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Dead to Rights (Xbox) Review

By Rin4ku

Game name: Dead To Rights
Console: XBOX
Developer: Namco
Genre: Action
Number of players: 1
Pros: Human Shield!
Cons: Frustrating levels.
Rated: M
Games Like it: None known

Your a K-9 police. You just received a call that there is gun fire at this certain location. You go there and you find out, your father... is dead. You go out to seek revenge, and begin killing all the terrorist, and then you get caught by the cops, and sentenced to death..... What must you do, to avenge your father?!

This game will answer the prayers of those hardcore action gamers! Its full of action from the time you push 'A' on "New game" till the time you beat down the last boss. This game has tons of ways to fight! You have your hand to hand, your guns, Your enemies (To use as shields), disarms, and last (But not least) Mans best friend SHADDOW!! (Dog). You also have a Matrix like ability in this game (Known as adrenaline). To activate, you hold 'Y' (And a direction) to make Slate jump in slow motion. While in that slow motion jump, you can unload your bullets on your enemies killing them fast! While your thinking "Gee, all this action, this must get tiring and repetitive." But Namco has supplied mini-games to keep the action fresh. There's Arm Wrestling, Lifting weights, Lock picking, and disarming a bomb!

The graphics are a bit poor, even on an XBOX. You can see Slates polygons every once in a while, and their mouths don't even move when they talk! It was very disappointing and this game is not recommended to show off the XBOX graphical power!

The voice acting is a bit poor, it could've been better. Some parts are done well though and you gotta love Slates taunts thru out the game.

Replay Value:
considering most levels are evilly frustrating, its sometimes fun to just go back, knowing where all the equipment is and just playing god killing everyone. But when your sick of dieing and dieing again and again, Your just going to want to return this to get your money back (Unless your hardcore Action gamer)


Doesn't take advantage of the XBOXs power... maybe cause they were using a PS2 like design!



Voice acting was ok, Guns are great! gotta love Slate's taunts! "You forgot the apples" HAHAHAHA!


Game Play:

Never felt so much power! killing about 20 guys in one room with 6 different kinds of guns!


Replay Value:

After so many failures, you'll want to return this... but after feeling almighty, you want to come back for more!



A good action game. One of those games that will help relieve your stress!





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