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SOCOM: Navy Seals (PS2 Offline) Review

By Rin4ku

Console: PlayStation 2
Game Name: SOCOM: Navy Seals
Developer: Zipper interactive
Genre: Action/Strategy (Strategy Due to teamwork!)
Number of players: 1
Pros: HEADSET! Some Adrenaline pumping levels
Cons: some bad AI from time to time
Rated: M
Games Like it: Counter-Strike, Tactical Ops

"The terrorist mastermind has set up 3 bombs and has hostages around the tanker.. Your mission is to prevent the terrorists from blowing up the tanker and to save the hostages, You get on top of the tanker and tell team Beta to hold still so you can take out the guards without anyone noticing. You walk up to the guard and cover his mouth, pulling out your knife and stabbing him in the gut, making a silent kill. The terrorist mastermind then checks with his troops, he calls for Blue side... No one answers... He then starts the bombs detonation and will blow up in 3.5 minutes! You rush thru the tanker looking for the bombs, killing every terrorist you can with Beta following you now, But suddenly, Boomer gets shot and dies, and you get shot in the arm bringing you to red status. Your adrenaline pumping with 1.3 minutes left on the clock, you kill the mastermind resetting the time back to 3.5 minutes, giving you a little bit more time. You run and find the first 2 bombs, You disarm them with Beta guarding you. 2.3 minutes left and your looking for the last bomb. When you find it, a group of terrorist hiding in the dark sneak up on you and Beta shoots the terrorist in the head, saving your ***!.. 20 Seconds left before it goes, you try to disarm it... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Boom.. Mission failure."

This game can get your adrenaline pumping in some missions (Just like the mission I wrote to you. ^Above^) and some missions may feel like a cinch (Mission 2 kind of does). You have a large selection of guns from the Seals, plus you have the headset to control Beta. The only downfall is you can only give certain commands and it ends up in a broken sentence. (I.E. "Beta, fire at will" or "Beta, deploy, satchel). and another downfall is on stealth missions, a stupid AI named Boomer follows you around the whole level, making you easy to spot as a terrorist can look at the last second finding him...

I'm not really used to it as I'm used to Cel-shading these days, but the CGs are really impressive!  They aren't FFX impressive, but enough to "WOW" my friends.

Not really much music, but you can hear the terrorist yelling their foreign language saying "Intruder" and such, plus your teammates talking to you.  In mission 1, Boomer says "Sir, I've been brushing up on my foreign language, maybe I can translate some of this."

Replay Value:
well, there are some bonuses as you finish the game, and it gets harder and harder as you play it, but its still the same ol', same ol' mission!


Not enough to beat Squaresoft's kind of graphics, but the trees are nice, and the CGs can "WOW" some friends..



Maybe you can learn a little foreign language that you can use during paintball ;).. But otherwise, its just a lot of guns and people screaming.


Game Play:

Hey, you can control your AI allies without typing nor selecting... just yell at the game while holding O and they'll know what to do ;)


Replay Value:

Some bonuses, harder difficulty.. too bad there still the same missions, I'd get tired of it after a while :-/



The game is great, but it don't have much replay value.. Its just fun commanding AI and killing terrorist




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