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Comix Zone (Genesis) Review

By Rin4ku

Console: Sega Genesis
Game Name: Comix Zone
Developer: Sega
Genre: Action
Number of Players: 1
Pros: Intense action, exciting boss fights
Cons: Health Drains quick!, Too difficult for n00bs
Games like it: Streets Of Rage 3, Final Fight

Comix Zone is a great game, with intense action, exciting Boss fight to get your adrenaline pumping, Combos and items too keep the battle fresh, and so much more! This game is pumped with gameplay to keep you playing till "Who knows when."

The controls are basic so you can pick the game right up and beat up all the baddies that cross your path. The real plus to the gameplay is the way you do combos, your special move (Which could be changed in the options before you start your game) and the use of items during your fight!.. Then in-between levels (or during boss fights), there's are puzzles, Not hard, but good enough to think a little to figure out.

Since this is one of the last games that the Sega Genesis had, It has a Great quality of Graphics! The backgrounds are detailed in color, and the explosion effect is just wonderful!

The sound effects of this game rule! They have some voices, and the hitting of the game is just great! The Soundtrack to the game is one of the best on the Sega Genesis. Its so good, I got the Title screen theme stuck in my head!

Replay Value-
In some levels, there are secrets, and multiple paths! Which means you can almost get a fresh game for a couple of days! Then there's the amazing combo system it has(!), spending time to figure the best way to dispose of your enemy and your bosses!.. and this game is just great to showoff in front of your friends when you learn how to do better combos!... I seriously hope they remake this game for the GBA!


The backgrounds are just wonderful, and the sprites are detailed!.. a plus in the game!!! 



The soundtrack is great, and the SE are just amazing!.. Nothing that repetitive.


Game Play:

One of the best fighting systems ever(!) combing your fists, Items, and the wonderful special move.


Replay Value:

With Secrets and multiple paths and the combo system, You'll be digging your teeth into this game for a while.



A great collectors game to have!.. Wonderful graphics, Awesome gameplay!.. Be sure to pick this one up!




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