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Devil May Cry 2 (PS2) Review

By Delusion

Console: PlayStation 2
Game Name: Devil May Cry 2
Developer: Capcom
CD: 2 DVDs (1 adventure per CD)
Genre: Action
Number of players: 1
Pros: Intense fights
Cons: Too short, Camera
Rated: M
Games Like it: Resident Evil, Onimusha
Thanks to: Rin4ku for pics

Most of the people have played Devil May Cry1, Most remember the intense combat combing swords, guns, and your super human powers called the Devil Trigger. Well, this game brings back all the greatness, but with many flaws and problems. To name a few, the camera view is a total pain in the ***! It looks good for a "movie" type of feel, but that movie type of fill makes you wonder the following

Who am I shooting?
Is the guy on the ground.. and
Is he about to do something evil to me!!

With this type of camera view, it makes the dodge button seem worthless. You can't tell when the enemies are coming at you with a powerful attack or when some skeleton is about to throw some shield at you!! Another great flaw is that most moves are useless in most of the situations. One of Dante's moves has him facing towards the ground raining bullets on the enemy, the problem with that move is that you can only fire in such a small radius, you have to be directly above the enemy to even have the hit work! Most weapons are horrible too! You hardly use any other of Dante's swords (Once you obtain) or any other of Lucia's "Knives". But overall, the battles are great to show off, If you do it right, you can make it look like the Lobby scene of the Matrix with Dante and all his guns (Including the wall run and all!!) with great (but limited) combos...

The voice acting is not all that great. Dante sounds great, but it doesn't feel right... we need the old Dante!! and Lucia's voice acting is just horrible!  The other characters that talk (there's only like 4 characters that talk thru out the whole game) are good and In my opinion, better than the main characters!  While the voice acting may be bad, the soundtrack is wonderful. It has a type of dark, gothic feel that pumps your adrenaline to keep on killing devils!!

The graphics weren't all that great either! The characters and enemies are detailed from hair to clothing, but the backgrounds and area is so...... BLAND(!), not to mention its dark too...kinda reminds me of Castlevania for the Game Boy Advance. As I said before, the arenas aren't all that great, they don't have anything really special, nothing interacting or colorful, you just see the basic brown color almost everywhere and the same patterns.  You'll know what I'm talking about if you ever play this game cause the first level, THERE'S A LOT OF BROWN!!!

Once your done with the game, all you get is.... A HARDER DIFFICULTY AND A COSTUME?!?!  When I finished the game, all the words that came to me was "WHAT THE HELL!!" The harder difficulty may be a little plus (The main game is so easy!! I only used 3 items throughout the whole game) but COSTUMES?!?!  The only reason I'll use to get the costumes if I was going to cosplay, but apparently Dante's clothing is very very hard to make by itself, so why costumes?! Why not a new gun or a hidden area?!  So once your done, you most likely won't play it once more, unless you wanna play dress up with Lucia or Dante!!!


Nothing too surprising, FMVs are good, backgrounds are bland!



Great soundtrack, horrid voice acting... That pretty much explains everything


Game Play:

Great fighting, but a horrid camera that holds this back from a 9!!


Replay Value:

You'll play again for the harder difficulty.. but when your done with the level, your done!!... Unless you wanna play dress up!!



Good game?: Yes!!!.. lived up to the hype?!: NO!!..... A game for your collection: Demon hunters only!!!.. (Good rental though!!)














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