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Equipment Description Cost Weight Source
Instant Campfire An instant campfire consists of a leather bag filled with tinder, logs, and fuel. The drawstring that holds the sack shut is studded with tiny flakes of flint and steel; the sack itself is alchemically treated so that it catches fire easily. When the drawstring is pulled, the entire bag immolates, creating a good-sized campfire within 1 round. These campfires ignite even in moderate rain but burn out quickly in such conditions unless shelter is provided. Enterprising halflings have been known to use instant cmapfires to set dangerous traps; someone in contact with an instant campfire after it has lit must make a Reflex saving throw (DC12) or suffer 2d6 points of fire damage. 50 gp 10 lbs. Dragon Magazine #285
Stone Sleeve A stone sleeve is little more than a narrow cloth tube that is tied to the inner forearm so the opening rests in the palm. The sleeve can then be filled with up to six good-sized throwing stones or halfling skiprocks (see Sword and Fist). The sleeve can be opened with ease, allowing the wearer to arm herself with one of the rocks stored within as a free action. 2 gp -- Dragon Magazine #285
Wagon Shields These are large shingles of solid oak reinforced with iron that can be quickly fitted together to protect wagons. Wagon shields are sold in batches of six, enough to protect a normal halfling wagon. One halfling can set up a single shield as a full-round action. Two halflings working together can set up two shilds per round if they do nothing else. Once set up, the wagon shields provide a small character with 3/4 cover; a medium-size character gains 1/2 cover. Each wagon shield has 5 hardness and 30 hitpoints; they are sometimes fitted with arrow slits to allow those inside to defend the wagon. 75 gp, 100 gp with arrow slits 40 lbs. each, 240 lbs. total Dragon Magazine #285