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  1. Standard races only, DM discretion on non-standard races.
  2. No Psionics, Sorry but I never was into Psionics.
  3. All first level characters start with maximum hit points.
  4. Character stats -- 4d6 drop low roll, reroll 1's
  5. Feats and Items from the following resources may be used:
    • The Players Handbook
    • Sword & Fist
    • Defenders of the Faith
    • Tome & Blood
    • Song & Silence
    • Masters of the Wild
    • Deities and Demigods
    • Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
    • Forgotten Realms Lords of Darkness
    • You may use the following list of feats. Their source is noted in the list. Sorry I'm a little slow in getting new material, however as I do I will keep this list updated.
  6. Prestige classes from the following resources may be used:
    • The Dungeon Masters Guide
    • Sword & Fist
    • Defenders of the Faith
    • Tome & Blood
    • Song & Silence
    • Masters of the Wild
    • Deities and Demigods
    • Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
    • You may also use one of these Prestige classes. Same reason as above. Provided you can find someone to give you some rudimentary training in that prestige class.
  7. Only spells listed in the following resources may be used:
    • the Player's Handbook
    • Defender's of the faith
    • Tome & Blood
    • Song & Silence
    • Masters of the Wild
    • Deities and Demigods
    • Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
    • Forgotten Realms Lords of Darkness
    • Spell Book **updated January 26, 2003**
  8. Additional equipment from this list may be used.
  9. These traps may be purchased along with any other equipment.
