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Final Fantasy 3 (SNES) Review

By RyThom

I know I'm going to take a ton of heat for this, but here it goes: Final Fantasy 3 is the best console role playing game ever made.  There.  It's on the record.  Now to explain myself before I get assaulted by the Dragon Quest and Chrono Trigger fans of the world...

Final Fantasy 3 (or Final Fantasy 6, if you're Japanese) follows the same formula as many of the games in the series before it.  Main character goes on a quest to discover X number of magic items before evil empire takes over the world.  Along the way they run into a host of supporting party members, each with their own unique abilities that enable them to defeat the random battles, and the climatic boss fights easier.  What sets FF3 apart from others in the genre is the incredible quality of the game.  From start to finish, FF3 is soaked in style graphically, musically, surrounded by a rich plot, and solid gameplay.

The artwork in FF3 is simply phenomenal and is one of the best looking games on the SNES.  Sure the characters are represented by tiny sprites, but their emotions come off with well done, although simple animations.  The world in which these characters live in is richly decorated, both indoors and outdoors, with details that really bring these stages to life.  Accompanying each area is a beautifully composed soundtrack ranging from a 2001esque introduction theme, to a fast orchestrated battle song, and even to a semi-vocalized opera song (this music awed me so much, that this was the first of many video game soundtracks I would purchase).

Although the atmosphere is fantastic and immerses the player into the game world, Final Fantasy 3 wouldn't be the same game if it wasn't for the character development and the outstanding plot.  Easily my favorite storyline in the series, FF3 spans several years and even the end of the world before coming to a riveting finale.  I won't say any more about it, as to not spoil the game's many surprises - you must experience it for yourself.  The cast that carries the plot along is well thought out and contains some really unforgettable characters.  Again, I don't want to say too much.  Just play this game. Now.

Some people criticize the Final Fantasy series, and the whole RPG genre by saying they don't have any "real" gameplay.  Well, if you consider fast reflexes, quick timing, controller throwing rage to be real gameplay, then yes - Final Fantasy 3 is totally devoid of it.  However, if you're a fan of strategic battles, customization of weapons, equipment and special relics, and exploration then FF3 is right up your alley.  The game does use a faster battle system, and varied attack styles for each character to spice up fighting so its not just repeatedly hitting the "A" button.  For example, one of the characters is a martial arts expert and uses Street Fighter style button combinations to execute his special attacks.  Innovations like these allow people that don't usually play RPGs to appreciate Final Fantasy 3.


Absolutely gorgeous graphics.  Detailed atmosphere, nice fog and lighting effects, and an all round great job.  The characters are somewhat lacking in detail, but they make up for it with animation and personality.



The best soundtrack on the SNES by far.  Go out and buy a copy of the official CD. 


Game Play:

It's not exactly action game style gameplay, but the strategic fights and exploration of the game's hundreds of areas will keep you interested for the game's entire length.


Replay Value:

Final Fantasy 3 is a long game, no doubt about that.  However, the story and characters will grip you like no other and will make you want to re-play the adventure.  Even once you beat the main quest, there are so many secret side adventures waiting to be discovered you'll put in 90 hours before you even know it.



FF3 is one of the Super Nintendo's finest games, and in my opinion, one of the best games ever made.  Do yourself a favor and play this outstanding game, whether you're a RPG fan or not.  Buying this game on cartridge can be somewhat pricey (upwards to $60), but it's worth every penny.  What are you waiting around here for!? Get out there and play FF3!






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