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Splinter Cell (Xbox) Review

By Delusion

Console: XBOX
Game Name: Splinter Cell
Developer: Ubi Soft
Genre: Stealth/Action
Number of players: 1
Pros: Lighting System, Downloadable missions
Cons: Extremely hard and frustrating
Rated: M
Games Like it: Metal Gear Solid

"I am Sam Fisher. I have the right to Spy, Steal, Destroy, and assassinate to ensure that Americans freedom will be protected. If captured the U.S. government will disavow any knowledge of your existence.

Splinter Cell is a great game in many ways, and In my honest opinion, one of the only games out there that can take on Metal Gear Solid.  It has many similarities, yet it has huge differences. the similarities consist of the following:
Both great characters
Both use Stealth
Both have kick *** storylines
while the differences consists of many such as:
You must be stealth most of the time as being caught can get you killed... you can't run in with guns blazing
the game has a full 9 levels of stealth action (about an hour each) as MGS2 only have 2 hours of gameplay (If you skip the videos)
Another cool thing about this game is the tools you get the use (besides the guns). There is one tool called the optic cable where you can see what's on the other side of the door to make sure the way is clear!.. but one of the coolest tools is the lockpick as you actually have to pick the door yourself by holding the analog stick in a certain direction until that's part of the lock is opened!

The graphics on this game are incredible a it looks incredibly real. The lighting of this game really uses the XBOX power as certain areas have incredibly bright light while other spots are dark to where you can't even see yourself. The only thing that was horrible about the graphics was the characters movement during speech as their mouths hardly move with the words and they move their arms in speech weird!
The sound is also incredible as the graphics are with the 5.1 surround sound enabled. the game is so realistic to where you might mistake an ambulance pass by your house, or to where someone is walking around in the backyard. Plus the voices are great with some humor in it.  One guy said "I'm going to take his goggles" as I lie dead on the ground.

The game will also keep you busy for a long long time with many and many paths to get to the end of the level. You can sneak pass the cameras or turn of the lights or shoot the camera altogether.... You can use a guy as a hostage or use him as a human shield, or you can just be stealth and keep full health till the very end of the level!  And later (around the summer of 2003), there will be downloadable content so you can have missions to keep you busy over and over.


Powerful graphics and lighting that takes full advantage of the XBOX powers.  The only complaint is the way the characters move.



Great voice acting, and sound effects to where you'll mistake something is happening outside of your house!..


Game Play:

The gameplay is for the stealth freaks as it comes with a lot of tools to keep you hidden and away from danger!  Not for those with guns blazing


Replay Value:

With many different paths, and downloadable missions, I'm sure the game will keep you busy till a sequel or another game like this comes out.



A great game that was brought to you by Ubi Soft.  A must get for all stealth junkies like me!















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