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Gitaroo-Man (PS2) Review

By Rin4ku

Game Name: Gitaroo-man
System: Playstation 2
Developer: Koei
Genre: Music
Number of players: 1-2 (Head to head)
Pros: A good variety of music
Cons: Evil enemies on hard mode
Rated: E
Games Like it: Aiming towards the Bemani series (DDR)

The game is great! highly addicting if you love music games!.. This is one of the first Music games in America (Besides the Bemani series) with cute graphics, a good list of music, and a real good multiplayer.

The gameplay is pretty simple. Kind of like all the other music games, you push a button, but this one is more than pushing a button! There are 3 different phases in Gitaroo Man, Charge, Battle, and Final. on Charge (Most likely in between songs or in middle) you play your gitaroo to raise you health. To play the Gitaroo, You hold the Analog stick to where the line is and little O with a line will come towards the middle of the screen! You Push the Circle button as the O gets onto the middle and you hold it till the end of the O line. The better you play, the more health you get! On battle, there is 2 for battle. For attacking, it is the same as Charge. however, when you defend, tats when you start your eye to watch the screen closely. The Triangle, Circle, Square, And X button come from their side of the screen (X from bottom, Triangle from top, Etc.) and u have to push it when it gets to the middle! And Final, The hardest part in the song!.. Also the last part! It like Charge and Attack, but you have to keep attacking and it is really hard. If you mess up you can die quickly!

This is one of those games that have ultra cute graphics that most VET players won't like as it is kind of cutesy (Aimed toward the minors). and the mouth movements don't really go with the dubbing which can get some serious players mad! (Happens to a lot of Japanese to American games!)

This games Music has a ton of variety. From Jpop, to Rock, To Reggae. So no matter what kind of music you listen too, your favorite level is bound to be in hear (I love level 2!) The voice acting is alright, could've been better... but knowing us American Producers.. we never get a good job right on these kind of games (No offense)

Replay Value
I love the multiplayer mode on this because one player uses Gitaroo-man while the other player uses the badguy. So if you have a n00b player, You can have him have Gitaroo-man's side while you take the bad guys side (Which has a new set of notes!). There's two modes to this game, and you only can get hard mode after you beat normal! And hard mode is, well... HARD as your life bar depletes faster, then you'll get mad and come back for more and more until you beat the damn guy!


It would've gotten higher, but most gamers don't like the graphics as much as I did. So from count, it gets a 6.5



The best part of the game, as it has great music!.. the only thing holding it back from a 10 was the voice acting.


Game Play:

A good, new way to show music games off. Where you actually have to use both hands instead of one to beat the game.


Replay Value:

The multiplayer is n00b friendly as you can use the antagonist side instead of Gitaroo-man. Which actually gives your friend a chance! But Single player mode is a little dull with not many bonuses



A good game to have in your collection (More of a BIG MAYBE). But once you beat hard mode and all your friends.. it will start to collect dust





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