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.hack (PS2) Review

By Rin4ku

Console: PlayStation 2
Game Name: .hack (Pronounced DOT hack)
Developer: Bandai
Number of players: 1
Pros: Storyline, visuals, battle system
Cons: Steep learning curve.
Rated: T
Games Like it: Phantasy Star Online, Secret of Mana

Your friend invites you to an MMORPG and is willing to teach you how to play! As soon as you get it, he begins to teach... but as the lesson comes to a close, your friend goes into a coma. But before that, some girl with long white hair dressed in a white dress gives your a bracelet! She tells you,  "You can either bring great victory or a great end to the user of the bracelet"  What does this mean?!?!  And what about your friend, what happened?

The graphics will bring you into awe! From the simple face/clothing detail to the visual effects from a "Data Drain" (I'll tell you about it later on in this review) Each weapon has their own unique look at there are over 80 NPC designs that run around in "The world" and the CGs are a big WOW factor with its detail and sharpness (YOU HAVE TO SEE THE INTRO!!).

The voice acting was mediocre, but the great thing about that is that you don't have to listen to the poor English acting in this game! Bandai saved the "Japanese" track for us people who can't stand the MEA (Mediocre English Acting!) which is a big plus! Another thing I love is the soundtrack, it has nice music for a "MMORPG" and when you jump into a fight the music changes to something that makes you want to see your opponent/monster die!

The Battle system is basic, yet the enemies are incredibly hard! The level system uses a system very similar to Shining Force, if you don't know what that leveling is, I'll explain it to yah! The level requirement will always stay at 1000, but every time you level, you get less experience from the monster(!), so if your at level 5 and destroy a level 9 monster, you'll gain big EXP but if you're a level 23 and destroy a Level 12 monster, you won't gain as much as you think, maybe even 1EXP!
Another thing I like about it is its magic system (Which is COMPLETELY different from any other RPG I've played). Your spells are dependent on the weapon. So you may have a ultimate physical sword with the STR of 200, but you might not have any magic, so this will make you think twice to get rid of a high magic sword for a physical weapon!
One of the coolest feature is that, instead of summoning a "god" (Final Fantasy... Guilty! ;) ) you use a bracelet that "Rewrites the enemy data" (Known as Data Drain) (In other words, hacking), when that happens, the enemy will transform into a more "Scrawny/Small" enemy with uberly weak strength and defense so you can bash him in!!!
The only downfall that I see in this game is the steep learning curve! You command your allies in real-time by pushing Square and telling them what to do, but it takes a while to actually remember its there as your in the heat of the battle. Another thing that makes it hard is the fact that: When your gone and your partner is all by herself with no healing items and with a bunch of high level enemies, there goes your game as they usually die because of the weak Team AI.

Replay value:
The game is an RPG, there isn't really anything much new, but the fact that there will be coming out with the "Next episode" every 3 months (Till all 4 are out) will make you want to replay the game to remember what's happening! and not to get your hopes up or anything, but I've heard that you'll be able to transfer your old memory card file to the new game (Such as Episode 2) and continue the game from there, that makes you want to play again and increase your level! (Don't put my word on it, i just heard about it and I'm not 100% sure) Another thing you might want to do is get 100% in all of the books as they can give you some pretty good stuff for wallpaper, and movies and even sound bites for your "Front page"


Great Visuals and detailed character designs with over 80 NPCs (each with their own design)



Great soundtrack and the fact that you can listen to the original Japanese tracks!!!


Game Play:

So different and addicting then other games, its just simple amazing!


Replay Value:

Not much to do in an RPG, but its so addicting to just put down! the gameplay will keep you busy!



Great game, and the fact that there will be 3 more episodes! It'll be worth your money to pick this up!















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