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GameAlliance is always looking for new content by its readers.  If you have an article, story, review, bit of news, piece of fan art, or anything else game related, send it our way!  Getting something on is easy!

How to submit a:


Article/Walkthrough/Strategy Guide

Fan Art


Send your work to with the subject reading, "Review" then the name of the game you are reviewing.  You can attach your review as a Microsoft Word document, a text document, or just send it in the body of your e-mail!  Don't forget to put your name or GameAlliance handle on your paper so we know who to credit it to!

The format of your review does not need to match that of the ones already posted on GameAlliance, so be creative!  The only thing we ask is that you follow our 10 point grading system.  That way, readers can check the ratings on games at a glance and compare it to other reviews.  Also, don't worry about special formatting or anything - we'll edit your review so it looks great!

If you'd like to include any special screen shots, pictures, logos, captions, etc in your review, attach them along with your article, or put them in the body of your e-mail.  If you don't have any pictures yourself, but would like some in your review, just ask us!  We'll do everything we can to scrounge up some nice screen shots to spruce up your review.

Once we receive your review, we'll edit it for any spelling and grammar mistakes, and also remove or mask any profanity or offensive content.

GameAlliance updates every Monday, so try to get your work in before then!

Article/Walkthrough/How To/Strategy Guide

Send your work to with the subject reading, "Article" then the title of your article.  You can attach your review as a Microsoft Word document, a text document, or just send it in the body of your e-mail!  Don't forget to put your name or GameAlliance handle on your paper so we know who to credit it to!

Feel free to write about anything!  Know a game inside and out?  Write a walkthrough of strategy guide for it!  Maybe you just know one really good way to defeat a certain boss character, or a trick to get a high score. That's fine too!  We'll accept any article - long or short.  What's important is that you write!

If you'd like to include any special screen shots, pictures, logos, captions, etc in your article, attach them along with your article, or put them in the body of your e-mail.  If you don't have any pictures yourself, but would like some in your review, just ask us!  We'll do everything we can to scrounge up some nice screen shots to spruce up your work.

Once we receive your article, we'll edit it for any spelling and grammar mistakes, and also remove or mask any profanity or offensive content.

GameAlliance updates every Monday, so try to get your work in before then!

Fan Art

GameAlliance is always looking for talented artists of all kinds!  Our fan art isn't just limited to pictures, it includes...

  • Drawings/Paintings
  • Comics
  • Fan Fiction
  • Photos
  • Music
  • Video

Once you finish your work of art, e-mail it on over to  You may include your work as an attachment, or in the body of the e-mail if it's fan fiction. 

When submitting an image, sound file, or video, keep the file sizes down as low as possible.  A image no larger than 750k, and MP3's lower than 3 MB, please. 

Also, keep the content of your fan art to PG-13 levels.  Please, no excessive violence, gore, language, or sexual activity.  Nothing M rated. ;-)

So, what are you waiting for?  Submit something to GameAlliance today!

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