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humanity - evolution - universe - life - spirit - love - health - society - groupthink - religion - leader - capital - waste - world - law

Bio-1--Principles of Biotechnology

PRINCIPLES OF BIOTECHNOLOGY Biotechnology Information Series (Bio-1) North Central Regional Extension Publication Iowa State University - University Extension Biotechnology Defined Biotechnology can be broadly defined as "using living organisms or t

BioCarta - Charting Pathways of Life Biocarta - proteomics DNA structure metabolic pathways chemokines human cell biotechnology human genome science

Life science information provider including proteomics, DNA structure, metabolic pathways, chemokines, human cell, biotechnology, human genome science, and bioinformatics.

DNA Unraveled

Discussing DNA as a forensic instrument.

BL/CH401 Lecture 2 Cell Structure and Function

Cell Structure of Prokaryotes (Bacteria) and Eukaryotes (Higher Organisms) Prokaryotes - Single cells without nucleus or other organelles Eukaryotes - Multicellular- Nucleus, mitochondria, etc.

DSMZ - Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH

The German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to the acquisition, characterization and identification, preservation and distribution of Bacteria, Archaea, fungi, plasmids, phages, human and animal cell lines, plant cell cultures and plant viruses.

A) Phages, or bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria. B) A virulent phage (Example, phage T4 of E. coli) Figure 1 C) Phage lambda life cycle ( A temperate phage)

Regulatory and Ethical Aspects

REGULATORY AND ETHICAL ASPECTS (CHAPTER 22) Ethical considerations Medical applications of biotechnology may have far-reaching ethical consequences. For example, in 1993 an announcement was made that "scientists had cloned human embryos"; three cop

Introduction to the Viruses

In 1898, Friedrich Loeffler and Paul Frosch found evidence that the cause of foot-and-mouth disease in livestock was an infectious particle smaller than any bacteria.

BIO 303 Class Projects

How Life May Have Begun: Prokaryotes and Other Microbes: A Major Protozoan Disease and its Effects on Humans: Active Compounds from Plants and Fungi:

Life in Extreme Environments | The Astrobiology Web | Your Online Guide to the Living Universe

Astrobiology Web - SpaceRef - Sections Directory - Missions - Focus On - News - Open Space - Calendar - Add Site - Help Astrobiology All of Space Last Update 23 March 2001 Contact Us astro@spaceref.c

Life on Earth

UCMP Phylogeny Wing: The Phylogeny of Life The ancestor/descendant relationships which connect all organisms that have ever lived. Life! It's everywhere on Earth; you can find living organisms from the poles to the equator, from the bottom of the sea to several miles in the air, from freezing waters to dry valleys to undersea thermal vents to groundwater thousands of feet below the Earth's...


Send a message in the language of life - say it with DNA.

Introduction to Cell Biology me more like this

Biological Identity of Procaryotes

From Kenneth Todar of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Bacteriology.

How the Terminator Terminates

An explanation for the non-scientist of a remarkable patent for killing second generation seeds of crop plants.

What Is Life? by Brig Klyce

I am not going to answer this question. — J. Life Is Cells People like to say, as if it were obvious, that life is hard to define. This is simply not so.

Life Defined, on "A Worldview Site"

Life is defined for a Challege for Darwinist Evolution and Abiogenesis



Astrobiology at NASA

research on the origin, distribution, and future of life in the universe.

NIGMS -- Inside the Cell

NIGMS Inside the Cell CONTENTS The Astonishing Uniformity of Life The Astonishing Uniformity of Life All cells whether from a bacterium, plant, mouse, or human are made of the same basic materials nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, water, fats, and salts....

Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Utrecht: title page

Plant development depends largely on the activity of small regions of continuous growth and development, the meristems. The root development group aims to understand better how meristems work. We u...

Chapter 1: Types of Cells

The major differences between Prokaryotic and Eukarotic cells are that prokaryotes don't have a nucleus and rarely have membrane bound organelles, (the only exception I have heard of is bacteria with vacuoles).

Introduction to the Bacteria

... web in many environments. Bacteria are of such immense importance because of theirextreme flexibility, capacity for rapid growth and reproduction, and great ... Catégorie: Science > Biology > Flora and Fauna > Monera > Bacteria

Engines of Creation - K. Eric Drexler : Chapter 8

The Coming Era of Nanotechnology (Chapter 8) The long habit of living indisposeth us for dying. - Sir THOMAS BROWNE CELL REPAIR MACHINES raise questions involving the value of extending human life.


Virus - How does it fit into the living scheme of organisms? The prime and most important component of a virus (or viroid) is its nucleic acid (either DNA or RNA) which codes for the making of a vi...

CELLS alive!

video microscopy of living cells, bacteria, parasites, and pharmaceutical effects, plus 3D biological animations.

AIDS -- Is The Virus Alive? Questions about Life!

Startling expose of the virus and AIDS myths, ordinary dictionary proof that the virus is not alive, thus killing it is foolish.

Open Letter to Monsanto's Robert Shapiro: Will Biotech Feed the World?

A rebuttal to Monsanto's claims that GE will feed the world, from Action Aid, a relief charity - showing that in fact GE technology will have the opposite effect.

Scientific American Explorations: Shaking the Ebola Tree: 8/...

Genetic analysis offers insights into the workings of a notorious virus Deadly Ebola: This filovirus is among the most ferocious of emerging pathogens.

Biological and toxin weapons: Introduction and overview


Nature and Civilisation

A stimulation toward the decline in the world-wide belief in the authority of a civilisation which only is based on power and money. Roots of insanity of the civilized world.

The GenScope Project

As a complement to text-based instruction students and teachers can manipulate the processes of inheritance on six different, but related, levels: DNA, chromosome, cell, organism, pedigree, and population.

perPETuate: Animal Cloning Head Start

perPETuate, INC. offers you a unique new biotechnology aimed at giving you a head start on cloning your prized animal.

Evolution Web

Evolution and information review (author Yves Decadt) : physical, bio-chemical and biological evolution ; semiotics and biological information as DNA, a gene and meme in genetic evolution ; evolution vs creation ; symmetry , replication , reflection and hierarchy ; order from chaos and emergent complexity, attractors in thermodynamic evolution.

Consciousness, Life and Meaning

Essay on evolution, consciousness


Chapter 17a Microbial Models: Genetics of Viruses & Bacteria Researchers discovered viruses by studying tobacco mosaic disease. To tell you the truth, Max Laufer, emeritus professor in Pitt’s B...

Alliance for Bio-Integrity, Home Page

ALLIANCE FOR BIO-INTEGRITY Preserving the Safety of Our Food ... with conglomerationsof genes from viruses, bacteria, insects, and animals? that numerous ...

Molecular Vision

dedicated to the dissemination of research results in molecular and cell biology and genetics of the visual system (ocular and cortical).

COHIS: AIDS/HIV Information: HIV Infection and Pathology of AIDS

There are 4 stages of this infection: The Acute HIV Syndrome You first get seroconversion. The virus then rapidly spreads to the organs and especially the lymphoid tissues (therefore, enlarged l...

Humans and Genetic Engineering in the New Millenium

Humans and Genetic Engineering in the New Millenium - How are we going to get Gen-Ethics just in time?

The Big Picture Book of Viruses - Baltimore Listing

This is a list of representative viruses (grouped by genome structure) compiled from: 'Virus Taxonomy', the Sixth Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) 1995.

Life History and Ecology of Bacteria

Streptococcus bacteria growing in culture in this picture, which were isolated from a man with strep throat. While pathogenic bacteria are notorious for such diseases as cholera, tuberculosis, and gonorrhea, such disease-causing species are a comparatively tiny fraction of the bacteria as a whole

Viral Immunopathology

Detailed notes for these lectures can be found in: Additional online information is available at the link below: The ultimate goal of anti-viral therapy - to completely restore all functions to the infected cell - is normally unattainable, since irreversible damage to cellular functions occurs very early in most virus infections.

ASU Research E-Magazine: The Power of Green

All life on earth is driven by the power of green, as in green chlorophyll. The process at the heart of Nature's most efficient engine is photosynthesis. ASU researchers are teasing out the details of life's most important chemical reaction. (NN 4.5+, MSIE 4.0+

The Flesh-eating Bacteria

Streptococcus pyogenes (Group A streptococcus) Manifestations of the diseases caused by Group A streptoccoci.

Understanding the Soil

Learn about soil composition and the biological processes occurring within the soil.


Use for educational purposes is heartily encouraged. of Contents Shape of cells is varied with some, such as neurons, being longer than they are wide and others, such as parenchyma (a common type of plant cell) and erythrocytes (red blood cells) being equidimensional.

How to Extract DNA from Anything Living

First, you need to find something that contains DNA. Since DNA is the blueprint for life, everything living contains DNA


Retroviruses have received much attention in recent years (even before the discovery of the first human retrovirus in 1981), but they have a long history:

The Ultimate Gamble! Gambling with the threads of life itself! GMO GMF

The Best Bioscience Books in the West | Gambling with life itself. GMF GMO Bio-tech terms | bioethics bio technology engineering genetics

82.07.01: The Cell

... consisting of proteins and a giant molecule called DNA. Cells are made up of ... genes encoded or patterned in the DNA (deoxyribonucleic) acid molecule. These genes contain information necessary ...

lymph and immunity

... protein and polysaccharides. Antigens can be any molecule that causes antibody production. Lymphocytes White ... Antibodies are a type of protein molecule known as immunoglobulins. There are five ...


Note: This document is reference material for investigators and other FDA personnel. The document does not bind FDA, and does no confer any rights, privileges, benefits, or immunities for or on any pe

Advanced Biology - Trimester 2

... of the major infectious diseases caused by bacteria, parasites and viruses. Along the way, as ... Allergies (see Peanut Allergies below) An Antibody Molecule Anatomy of a Splinter Autoimmune Disease ...


... blocks of proteins, one of the four organic molecule groups basic to all life. The idea ... today restricted to marginal environments. Recent discoveries of bacteria at mid-ocean ridges add yet another ...

DNA and Molecular Genetics

Traces the history of the discoveries relating to DNA and inheritance. Includes diagrams and links to related resources.

Gene Control

... DNA of living organisms and ... from one cell to another by a virus. Some ... viruses in bacteria. Images ... al., Life: The ... single molecule of ... stranded DNA. Eukaryotic ...

Engines of Creation - K. Eric Drexler : Chapter 1

... a small marble, a fairly complex molecule would be the size of ... can write and edit whatever DNA messages they choose. But by itself, DNA is a fairly worthless molecule. It is neither strong like ...

Malathion Health Research

Malathion Health Facts. Research summaries from major medical journals regarding the ... Phosphino Thioyl Thio Butanedioic Acid Diethyl Ester Malathion Molecule C10 H19 O6 P S2 by Wayne Sinclair, ...

J-D Science Curriculum

Employment Opportunities District Report Card Level I Knows that air is a substance that surrounds us, takes up space, and moves around as wind (K) Knows that Earth materials consist of rocks, soil, and water (k) Knows that short-term............... Level...


,, 100

Inside-Lifescience - the Life Science eZine

Latest News from Biotechnology for Business, Science and Analysts

Edmonds Institute Occasional Paper

... (quotes from Mackay 1977). In the case of DNA, the molecule is stable in a test tube. But it ... no truly non-indigenous forms of non-pathogenic bacteria. Science does not know enough about the natural ...


Science Standards of Learning - Biology The standards for Biology are designed to provide students with a detailed understanding of living systems. Emphasis continues to be placed on the skills necessary to examine alternative scientific


CHEMTRAIL NEWS NEW: WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT FOR YOURSELF!!! click here 7-6-2001 updated 1-24-2002 Subj: Skousen looks at chemtrails/Fwd Date: 1/25/2002 6:16:59 AM Pacific Standard Time From: top_view


We are going to dedicate this ninth part to make a revision of the route that we have followed in our investigations about filtrated virus, and of the associated circumstances, that as a consequence h

Complement Evasion Strategies

... Gram-positive bacteria, for ... actual living organisms ... cruzi life cycle ... University Bio 160 ... host DNA and ... the virus makes ... host cell, taking ... regulatory molecule CD59 ...


... variants of CD44 (the familiar lymphocyte adherence molecule), which appear in tumors that metastasize, and ... gene. * Chromosome 17; read about it as "molecule of the year" cover story Science Dec. ...


What is Biotechnology? Biotechnology is derived from two words-bio meaning life and technology referring to tools and techniques used to achieve a particular purpose. Biotechnology is a set of scientific tools using


Return to Genesis of Eden? BIOCOSMOLOGY Chris King Department of Mathematics University of Auckland, New Zealand CONTENTS Paradise on the Cosmic Equator Generating a Complex Twisted Universe The Abuda

Why is AgBiotech not ready for prime time?

... by viruses), or transformation (direct uptake of DNA by bacteria). According to Ho and Tappeser (1996) ... and other cells. Using phage M13 amp18 DNA as a test molecule, either pipette-fed or added to ...

PF: Archive

Plausible Futures Newsletter News and Analysis for Future Studies and Scenario Based Strategic Planning. ""If you don't like that idea, I've got plenty of others!" - R. Buckminster Full

What is?

... almost all living species on ... code of life. In this ... message molecule is ... from bacteria into ... the DNA of a ... combined virus/fish ... host cell. Vectors ... as 'bio-ballistics ...

Significant Events Of The Last 125 Years

Pasteur introduced the terms aerobic and anaerobic in describing the growth of yeast at the expense of sugar in the presence or absence of oxygen. He observed that more alcohol was produced in the abs


A report on GREGG BRADEN presentation regarding three astonishing experiments with DNA follows. The reporter is not known to us, but is quite accurate in covering Gregg Braden's ideas and research

Ethics and Genetic Engineering

... the physical make up of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), the fundamental molecule of life. They discovered that the ... the chemical base in the DNA molecule which makes each life form unique. Simple life ...

Beware of the toxicity of canola oil!

Canola oil comes from the rape seed, which is part of the mustard family of plants. Rape ... of adenosine triphosphate(ATP), which is the energy molecule that fuels the mitochondria. ATP energy powers ...

txt001jrl: Chaperonins are cell-signalling proteins: the unfolding biology of molecular chaperones

Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine: Accession information: (00)00201-5h.htm (shortcode: txt001jrl); 15 September 2000 Reprint/PDF version Discussion Group How to cite

HSR - Health Supplement Retailer 02/2001: Promoting Immune Power

March 4, 2002 current issue | archive | buyer's guide | contacts | subscribe | reprints | list rental | events calendar 02/28/2002 Industry Review Concludes Kava is Safe A toxicologist hired by an ind


Biology literally means "the study of life". Biology is such a broad field, covering the minute workings of chemical machines inside our cells, to broad scale concepts of ecosystems and global climate

N°61 Ethics and xenotransplantation june 11,1999

The French National Consultative Ethics Committee for Health and Life Sciences (CCNE) published in 1999 the Opinion n° 61 on ethics and xenotransplantation. (in English)


Molecular Electronics Molecular Electronics Introduction (Definition) Advantages Disadvantages Application Molecular Devices Introduction Types of devices Molecular Wires Molecular Switching Molecular

Biophysical Structural Chemistry

Biophysical Structural Chemistry Prof. Dr. J.P. Abrahams & Dr. M. Kuil, Leiden University, Autumn/winter 1999 1. Introduction Science is beginning to understand the molecular causes of many physiological processes. In this series of 13 lectures we

Animal Liberation

Essays on Animal Liberation, Genetic Engineering and Spirituality by Dr. Mira Foung, 1. Genetic Trespassing and Environmental Ethics 2. The Animal Liberation Movement and Global Spi


The Science of Life made easy!

Content File

Saturday, February 23, 2002 1:48:35 PM Prepared For: Public Access Use OVERVIEW This material is based upon work supported by the National ScienceFoundation under Grant No. ESI-9819377. Any opinions,

Complexity of biological systems

... organization of bio-sciences. Part ... beyond the molecule'). Finally, we ... acid : DNA, 1. ... The bacteria M ... their life cycle ... the virus with ... a living organism ... the cell. The ...

NSF Course 11 -- Chemistry of Life Processes-Energy and Metabolism

OVERVIEW PRINCIPAL TOPICS Biochemical reactions and energetics Reactions--pathways and cycles Glycolosis TCA cycle Oxidative phosphorylation Photosynthesis Calvin cycle Fermentation Alternate Lifestyles in Biochemistry Exercise (aerobic, anaerobic &

The Problem of Information: Has Tom Schneider Really Solved it? -

Tom Schneider's efforts to deal with the challenge of information theory to evolutionary theory are examined and shown lacking.


... DNA, the molecule containing the ... of bacteria, fungi and ... a living cell using ... disease virus, this ... the DNA of ... The bio-ethical ... natural living organism ... of life, the ...

Short Introduction to Molecular Genetics

... The cell is ... unit of living organisms. A ... a membrane. Bacteria (prokaryotes) have ... The DNA molecule forms a ... of the cell is ... A virus has a ... be DNA or ... its life cycle. ...

e-Learning Session

... DNA) molecule is formed ... Each virus in the ... Free-living organisms ... engineered "bio-leaching" bacteria extract ... adult cell into ... and DNA sequencers ... faced life ...

The Roots of Consciousness: Theory, The Biological Perspective

... organs, and whole organisms. Melanin: The Organizing Molecule Building on the "reflexive universe" model ... of mental states. It is the molecule, he claims, that coordinates interactions between ...


Below is the unedited penultimate draft of: Hull, D., L., Langman, R., E. and Glenn, S., S. (2001) A General Account of Selection: Biology, Immunology and Behavior. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2

Biotech Pharmaceuticals and Biotherapy: An Overview

... recombinant DNA technology. Gene cloning comprises isolating a DNA-molecule segment ... a DNA molecule a segment from a very different DNA molecule—and making the altered material (recombinant DNA ...

Genetically Manipulated Food News 12 January 2001

Genetically Manipulated Food News 12 January 2001 Table of Contents The Killing Fields – Terminator Crops at Large Roundup Ready Soybean Yield Gap Closing The exact page of GP's GE & non-GE brand name foods list B-GE: Henry I. Miller & Hoover

190 Chapter 18, 19 and 21 Lecture Notes

BIO 190 Chapter ... have smallpox virus is not ... circular DNA molecule or ... they are living in and ... Transduction-DNA from ... a cell’s ... in bacteria, McClintock ... of life--and ...


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