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Unreal Tournament 2003 (PC) Review

By Angst

I acquired a copy of Unreal Tournament 2003 recently, and have had the
pleasure of playing it on a friend's box, while mine lays broken and
decaying. The video card in my friend's box wasn't/isn't stellar, but
UT2k3 still looked amazing. The levels are beautiful, I couldn't possibly
ask for more. If you liked UT at all, you will LOVE UT2k3.

First of all, the single player mode has a very cool depth that makes the
game into something like fantasy football mixed with a little Quake III
and possibly some crack. What do I mean? Well, once you 'qualify' for the
Deathmatch ladder, you select team mates who have stat points. Accuracy
and Agility are the only two I can remember at the moment, but there are
two others. So anyway, you pick 6 or 8 (also cannot remember) teammates,
and you can select them from the roster for the levels ahead. After making
it so far, you get offered trades for better players, and sh*t, which
is... very cool.

Another thing that makes the game very cool are the 'Adrenaline Bonuses.'
You collect adrenaline when you kill people, score, or find pills. When
you get to 100, you can invoke some key combinations for Invisibility,
Speed, Berserk, and Booster*.

I've only had a chance to play for roughly 2 hours, so far, and I want
some more. I've found a few fun 'mutators,' such as the Decay! mutator,
which causes everyone to lose health steadily, gaining it back by
inflicting damage, if you get to 666 health, you cause a 'Genocide,' which
kills everyone. Very fun, and very very amusing. 

Overall, I give the game a 9 out of 10, losing one point because I haven't
seen any scantily clad/naked women on the walls yet, like the tutorial
level for UT and one of the stock deathmatch levels. Other than lacking
that, it doesn't really leave me wanting for much more. Perhaps a complex
and consuming storyline like Deus Ex... hmmm... yummy.

Invisibility - Right, Right, Left, Left
Speed - Forward, Forward, Forward, Forward
Berserk - Forward, Forward, Back, Back
Booster - Back, Back, Back, Back






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