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Trap Description CR Cost Weight DC Source
Footsaw Trap The first footsaw trap was invented by an industious halfling whose family often traveled through areas plagued by goblin raiders. A footsaw trap is a bear trap whose grasping jaws are fitted with several thin sawblades mounted on springs designed to cut away at the feet of any captive that struggles. The trap is attached to a 10 ft. length of chain with a good lock, allowing it to be attached to a nearby tree or another secure object.

The trap is designed to be hidden under a thin layer of leaves or soil; a hidden footsaw trap can be dicovered with a Search check (DC 20). Once found, it can be disabled with a Disable Device check (DC 20). Anyone who walks over a footsaw trap triggers it; the trap makes a touch attack with a +8 bonus. If it hits, the victim suffers 1d6 points of subdual damage and cannot move away from the trap (if it is chained to a solid object) or has his speed reduced by half (if the trap isn't attached to an object). Each round that the victim takes any action that involves the trapped foot, the victim takes 1d4 points of damage. Escaping the trap is possible with a Strength check (DC25) or an Escape Artist check (DC 30); failure inflicts 1d4 points of damage from the saw blades.

2 700 gp (raw material cost: 233 gp). 15 lbs. 20 Dragon Magazine #285