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SOCOM: Navy Seals (Online) Review

By Rin4ku

Console: PlayStation 2
Game Name: SOCOM: Navy Seals (Online)
Developer: Zipper interactive
Requires: Network Adaptor (Broadband)
Genre: Action/Strategy (Strategy Due to teamwork!)
Number of players: 1-16
Pros: HEADSET! Intense multi-player battles
Cons: Laggers, Campers
Rated: M
Games Like it: Counter-Strike, Tactical Ops

Equipped with a M4A1 Assault Rifle, running thru the snow, holding the bomb, The team is counting on you, adrenaline rushing thru your body, your heart pumping quick. You take out the bomb and lay it down, hoping no one finds your and shoots you in the head. You hear your teammates screaming “MAN DOWN, MAN DOWN” they fall, one by one… You finally lay the bomb down, it will detonate in 30 seconds, you stand close by the bomb and guard it for those 30 seconds, terrorist comes up, BAM! You kill him, 15 more seconds and someone sees you thru the window, shooting you in the head! Your dead teammates congrats you for getting the far, but you continue to hope the bomb blows up… 4, 3, 2, 1, BOOM!.. “Seals win”… YOU CELEBRATE IN JOY.. (Yes. I know its fruity.. but I WAS BORED!)

This game is one of the most addicting games I have played since!.. It plays like any FPS, but uses more Strategy and teamwork then brute force (And by Brute Force, I mean running around killing people) The headset increases the gameplay, as when your dead, you plan out with your teammates of what your going to do next. And the guns are realistic and evenly balanced (Yet some just totally suck)

The game is set more on realism then the cartoony cel-shading graphics (took me a while to get used too) but once you get used to it, the guns look real, the environment is pretty, and the FMVs are wonderful!

There not really any music for a reason… because this game is about war!.. Bullets blazing around you, Grenades blowing up, People calling for help… That’s all you really need to be entertained with the sounds!

Replay Value:
Its online, there’s tons of replay value, From figuring out a new smoke pattern to finding better camping places (Please don’t camp) Then there’s learning how to snipe, to learning how to set evil traps with the claymores. You can be playing this from Sunrise to bedtime!


Based more on realism, yet other games may put this to shame.  However I still love the environments.



"Boom, bang bang, HELP!"  That’s most of the things you’ll be hearing! And since you have the headset, you can act like a real Seal,  “I GOT CONTACT”


Game Play:

Talking to your teammates, finding smoke patters, saving hostages, using friends for cover (not recommended).. this game has endless possibilities in strategy.


Replay Value:

Talking to your friends, need some help? Start a clan, experiment with weapons, and using the environment to cover you! Now that’s fun!!!



I’m not really into the graphics, and the sounds get repetitive if you don’t love the noise of Bang Bang and Boom Boom… but everything else, is hella addicting!





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