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Feat Type Source Prerequisite Benefit Special
Ranged Disarm General Dragon Magazine #274 Proficient with some kind of bow, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Dex 13+, Base Attack +5 or higher. You can perform the disarm action with this weapon. You can gain this feat multiple times, the effects do not stack. Each time you choose this feat it applies to a new weapon.
Deflect Ranged Attack General Dragon Magazine #274 Proficient with some kind of bow, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Ranged Disarm, Dex 13+, Base Attack +5 or higher. You can attempt to deflect ranged weapons that are already in flight. To do so, ready an action against an opponent with a missile weapon. When that opponent fires, you attack AC 23 (for thrown daggers), AC 25 (for arrows), or AC 28 (for crossbow bolts). A successful roll deflects the opponent's weapon and deals normal damage to it. This attack takes the place of your normal attack. You can gain this feat multiple times, the effects do not stack. Each time you choose this feat it applies to a new weapon.
Ranged Pin General Dragon Magazine #274 Profiecient with some kind of bow, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Dex 13+, Base Attack +5 or higher. You can perform a ranged grapple attack against an opponent by pinning a bit of clothing to a nearby surface. The target must be within 5 feet of a wall, tree, or other surface in which an arrow or bolt can be stuck. To brak free, the victim must take a partial action to perform a Strength check (DC 15) or make a successful Escape Artist check (DC15) None
Ranged Sunder General Dragon Magazine #274 Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Ranged PIn, Dex 13+, Base Attack bonus +5 or higher. When attacking objects, you deal normal damage (instead of half damage) with ranged weapons. See item hardness and toughness ratings on page 136 of the Player's Handbook. None
Nobody's Fool General Dragon Magazine #285 Wisdom +13 You naturally think of things in the most efficient way possible and tend to react to situations more gracefully and rapidly than most people. You gain a +2 bonus to all Sense Motive checks and Gather Information checks.
Low Blow General Dragon Magazine #285 Dodge, Mobility, base attack bonus +4 or higher. You can get underfoot and attack creatures larger that you. As a full round action, you can enter an area occupied by an opponent who is at least one size category larger than you. You can then make a single melee attack at your highest attack modifier against this creature, who is considered flat-footed against the attack. After your attack, you return to the 5-foot square from which you entered the opponent's 5-foot square. Using this feat provokes attacks of opportunity normally.
Improved Low Blow General Dragon Magazine #285 Dodge, Mobility, Low Blow, base attack bonus +4 or higher. You are especially good at using the Low Blow feat. Using the Low Blow feat does not provoke an attack of opportunity when you move into an opponent's square to perform the attack.
Swarmfighting General Dragon Magazine #285 Size Small, Dex 13+, base attack bonus +1 or higher. You and allies with this feat can coordinate melee attacks against a single target and are adept at fighting side by side in close quarters. You can occupy the same 5-foot square in combat with any other allied, Small creature who also possesses the Swarmfighting feat. When you attack a Medium-size or larger creature with a melee attack, and at least one other ally with the Swarmfighting feat threatens the target, you gain a +1 morale bonus to the attack roll. This bonus increases by +1 for each additional ally beyond the first with the Swarmfighting feat that threatens the same target. The total morale bonus imparted to your attack roll cannot exceed your Dexterity bonus.