Diversity, Communication

Professional speaker and author on doing business globally, cross-cultural communication, and diversity

56. The Citizen Pest of Highland Village, Texas

It has been a while since the site has been updated. I have been in stealth mode- watching the happens at City Hall with disgust

57. the marnasin nation, new civilization, new culture, virtual community,

the marnasin nation, new civilization, new culture, virtual community, intellectual development, moral advancement, aesthetic growth,

58. The Metropolis Project

An international forum for research and policies on migrations, diversity and changing cities

59. The Multiracial Activist - Dedicated to the Deconstruction of "Race"

Dedicated to the struggle for and preservation of civil rights for multiracial individuals and interracial couples/families.

60. The Multiracial Activist - Guest Commentary: Being Bi in a Mono-Culture: Towards A More Inclusive Perspective on Race and Sexuality by Beverly Yuen

Dedicated to the struggle for and preservation of civil rights for multiracial individuals and interracial couples/families.


Chapter 5 The Indian Subcontinent The Subcontinent Environmental Diversity Historical Evolution Indus Valley Civilization Box : A Lost Civilization, Vanishing again ? Aryan Period Muslim Period British Period Box: Partition of the Subcontinent Post

62. The space-economy

The space-economy The Venus Project - an experimental cybernated space-economy. E-Money and other ideas for a cyberspace economy The economics of networks - ecospace! etwork payment mechanisms and digital cash - more ecospace! Information and data o

63. The Telson Spur: Field Nodes -- Values (1): Rights & Responsibilities

Part of The Telson Spur, this page is a list of links to on-line resources related to the development of human rights and responsibilities (including civil rights), ideology and political belief.

64. The Undermining of Ethnic Studies

An article from the Chronicle of Higher Education describing the state of ethnic studies in the United States.

65. (chee noy dotcom) is the global village of Chinese and Filipinos (chee noy dot com) is the global village of Chinese and Filipinos. We bring people together by interactively promoting the rich Chinese and Filipino culture, heritage, tradition, language a

66. Welcome to the Canadian Museum of Civilization (CMC)

Canada's largest and most popular cultural institution, the Canadian Museum of Civilization has permanent exhibits dedicated to Canada's Native peoples and to Canadian history. The Canadian P...

68. World Citizen Foundation

Wednesday, 31 January, 2001 The World Citizen Foundation Join us in making the world more democratic, in starting a process to harness the collective IQ of the planet

69. World Cultures

African Studies | Asian Studies | Latin American and Carribean Studies | Mideast Studies | Europe and Other Regions Return to Directory To Purchase or Rent RIVER NIGER, BLACK MOTHER This video traces the undulating route of the River

70. World Ethnic Survey

Compository of links to Internet resources on ethnic, native and nationalist affairs worldwide.

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