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Joining The Anime RPG

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Joining The Anime RPG

General Rules Of Joining
To Join this RPG, seeing as how it is e-mail based, You must mail me to Join. You may join as one, and only one character, if you caught with two or more you will be ban never to return. You may not join as a character that has already been taken or has been set as an NPC. The type of your character is non nogotiable (ie heero yuy cannot be changed from a pilot to a fighter). There are four types of characters, Fighters, Pilots, Robots, and Trainers. Each type has its strenghts and weaknesses, not one is better than the other(its all opinion).
As to Where you choose your character from there is a distinct order of best to worst places to find characters. The best places are Anime's and Mangas. Second best would be from Video/Computer Games (especially based on animes) As of June 30th American Characters are ban from the rpg due to not being japanes, or anime enough. Call it Prejudice if you wish.
If you have any questions about rules or joining send 'em Here.
Joining As a Fighter
These people are those who rely on their own powers and abilities to fight and who's power is virtually limitless(Goku, Sailor Moon, Mega Man, ect). The vast majority of the Characters in Animes are fighters so if your guessing on which group your character belongs this is the best choice. Fighters can raise both their Power and Experience. Below is the information needed for a fighter.
Name of Character
Nick Name of Character (only if one is present in series)
Alignment (choose from Neutral, Evil, or Good)
Characters Techniques and Abilities (attacks or abilities the character uses in its series)
Characters Items (Any Items your character has in its series which may become of use in this rpg, ships included)
Series Your Character is From
Joining As a Pilot
These are people who rely on mechanical objects for power and gain exp to fight better. This includes most Mecha Pilots, maybe some ship pilots but most of those are fighters. Pilots usually have little power themselves but have high experience. Thier power comes from their Mecha which cannont raise its power through training or battleing only upgrading and buying. Some examples of Pilots are Rick Hunter and Duo Maxwell. You may not start as an upgraded mecha. Pilots can only raise thier experience through battle and start with a certain power (that of thier mecha). The information needed to join as a pilot is as below.
Name of Pilot
Nickname of Pilot (only if one is present in the series the pilot if from)
Pilots Abilities (special piloting abilities or training your pilot has recieved either in the anime or my rpg)
Pilots Alignment (Neutral, Evil, or Good)
Pilots Items (some pilots carry guns and ect that may come in handy)
Mecha Name
Mecha Weapons and Systems
Series Your Pilot is From
Joining As a Robot
Those who rely on their own power to fight but built with a limited power (bosses from Mega Man, Mega Man X, ect) They cannot raise their power through battle or training only their experience. The power of robots can be raised through upgrading and buying weapons only. The information needed to join as a robot is as below.
Name of Robot
Nickname of Robot
Your Alignment
Robots Techniques, Abilities, built in Weapons/Attacks (attacks, techniques, and weapons either learned or bought in the rpg or in the anime)
Robots Items (Weapons not built in and items from the series )
Series Robot is From
Joining As a Trainer
Those who rely on other creatures to do their fighting for them (ie Beast/Dragon Tamers from Ogre Battle, Pokemon, or Monster Rancher) Probably my least favorite class of characters you can be but I won't let that affect your battle performance. Trainers only raise their Exp through battle while thier creatures gain power and upgrade. Due to the large amount of creatures available due to the recent pokemon craze trainers can either make their own character or pick one from a series. Pokemon trainers specifically can choose 3 to start with (must be basic form with any series).If you choose a character from a series you get their creatures (may be more than 3 for pokemon trainers from series). Information needed to join as a trainer is below.
Name of Trainer (can be made up or from a series)
Nickname of Trainer (either from series or made up if you made the character)
Trainers Alignment (choose from Neutral, Evil, or Good)
Trainers Items (only trainers from series will have items, others will have to buy items)
Name and Abilities of Creatures (if character is a made up pokemon trainer choose 3, all must be basic forms)
Series Trainter is From (or creatures if trainer is made up)
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