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There are quite a few hidden areas in the world of Spira which can only be accessed by the airship. However, even with the airship they are not immediately accessible. There are 2 ways to look for hidden areas; one is to input passwords into the airship computer, and the second is to search manually using coordinates. Most of these hidden areas are very small with just a treasure to get, usually some weapon or armour, but there are exceptions like the Omega Ruins.


First we will look at the passwords to be input. There are various hints and clues scattered around the world of Spira which helps you solve this, however, they are written in the language of the Al Bhed, so you'll need to have enough of the Al Bhed language primers to decipher them first (or you can just follow what's written here ^_^)

1. Near the ruins on the Mi'ihen Highroad, there is something like a monument;
2. In the Calm Lands, there is a huge rock outcropping near the northern edge of the cliff (it's close to someone who'll tell you the story of the great fissure there);
3. In the Sanubia Desert, near the place with a lot of ruins; and lastly
4. In the Submerged Ruins, where Tidus first appeared in Spira.

There are altogether 3 passwords you can input. They do not have to be input in any particular order. Note that the passwords have to be in all caps:

Password 1: GODHAND
Password 2: VICTORIOUS
Password 3: MURASAME

After you enter each password, a new area will appear in the airship's list of places you can go to. These are the 3 places which appear when you enter the passwords:

This password will allow you to go to the bottom of the Mushroom Rock Road canyon. There is just one treasure there: the Godhand, Rikku's legendary weapon.

This will let you go to the Besaid Ruins 1. You will find a treasure chest containing a Victorious there (an armour for Rikku), which has complete protection against Thunder (will she be glad!), Fire and Ice elements, and 1 blank slot.

You've guessed it, this time it lets you go to the Besaid Ruins 2 where you can get a Murasame (weapon for Auron), which has the abilities 'Piercing' and 'One MP Cost', as well as 2 blank slots.

That's it for the passwords, now we'll go on to the ...


To access the rest of the hidden areas, you'll need to use the third option in the airship, search. After you've selected this, you'll be able to move the cursor around on the map and on the left you'll see the corresponding X, Y and Z coordinates. Only the X and Y coordinates are important. Basically you just have to move the cursor to a certain XY coordinate (it doesn't have to be very precise) and press the X button to search these places and the new areas will appear in the airship's list. Below is a table of coordinates and the areas they unlock:

Hidden area X-coordinate Y-coordinate
Baaj Temple11 ~ 1657 ~ 63
Besaid Falls29 ~ 3273 ~ 76
Mi'ihen Ruins33 ~ 3655 ~ 60
Battle Site39 ~ 4356 ~ 60
Sanubia Desert12 ~ 1641 ~ 45
Omega Ruins69 ~ 7533 ~ 38

Baaj Temple (Submerged Ruins)
This is where Tidus first appeared in Spira. You can get the Onion Knight, Lulu's legendary weapon here. Other treasures here include a Megalixir and 4 Mega Phoenixes. You also need to come here to get a hidden aeon for Yuna ....

Besaid Falls
There is just one treasure chest here containing a Dragoon Lance (weapon for Kimahri), which has the abilities 'Magic Counter' and 'Evade & Counter' as well as 2 blank slots.

Mi'ihen Ruins
You can see this ruin from the Travel Agency at Mi'ihen Highroad. Anyway when you're there you won't be able to see the treasure chest, so you'll just have to walk around and keep pressing the X button as you go. In the chest is a Sonar (weapon for Rikku), with the abilities 'Initiative' and 'Poisonstrike' as well as a blank slot.

Battle Site
The treasure chest here contains a Phantom Bangle (armour for Lulu) which absorbs Ice, Fire and Water elements.

Sanubia Desert
The treasure chest here contains an Ascalon (weapon for Tidus) which has the ability 'Double AP'. You can encounter the stronger monsters of Sanubia Desert here, which makes it a useful place for collecting certain monsters for the monster arena.

Omega Ruins
This is the biggest of the hidden areas. There are a lot of treasures you can get here, the enemies are among the strongest in the game, you can earn lots of Gil here and you can fight 2 powerful optional bosses, Ultima Weapon and Omega Weapon. When you first enter the Ruins, you'll get to learn a bit of its background history from Wakka and Lulu (I'll just go over this briefly for now, if necessary maybe one of these days I'll get around to writing a complete guide to the Ruins). The treasures here are: a Magic Sphere, a Teleport Sphere, a Friend Sphere, volume XXVI of the Al Bhed language primers, and various equipment (it's a bit complicated to explain exactly what).

That's all for the hidden areas!

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