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World Arnold Chiari Malformation Association
WACMA Online.
Almost 1,000 members. Founded 1995.
Provides information and support to persons
concerned with Arnold Chiari Malformation
AKA cerebellomedullary malformation syndrome
via e-mail and the web.
If you only visit one site,
be sure to stop here FIRST !
Come see the "zipperheads".

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FORUMS & Mailing Lists
& Discussion Groups

On-line discussion groups at
Family Village.

Arnold-Chiari Malformation Discussion List
To subscribe send a message to:
In the body of the message type: Subscribe
List Owner at

The World ACM AssociationMGH Neurology
Provides open forums where people can
discuss medical issues freely,
real time discussions in the Neurology Chat Room,
a photograph collection,
and "A Window on my Mind,"
where you can read or write creatively.
This is a webforum to discuss and comment
on Arnold Chiari Malformation.
This is a web forum to discuss and comment
on Syringomyelia.
This is a webforum to discuss and comment
on Tethered Cord Syndrome.
This is a webforum to discuss and comment
on Spina Bifida.

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Mailing Lists, Newsgroups,
and Chat Channels

CataList, claims to be the
official catalog of LISTSERV® lists.
Arranged by topics, interests, country,
and even number of subscribers,
23,878 lists, and 1,571 sites.
If you want on a list, check here.

The Publicly AccessibleMailing List
has an index by name or subject.

This page at FamilyVillage
shows all of the Health and Disability-related
Mailing Lists covering many topics.

The Mailing List Directory

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Chat Rooms
Chiari Information Exchange
ActiveX Chat

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