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The Anime RPG Quests and Missions

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Quests and Missions

General Rules of Quests and Missions

To take a quest or mission you must only mail me to take part in the activity. For quests only one person is needed to start it but may end up including the entire rpg against one force. Missions may need a specific amount of people or start on a certain day. Missions will be explained and if you have any questions on the specifics just mail me. Quests remain a mystery until taken and specifics about it cannot be given out. The Dragon ball and pokemon quests may be taken at any time, however the dragon balls cannot be activated until all 7 are in your possesion.




Earth Dragon Balls: To find the Earth Dragon balls e-mail me to look for one, tell me what number star ball it is (1-7). It takes 3 days per ball, if someone already has the ball you must attack and steal the ball from them. once you have all of the balls you may make one wish, anything you want (immortality is only for a maximum of 2 weeks and powerups are limited). After the wish is made the Dragon balls will Return in 1 month (30 Days Roughly)
Namek Dragon Balls: To find the Namek Dragon balls e-mail me to look for one, tell me what number star ball it is (1-7). It takes 5 days per ball, if someone already has the ball you must attack and steal the ball from them. once you have all of the balls you may make three wishs, anything you want (immortality is only for a maximum of 2 weeks and powerups are limited). After the wish is made the Dragon balls will retun in 1 month (30 Days Roughly)
Finding Pokemon: For Pokemon Trainers they are allowed a maximum of six little monsters to fight with. If you don't like the ones you picked to start with you can get rid of them and find more. You can only find them by mailing me to look for them, the more powerful the longer it will take to find. You can only get basic kinds to start with and they will grow from that. The shortest time it will take is 2 days and will go up from there depending on how hard it is to find.
The rest of these are actual quests that involve fighting massivly powerful forces. The forces released by taking the quest may attack random people or things so you'll be best off destroying them as quickly as possibly. To take a quest Mail me which one, only one quest may be going at a time. Good Luck.

Quest 1

A comet has crashed to Earth. You are to search it out and find out what it is.

Quest 2

A closed down robotics factory has started production again. You're sent to find out what has been going on.

Quest 3

Take a trip to Hell and back to find the source of the dead rearising.

Quest 4

A kingdom in northern Europe has suddenly become violent to its nearest neighbor. You are sent as an ambasador to figure out their troubles.

Quest 5

A military prision from a recent war is rumored to be hiding technological marvels. You are to find and recover this lost technology.


If you wish to issue a mission you must mail me what the mission is, when it is to take place, how many people are the minimum or maximum for the mission and how much the people who accept the mission will get paid. The payment for the mission must come from your account if you don not have enough money the mission will not take place.