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General Chaos (Genesis) Review

By Rin4ku

Console: Sega Genesis
Game name: General Chaos
Developer: Electronic Arts
Genre: Strategy/action
Number of players: 1-4 (Co-op or head to head)
Pros: Co-Op Intense action
Cons: Crummy 5 people battle system
Games Like it: None known

Imagine: Your in the battle field. Five of your men arm up for a mission against the enemy. You must destroy their water tower so they won't get any better help, but they have Five Gunners guarding the tower..... What do you do(?), YOU BRING OUT THE DEMOLITION TEAMS AND ROCKET THEM TO DEATH!

Its real technical when your playing by yourself and you use either team a, b, or c (The 5 people team... D is the 2 people) When you use the 5 people team, you need to watch your team carefully! If you see someone throw a grenade at your Rocket men, You need to scroll thru all of you men just to get to him, then push B to make him run wherever your cursor is! Next, you have to push A to fire.. So while your switching, your going to want to Fire to defend your other troops!  And if you ever get too close to an enemy, you might engage into 1 on 1 Hand to hand combat, which is really just a Rock, Paper, Scissors game. Its real annoying after a while!  But once you start getting into team D or Co-op(!) thats when the real fun starts as you get to control your own unit! So if you see a grenade coming at you, You just have to hold Up on your D-pad instead of scrolling with C and then pushing B. Then when you get two other friends over with extensions to hook up 4 players, Prepare for head to head, On the edge combat! (Swearing is going to fly all over the room!)

Sounds: It really has no music (Only In between battles)... And the music it DOES have isn't all that great :-/. The explosions and the beeping from pushing B don't sound to great either.  In fact, all you hear is your machine guns and rockets, and every once in a while a guy drowning!

Graphics: The sprites are small (About an inch on a  normal TV screen) and they don't look all that great.. The environment is colored well, But its basic coloring :-/.. anyone can do it.. (Except for the kids that scribble :-S)

Replay Value: Make sure you have a friend to play with you, cause nothing really new happens when you beat it.. You just play the game all over again, its not even at a harder difficulty! :-/


Not that bad, its on the basic side... But its good enough to see who your characters are and it was one of the bests at that time.



No music in battles, weird explosion noises, Machine guns firing, I think the only thing that saved it was when your man drowned!


Game Play:

Its the 5 person battle system that prevented this from a 10!  But the D team and Co-Op is a blast!


Replay Value:

Make sure you have some friends around, otherwise this game might be collecting dust.



A good game in your collection... Even deaf people can play it! (I'm not offending the deaf!)




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