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RPG Stuff
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Rules Of the RPG

Section A Attacking
Section B Tournements
Section C Quests and Missions
Section D Training and Learning Techniques
Section E Expeirience, Power, and Upgrading
Section F Shoping and Buying
Section G Traveling
Section H E-Mailing and Instant Messaging
Section I Miscellaneous

Base Rules Of The RPG

1- Don't commit any "isms" (sexism, racism, etc) their bad.
2- Only use profanity if it is to further your Roleplaying expeirience.
3- No Arguing with the webmaster, can end up in removal from the RPG.
4- Don't e-mail me or anyone else with stupid questions that can be answered on this page.
5- Before you join read the rules, all the rules and everthing including the rules or so help you god.
6- This is a game so don't take it too seriously
7- If you wana join you have to keep reading so off you go.
8- This RPG will run from Monday to Saturday, leaving Sunday for me to catch up and do shuch stuff, if you don't like it too bad its a long week compaired to some other rpgs.

Rules Of Attacking

There Are several types of battles, to battle just mail me or one of my associates(look under e-mail for our mails) and tell us what you want to do.
Duel - Ah Yes, the most noble of noble battles the Duel. Two Fighers agree to a fight with their own rules both must mail to duel.
Attack - Usually the most common type of battle is the Attack. One fighter attacks another without his or her consent. Easiest and quickes way to get a battle.
Remote Attack - You, as the attacking force, buy some units from the shop and send them to attack your target(which can be a person, ship, base, anything) and you can help in the attack.
Base Attack - You (or a group of people) attack a base, pretty simple. One person mail me with all the names of the people involved, the fewer you have the less likely it is you will win.
Ambush - If you are at a planet where someone is going to you may wait for them to get there and attack as soon as they land to get the drop on someone, giving you quite the advantage.

Rules For Tournement

Periodically there will be Tournements in this RPG for the members to enter and compete for prizes. Theres not really a lot I can put here because each Tourny wil have its own separate rules so keep a watch out for Tournys cause thats where big prizes will be given out. One thing however you cannot enter a tourny if you are repairing or healing the day of the tourny.

Rules For Quests And Missions

Quests: Ok there are two basic quests in this RPG the first of which is for anyone. Looking for Dragonballs either on earth or namek, they grant wishes learn more about them on the Quests page.
Second there is a Quest for only pokemon trainers, you can look for up to 6 new pokemon to fight with. Learn more about that on the Quest page too.
The other Quests are for anyone. You take a quest in hopes of gaining massive exp and power, but not just one person alone will be able to complete such tasks it may take the entire RPG. Again more on the quests page.
Missions: Missions are a lot like quests except they are taken to earn money rather than power and experience. Also unlike quests they do not usually take many people to accomplish and may have a few forces working against each other. You may ever have the choice of which force you work with. Unlike quests though they usually will not be up for a long time and usually have a time limit before they expire and happen.

Rules of Training and Techniques

You can Train With anyone else in the RPG as long as they agree. Training is one of the best ways to gain both expeirence and Power. You can only train anywhere up to 5 days at a time. You can also train with the NPCs on this RPG to learn new techniques and gain power. New Techniques cannot be learned from other members of the RPG. Different Training Facilities have different ways of training. Most Facilities you will train for a said number of days and recieve power and expeirience (or whatever the training gives you). Some Facilities (Virtual Reality Simulators, and Pilot Training Facilities) You will tell me how hard you wan't to set it and what you wan't to fight, then it will be writen like a battle and you will have to heal (Like the Matrix, if you die or get hurt in the simulation. you have to heal.

Rules of Experience, Power, and Upgrading

This RPG runs on two systems, the first of which is an Experience point system which determines how skillfully you fight. Its quite simple really, the more Experience you have the better you fight and the better chance you have of winning. Be warned that some characters can only increase their Experience to aid them in battle but that does not make them any better or worse.
The second of the systems which this RPG runs is a Power Level system. The Higher your powerlevel the more powerful, Faster, better weapons (and more destructive) your character is. But remember Power isn't everything. Not all character can raise their power but that does not make them any better or worse.
Some Characters (not all but allot of them) can Upgrade or in other ways rapidly increase their power in a small amount of time (ie going super sayajin or rebuilding a Gundam). Different characters however will upgrade differently, to find clues to your upgrading look to the anime in which they are from.

Rules of Shoping and Buying

In this RPG (like most of my past rpgs) I overdo it with the shop and end up having to restrict peoples purchasing power. This one is no different, weapons are limited to one or two, other than you characters basic weapons that is. Ammo and weapon enhancements however are a different story though (all except buster weapons, those are limited to three or four). Ships and Facilities Are not limited by me but only by the money you have. However the capacity of the ship or facility does restrict what kind of stuff you can buy and add to your facility or ship. Units are usually only limited to the capacity of what your putting them into, unless you are going to bring them around with you. You may have up to 4 Units going around with you as Lackys, bodyguards, sidekicks, whatever and they do count towards the capacity if you put them in a ship. Units cannot be trained or have stuff bought for them though.

Rules of Traveling

First off, the times on the travel page are for people with standard ships, anyone who can travel without a ship takes double that time (this includes people who can breath in space and mobil suits). Anyone who starts with a ship it takes the normal time. There are neumerous planets in the world of anime so I only included some of the more popular ones. You can also travel to bases or other facilites which takes one day (as long as you on the same planet as your target location) You can go to random places in space ( in days from the Earth please) or orbits of planets. You can go to other planets of our solar system but you'll have to ask me for the travel time if their not on the locations page.

Rules of E-mailing and Instant Messaging

Joining Mails- (notice how I haven't put any joining info on this page) and I'm not going to start here. Go to the joining page after you finish to find that mail.
Battling Mails-mails for battles, any of these mails will do.
My Mail: MavHunter
Traveling Mails- Mails to go places, only mine.
My Mail: MavHunterX
Questions and anything else- Again only to me.
My Mail: MavHunterX
Instant Messangers- To get in touch directly with me or my staff try these IMs.
My AIM: DeathscythH 02

Miscelaneous Rules of the RPG

I do have a life but I will update as often as possible (hopefully every day). Other than that if you have any questions just mail or AIM me I don't have a problem with it and enjoy meeting (via IM of course) the members of my RPG. I, as in me ,personally will be participating in this rpg(though I don't think anyone would have found out If I didn't say) I will not join any teams but will be a mercinary for hire. I will never enter any tournement but may participate in a quest. If you have a problem with this get over it cause its hard to change my mind so there.
The Add ons-
You may notice some stuff non RPG related at the bottom of the directory to the left. Thats because I was originally going to make an anime site but changed my mind thats the remenents. Check it out it may be useful and entertaining when its up.
Simple, if you die your not able to do anything for 9 days unless someone revives you with the dragon balls. I don't plan on doing this too often but it may happen. Unconsiousness however may happen more often, in which you are out of action for 7 days, one week, and will revive shortly there after.
As odd as it may seem there our people out there who are real ass holes and can't follow these simple rules. So if you tick me off enough (generally takes quite a bit to get me that far) you will be removed from the RPG. the first time you will be allowed to rejoin on a later date. The second time you can join again with penalties. The third time is the last straw, you will never be allowed back again (and don't think joining under another mail will work, webmasters know everything).
If you think I missed something here just e-mail me and I'll fix it or add it on.

Well if you have made it this far you must really want to join, and to me you are worthy as long as you've read the whole thing. So go to the Joining Page and fill out the appropriate application.