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Anime RPG Tournements

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Next Tournement Info
Date: Monday July 23 - however long it takes

Style: Single Elimination Tournement

Rules: Flying is allowd
All weapons and Mecha are allowed
No Space Ships
Falling out of the ring means you lose
Everyone Participates (even if you are dead or healing)
No one complains about the outcome
I will participate but don't plan on making it past the first round
Pairings for the matches will be determined through random drawing of names from a hat

Other Stuff: This Tournement will go one round a day until it is over
everyone has a chance to win no matter how new or inexpeirienced
a fighter can win against a Mecha
Repair/Healing days must be served from damage in the tournement
If you don't understand something or think I have forgotten something IM or mail me

Prizes: Only the first four top competitors will get real prizes
Everyone will get $500 and a Senzu bean/Repair Kit from the tournement

4th/3rd will get $1000 and Two Senzu beans/Repair Kits

2nd Place will get a House with a Gravitron and $1000 worth of defenses from the shop and two Senzu beans/Repair Kits

1st Place will get a Base with 1 Training Facility of thier choice (if you have an idea for a training facility not in the shot we can discuss it) and $2500 worth of defenses from the shop and two Senzu beans/Repair Kits.

Good Luck

Asuka Langly vs Sage of the Halo

Asuka activates her Eva and makes a few last minute preparations before the fight. Sage Calls for his armor of halo and begins to warm up for the match. The two take their positions at opposite ends of the ring as the Ref steps into the middle. The reff anounces for the fight to start and darts over to the edge of the ring as the two participants begin. Asuka draws her lance as Sage begins by charging at the large suit. Asuka drills her lance into the ring but Sage manages to dodge it as he releases a thunderbolt cut into the suit. The Eva pulls its lance from the ring as it stumbles back from Sages attack. Asuka regains balance in the suit and begins her attack again. Sage continues to dodge the large lance as Asuka swings it almost hitting the small fighter. Sage attepts another thunderbolt cutbut this time hit with the blunt end of Asuka's Lance sending him several meters accross the arena floor. Sage gets up in enough time to watch as Asuka comes at him again but dodges the large lance as he releases another thunderbolt cut into the suit, this time knocking it to the ground. Sage climps ip the suits leg making his was towards the Eva's cockpit hatch but doesn't make it before Asuka pulls her suit to its feet. Sage Drops from the suit but is kicked on the way down. After coming to a skiding stop on the arena surface Sage begins to get up again and raises his sword. As Sage announces his attack Asuka throws her lance at the small target. Sage begins to unleash his giant thunderbolt cut he is hit by the lance and knocked uncouncious.

Asuka/EVA 02
Sage- 6 Days of Repairing

Maya vs Sage of the Halo

Sage calls his armor just before the Ref sounds for the battle to start. Maya is first to strike with a barrage of handgun fire into Sages Armor. Sage charges Maya and swings his sword, wich is blocked by Maya's Shotgun before she fires a round into Sages already pumbled armor. Sage slashes horizontally, but Maya ducks avoiding it before she jumps over him. Maya turns unloading another round into the green armor of halo as sage turns to Swing again. Maya dodges the swing but looses her balance and falls. Sage Slashes virtically diging into the hard arena floor as Maya rolls backwards to avoid. Realizing she has droped her gun Maya calls for someone to toss her her assault rifle but she doesn't catch it as she dodges another of Sages attacks. Maya manages to break away from Sage long enough to grab her rifle but as she turns to fire she is struck by Sage's Tunderbolt Cut, leaving her unable to fight.

Sage Wins
Maya- 5 Days of Repairing
Semi Finals
Vegita vs Asuka Langly

The ref sounds the begining of the first bout and Vegita goes on the attack with a large Gallit Gun. Asuka manages to dodge the blast and draws her lance burying it into the ground where Vegita was a second ago. Vegita takes to the air and begins unleashing a large volley of Ki into the suit knocking it to the floor of the arena. Vegita charges the grounded suit but is caught by a punch sending Vegita back a few meters. Picking up her lance Asuka brings her suit to its feet. Vegita regains his balance and begins firing blast after blast of Ki into Asuka's Eva. As the Suit falls again from the Ki assault Vegita is caught off gaurd by the suits hand. Vegita is smacked by the suit sending him crashing to the ground just outside the ring.

Asuka/EVA 02
Vegita- 4 Days of Repairing

Round Three
Isamu vs Vegita

Isamu flips a few switches in the cockpit of his YF-19 as Vegita does stretches on the ground to prepair for the fight. A buzzer sounds and Vegita starts with a barrage of Ki blasts into the hull of the giant mech. Isamu sidesteps and returns with a hail of fire from his gunpod. Deciding to take this fight to the air Isamu converts to fighter and takes off from the arena followed by vegita. Annoyed by Isamu's choice of fighting Vegita begins to power up his Final flash. As the YF-19 Comes arround and Launches 2 missles they are instantly destroyed by the Large blast of Ki which also hits Isamus craft. As the YF-19 begins to loose its alititude Vegita fires off a Gallat Gun to finish it off and sends it crashing into the ground.

Vegita Wins
Isamu/YF-19- 5 Days of Repairing
Asuka vs Rain

EVA 02 and the Rising stand at their appointed corners of the ring, both with their respected weapons. The ref calls for the battle to begin and the two attack. Rains Heat Naginata Digs into Asuka's lance but she manages to break away before her lance does. The EVA jumps a low slash from Rain before puncturing the Risings left arm with its lance. As Rain trys to pull free he digs his Naginata into the EVA's left shoulder. Asuka leaves her lance in the Risings arm to get away then draws her prog knife and goes in to finish Rain off. Trying to pull the lance from his suits arm Rain doesn't see Asuka moving in and is caught offgaurd by the prog kife disableing Risings right arm. Now with know arms to use Rain calls to give up and Asuka Wins.

Asuka/EVA 02 Wins
Rain/Rising- 4 Days of Repairing
Maya vs Leilong

Maya and Leilong perepair for the last bout of the 3rd Round and the Ref calls for the fight to begin. Leilong is the first to attack but Maya blocks his sword with her Machine gun then kicks him back unloading an entire clip of ammunition on him. Leilong blocks most of the shots with his Tao magic but still takes a few hits as Maya opts to switch guns rather than clips. Maya pulls out her handgun and Leilong chooses the same weapon as the two exchange fire from accross the ring. Maya does well at dodgeing but takes a hit to the shoulder causing her minor damage, but Leilong suffers no such hits. Growing annoyed with Leilong's magic Maya draws her shotgun and jumps over to Leilong. Fires the gun at point blank range, fourtunatly for Leilong his magic sustains the bullets but the force of the shot blows him from the ring.

Maya Wins
Leilong- 3 Days of Repairing

Round Two
Heero Yuy vs Asuka Langly

Heero and Asuka make a few last minute external modifications on their suits as the ref yells for the battle to start. Heero gets to his cockpit first and the Wings eyes glow green as it comes to life. Just as Asuka's Eva 02 activates it is tackled by Wing almost knocking the two out of the ring. Asuka manages to flip her suit over Wing back into the center of the ring and draws her lance. Asuka jabs her lance at Wing but only makes several deep indentions into the shield. Heero draws his saber making several swings at Eva but misses. Heero swings his saber virtically diging a deep trench into the arena as Asuka lands her lance into the upper chest of Wing. Heero again charges on Asuka knocking the two suits to the floor of the arena. Heero's saber digs into the Eva's left arm as Asuka strugles to get her suit to its feet. Unable to get up Asuka positions the Eva's feet on the Wings lowwer torso as Heero unleases a barrage of vulcan fire into the Eva's head destroying it. As Asuka's Visuals go out she flings Wing from the top of her suit. Wing falls quite a ways off the ring as Heero activates his vernier feet before the Wing touches the ground. Unable to hold the full suits weight up from the vernier's less than obtimal angle to the ground Wing lands and the Reff calls Asuka as the Winner

Asuka/Eva 02 Wins
Heero/Wing- 4 Days of Repair
Vegita vs Rowen of the Strata

Vegita watches as Rowen calls upon his armor before returning to some last minute stretching. The Start bell rings and the Two fighters begin. Rowen fires a few Arrows but Vegita stops them with blasts of Ki as he begins his asent into the air. Rowen Fires an Arrow Shock Wave which overcomes the Ki Vegita fires to stop it. Vegita lands back in the ring from his impact and begins fireing Ki shots at Rowen in a random pattern. Unable to get a shot off in the storm of Ki Rowen attempts to find a open spot. Vegita stops the small Ki attacks and charges hif Final Flash, noticing the opening Rowen Begins to fire his Arrow Shock Wave. As the two release their attacks Vegitas is only mildly stalled by the shockwave before hitting Rowen Dead on leaving him to drop his bow. Noticing the weapon laying on the ground Vegita fires a Ki bolt which knocks the bow far out of the ring. Vegita fly's back a few feet and Fires his Big Bang Attack, Hitting Rowen and knocking him out of the Ring.

Vegita Wins
Rowen- 5 Days of Healing
Ryo of the Wildfire vs Leilong

As the start bell rings Ryo and Leilong lock swords. Ryo swings his second but Leilong blocks with his knife. Leilongs jumps back a few feet and casts a Taomagic spell sending a bolt of energy striking Ryo and flinging him across the ring. Leilong Drops his knife and grips his sword with both chasing after Ryo. Ryo flips back onto his feet, dodging a swing from Leilong, then blocking another. Leilong jumps over a slash from Ryo and digs his sword into Ryo's armor. Leilong Jumps back pulling his sword from Ryo's armor and casts another Taomagic spell. Hitting Ryo with a large ball of energy, sending Ryo Flying from the ring Leilong is called as the winner

Leilong Wins
Ryo- 5 Days of Healing
Rei vs Sage of the Halo

The Ref calls for the battle to start as Sage begins charging on Sailor Mars. Mars Fires her Celestial fire, Sage dodges the first few but is hit in the chest by the last, knocking him to the ground. As Sage gets back to his feet mars begins a fury of punches and kicks into Sage. As he begins to block some of the attacks Sage gets his sword knocked from his hands. Mars Lets off a punch but misses throwing her off balance leaving Sage an opening to attack. Sage lands a kick into Mars sending her to the ground. As Mars recovers from the kick Sage runs over to get his sword. Climbing to her feet Mars sees Sage raise his sword shouting "Thunder Bolt Cut". As Sage swings his sword down Mares fires off her firebird. The two hit eachother sending both flying, but Mars flys from the ring leaving the dishelved Sage the winner.

Sage Wins
Rei- 4 Days of Healing
Rain vs Sabin

The start bell rings and Sabin quicly dodges a barrage of vulcan fire from the large mobil suit. As the Rising draws its Heat Naginata Sabin attampts to get to the Pilot compartment of the suit. Rain notices Sabin attmpting to climb the suit and makes a rather large jump to shake him off. Diging his naginata into the ground crashing the arena round sabin, Rain attempts to Finish him off. boosting back a few feet the Rising activates his bow and fires off an arrow finishing Sabin.

Rain Wins
Sasbin- none
Isamu vs Zero

Isamu Stands across from Zero preparing his weapons. The Ref calls out begin and Zero launches a z buster shot at Isamu. Isamu just laughs as the blasts bounce off his suit and he fires his Laser Turret. The blast sends a beam across the ring to strike Zero in the Leg and Slice it off. Zero falls to the Ground and looks up at Isamu who just slams his foot down on zero and zero is knocked uncounsious. The ref determines that since zero is out cold Isamu Wins

Isamu Wins
Zero- 6 Days of Repairing
Maya vs Kento

Maya stands across from Kento. They Prepare by Kento calling the Armor of Hardrock and maya setting up her shotgun. The Ref says begin and the fighter go at each other. Kento Shouts "Iron Rock Crusher." The ring suddenly explodes but maya avoids the explosion. She fires Her ShotGun at kento only to see the rounds bounce off his suit. Kento looks up and says "Your little bullets won't damage my armor.", Maya replies by firing a second round into Kento and peirces his armor. Kento surprised says " How did you do that." Maya replies " I knew i would fight you so i prepared by adding Armor Peircing rounds." Kento falls from several gun shot wounds and maya is proclaimed the Winner.

Maya Wins
Kento- 6 Days of Healing

Round One
Cye of the Torrent vs Zero

Standing at opposite ends of the arena the two fighters prepair. Zero goes through checking his systems finding no problems then checks his weapons. At the other end Cye begins to stretch then takes out his Yari and practices a few moves. A bell rings and the fight begins, Zero lets out a blast but misses the agile Cye. Zero charges again and fires but misses again as Cye catipults himself over to Zero. Cye spins his Yari in the air then brings it down missing Zero and swings again. Zero attempts to dodge again but is caught by the trident in his shoulder riping the titianium skin. Quickly Zero charges his buster to the second level and fires into Cye's Chest knocking him away. As Cye climbs back to his feet he sees Zero charging towards him. Cye blocks with is trident then flips Zero over his back onto the ground. Cye turns arround and digs the Yari into the stadium tile where Zero's head was moments before. Cye looks up to see Zero fire a volley of plasma blasts. Cye dodges the first few but is knocked down by the last. Climbing to his feet again Cye begins his Super Wave Smasher attack. The Column of water plows into Zero pushing him inch by inch towards the edge of the ring. Inches before going over Zero remembers his Thunder Beam and switches to the weapon. Firing it strait through the water the Beam crashes into Cye knocking him out cold.

Zero Wins
Cye- 5 Days of Healing
Trowa Barton vs Rowen of the Strata

Rowen and Trowa Stand ready on the tournament match. They wait for the ref to Scream begin. A few seconds later the ref says begin and trowa unleashes his head vulcans into rowen. Rowen manages to avoid several but still is hit recieving chips in his armor. Rowen decides it is time to retailiate and Fires 3 arrow Shock Waves into The HeavyArms. The blasts ricochte off the Suit and does little damage to the HeavyArms. Rowen Is about ready to fire again when trowa unleashes his homing missles. The missles streak towards rowen, Rowen Jumps and the Missles impact on the Ground where rowen was just standing. Taking the time to Release a few more arrow shock waves Rowen lands the hits right into the head of the HeavyArms. The impacts manage to knock out the visual sensors on the heavyarms. Trowa Begins to fire wildly and manages to hit rowen in the leg. Rowen Now angry Screams Arrow Shock Wave and launches and arrow right through the heavyarms cockpit and into trowa's Arm. Trowa Now being injured decides that it is not worth dying Calls out I forfeit the match. The Ref calls Out Rowen of the Strata Wins the Round.

Rowen Wins
Trowa/Heavyarms- 3 Days of Healing/5 Days of Repair
Wu fei Chang vs Asuka Langly

A buzzer is heard over the large ring and the two giant mobil suits begin their fight. Asuka Draws her Prog Lance and Wufei his beam glave both spinning in the air the fighters charge each other. Shenlong is the first to attack as he attempts to pierce the Eva with its glaive. Asuka's agile suit dodges the Glaive and sinks her lance into the Shenlongs left shoulder rendering it useless. Now Down one arm wufei begins making his attacks faster and more relentless to keep up with the Eva. The two lock lances for a moment and the Shenlong's is flung far out of the ring. Shenlong blocks Asuka's lance once more then boosts back. Shenlongs dragon fang launches at the Eva and knocks the lance from its hands before lighting up its flame throwers. Quickly dodging the flame Asuka draws her Prog Knife and digs it into the head of the Dragon flame. as the gas line in the arm of the Shenlong egnites the entire arm explodes in a rage of fire and smoke blowing the rest of the Shenlong out of the Ring.

Asuka/Eva 02 Wins
Wu fei/Shenlong- 6 Days of Repair
Rain vs Zechs Marquis

Rain and Zechs wait in their Mobile Suits. The Ref Shouts Begin and Zechs Pulls his Dober Gun and fires it right into the Rising Gundam. Rain a little Faster manages to Dodge the Attack and fires her beam bow right into Zechs Dober Gun. The gun explodes and damages the Left Arm of the TallGeese. Zechs now reduced to only his beam sabers pulls one and starts an assault on Rain. Rain manages to dodge the shots and fires her beam bow again hitting the TallGeese square in the Chest. The shot not strong enough to damage the cockpit traces a scar across the chest to the left arm. Zechs swings his Right arm and slams the Shield into the Head of the Rising gundam and causes the screen in the Rising to flicker around. Rain unleases her MachineCannons and traces shots up the left and right legs to the Knee caps and shreds them up. The Tallgeese falls foward and is unable to get back up. Rain not satified with her victory yet unleases her Ultimate Attack The Rising Arrow and destroys the TallGeese. Zechs Ejects and Lan ds a few Feet Away from the Reckage of the TallGeese. The Ref calls out The Winner is Rain and the Rising Gundam.

Rain/Rising Wins
Zechs/Tallgeese- 7 Days of Repair
Terry Bogard vs Kento of the Hardrock

Terry begins the fight as the ref says go. Starting with a fury of punches and Kicks into the waiting Kento's Armor, who manages to block a few of the faster Terry's attacks. Terry releases a Burnning Knuckle into the center of Kento's armor causeing several cracks and breaks. Noticing the affectiveness Terry attacks again almost breaking a clear hole through the armor. Kento Catches a punch leaving him an opening and Kicks Terry away for a chance to draw his Naginata blade. Terry flips to his feet then back and back again dodging the blade of Kento as he attacks. Terry blocks the Blade once then manages to land a kick into Kento sending them both to the ground. Kento jumps to his feet and then over Terry. As Terry realizes what he's doing kento Kicks Terry sending him several meters over the surface of the Arena. Barley able to stand Terry manages to get back up but is droped again by another punch from the abnormally strong Kento. The Ref moves in and determines Terry is no longer able to fight.

Kento Wins
Terry- 5 Days of Healing
Leilong vs Tuxedo Mask

Leilong and Tuxedo Mask wait on the Floor for the Ref's Call. The ref calls begin and Tuxedo Mask throws one of his Roses at Leilong. Leilong Avoids the Flower and throws his knife at tuxedo mask. The knife hits and digs right into tuxedo's arm. Tuxedo Mask Pulls the Knife out and throws it to the ground. Leilong takes the Chance and jumps into the Air sword Drawen. Tuxedo Mask pulls his staff and blocks the sword. Leilong Calls out you think your little Stick can Stop My Sword. Just then Leilong fires one of his Tao Magic Spells and hits tuxedo mask square in the chest. Tuxedo Mask falls to the ground droping his Staff and Leilong lands right on top of Tuxedo Mask and points his Sword right at Tuxedo Mask's Throat. Leilong Yells "Do you Yeild". Tuxedo Mask coughs out "I yield" the Ref says leilong is the Winner.

Leilong Wins
Tuxedo Mask- 2 Days of Healing
Heero Yuy vs Vash the Stampede

Vash Stairs up at the large Mech as he finishes loading his gun. As a siren sounds Heero unleases a fury of vulcan fire from his head vulcans and machine cannons which seem of follow Vash arround as he trys to dodge. Vash turns as he runs and fires a the full load from his gun into the Head of the Wing attempting to knock out its sensors. None of the bullets hit their mark and Vash draws his machine gun Heero gets tired of the small fire and activate his vernier flying high enough into the air to draw his buster rifle. Vash slowly stops fireing as he sees what Wing is doing and rushes for the side of the ring. Heero fires the buster into the ring destroying it and leaving a crater and pile of stone ruble, among witch a dishelved Vash.

Heero/Wing Wins
Vash- 5 Days of Healing
Ryo of the Wildfire vs Megaman X

Ryo stands Across The Field facing MegaMan X. X calls over "You will not win Ryo." Ryo Replies "That is where you are wrong X." the Ref says Begin and Ryo Shouts "FLARE UP NOW" Ryo creates a huge fire Cyclone that hits X. X takes some damage from the heat and almost lands outside the ring but manages to catch himself. X fires a Shot from his X buster and it hits Ryo's Swords bouncing off. X looking Surprised does not see Ryo do a Spining Sword Slash and slams into X knocking him out of the ring. The Ref calls Ryo Wins

Ryo Wins
X- 3 Days of Healing
Vegita vs Goku

The Two Saiyan Worriors Stand in a fighting position waiting for the round to begin. The Ref calls it then runs behind the corner of the ring as to stay out of the way. Vegita Bursts into a burst of Ki and begins by Firing off a Ryzoko Energy Dan. As Goku attempts to dodge all of the ki blasts He charges up his Kioken to level Two and makes his way to Vegita. The two trade off punches and kicks in a furious manner before breaking away. Goku fires off a Kamehameha which meets with Vegitas Final Flash. The two blast Bury into eachother with Vegitas attack having more power it slowly overtakes Goku's. As the Attack come in on Goku he uses his Kioken and the blasts even out again. As Gokus teqnique wears off his blast is overtaken and Goku is blasted out several meters off the arena. Vegita Launches after him in a burst of ki and the two continue the fight. Goku fires off a blast of Ki int vegita stunning him for a moment but Goku can't capitalize on it as Vegita retaliates with his own blast then Knocks Goku towards the ground. As Goku regains control Vegita fires off a Gallic Gun sending Goku burying into the ground.

Vegita Wins
Goku- 5 Days of Healing
Tekkaman Blade vs Sabin

Sabin stand Looking at Tekaman Blade. The Ref shouts begin and Blade Launches himself into the air firing his Voltekka Blast at Sabin only to relise that Sabin Has Moved and Sabin Fires his AuraBolt and forces Blade to the ground a few feet from the edge of the Ring. Sabin Lands and prepares for the Counter Attack. Sabin only sees that blade is no longer moving and walks over to him ready for an attack. He reaches Blade out to kick blade only to be surprised from behind by blade not being in his suit. Blade hits sabin with a few punches and then is hit by an aurabolt and launched out of the ring. Sabin Wins calls the Ref

Sabin Wins
Tekkaman- 5 Days of Healing
Maya vs Duo Maxwell

Maya Pulls out Her Sniper rifle and begins aiming as the Ref calls the fight to begin. Duo Ignites his beam scythe as Maya unleashes the entire clip in her rifle knocking ot several camera components in the Deathscythe. Having extremely limited vision now Duo begins to swing his scythe at whatever his visuals can make out but most of the time missing Maya. On a low swing with its shield Maya jumps onto the suit and carefully makes her way up the arm. As she reaches the Head Maya draws her Shotgun and unloads into the rest of the camera components. Now completely without visuals the Deatscythe begins to stumble and Falls to the ground. Maya escapes the crash and claims the victory from the unable to fight Deathscythe.

Maya Wins
Duo/Deathscythe- 2 Days of repair
Rei vs Gene Starwin

Gene StarWind faces off against Sailor Mars. The ref shouts fight and the fighters go at each other gene unloading clips from his hand gun and mars firing her celestial fireballs. The 2 meet at the center and then exchange kicks and punches. They jump away and gene reaches for his caster gun when mars fires her firebird strike. The blast catchs gene off guard and he is severly burned. Trying to retaliate he fires one caster shot off and it misses draining the rest of his strength and power and he passes out. The ref calls Mars Wins

Rei Wins
Gene- 3 Days of Healing
Isamu Alva Dyson vs Ryu

Isamu's Mech changes from its fighter mode to battleoid and pulls out its Gatling gun pod. A siren sounds as Isamu releases a burst of fire down on Ryu. Dodging the bullets Ryu finds an open spot and fires off a Hadouken into the suit. The attack leaves a fairly large hole in the Hull but doesn't damage any major systems as Isamu releases a volley of missles, the explosion knocking him out of the ring.

Isamu/YF-19 Wins
Ryu- 4 Days of Healing
Sage of the Halo vs Strider Hiru

The two swordsman stand a few feet apart as the reff yells go. The two continue to stare eachother down Finally Sage makes the first move, but is almost perfectly countered by strider. The two continue each time countering eachother as sparks begin to fly between the two swords. Sage makes a low swing but Strider jumps over it and brings down his sword but is again blocked by Sage. Sage Jumps back and Raises his sword and anounces his attack, as ligntening strikes his sword Strider strikes Sage with his and the two are blown away by the electrifying blast. Sage is first to recovef from the blast and charges as the slowly recovering srtider. Strider manages to block the sword but is kicked back by Sage. Strider recovers faster this time as a few small orbiters begin to surround him. the orbiters begin fireing on Sage who begins to deflect some with his sword but is inevitably hit a few times. Taking the hits Sage raises his sword again and this time completes the attack taking out all of striders orbitres and sending him back several feet almost off the arena. Sage slowly makes his way toward strider. Bringing his sword down on Strider it is blocked again but Sage manages to Kick him hard enough to send him several feet off the arena floor

Sage Wins
Strider- 5 Days of Healing