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Tactics Ogre Guide
By Dark Shadow Girl
Table of Contents
*1 Introduction
*2 Character Classes
*3 Items
*4 Rare Items
*5 Spell Books
*6 Character Types
*7 Weapons
*8 Helms
*9 Rings
*10 Armor
*11 Shields
*12 Boots
*13 Special Weapons
*14 Expendable Emblems
*15 Emblems
*16 Special Thanks

*1 Introduction

I been working on the the data here for a long while now.  I first began work
with this data months before the release of the game.  Don't ask me why it is I
haven't put the info together until now.

All rights reserved to JMB for completion of this guide for Tactics Ogre.

*2 Character Classes

	Following is list of classes that both male and females can do.

*2A - Male & Female Classes

The basic class where all characters begin.
With evenly distributed abilities, these characters are quite versatile.

Highly Trained spies who act under a veil of secrecy.  Ninjas are experts in
martial arts & can cast low level spells.

Special Features:
They can move up to 3 steps up or 4 steps down & can walk unrestricted on

Weapon; Katana
STR 36, AGI 37

Skilled rear support characters who excel at shooting arrows.  Useful in many

Weapon; Bow
AGI 37
Wizards typically attack from a distance using magic & are not very good at
hand-to-hand combat.  They are most effective at the rear, supporting the troops
& using lower level attack spells.

MP 16, INT 26, ALI-N/C

Clerics rely on God for strength, miraculously healing comrades & helping lost
souls return to heaven.  One of the few classes that can use healing spells.

MP 18, INT, 28, ALI-L/N

Knights display unwavering courage & value courtesy, honor & pride.  They
surpass normal soldiers in ability & can cast certain spells of virtue.

Weapon; Sword, Thrusting Sword
STR 51, AGI 53, ALI-L/N, Knight's Certificate

Priests are trained in the use of higher level spells of virtue.  Only this
class can cast Resurrection, a spell that retrieves the souls of the dead and
revives their flesh.

MP 76, INT 96, ALI-L/N, Under 10 killings, heavenly Spirit

Angel Knight
Only a seasoned warrior with a pure heart can transmigrate to become an Angel
These flying characters have the ability to cast spells of virtue.
Weapon:  Thrusting sword
HP 215, MP 66, Strength 89, INT 81, Agility 88, ALI-L, Archangel's Feather

*2B Male Classes

Sword master
Sword masters can swiftly strike down opponents with blindingly fast
sword-handling, & they can also use support spells.

Weapon; Sword, Katana
STR 95, AGI 111, Book of Initiation

A male spell caster, deceivingly harmless in appearance, who in reality
manipulates awesome magical power.  A Warlock can fight bravely at the front
lines or sustain the troops with support spells from the rear.

Weapon; Sword
MP 78, STR 90, INT 76, ALI-L/N, The Pen & the Sword

Beast Tamer
Beast Tamers are among the few humans that magic beasts such as Griffins will
open their hearts to.  These male warriors enhance magic beasts' power when they
are in close proximity.

Weapon; Whip
HP 142, STR 34, No more than 1 beast killed.

By meticulously researching spells, Summoners can call on the power of many
entities, including spirits & demons.  They can use all elemental & summon

MP 63, STR 100, INT 88, Elrik only, The Pen & the Sword

*2C Female Classes

Valkyries are versatile female warriors who fight well both on land and water. 
They supplement their physical abilities with low level attack magic.  Their
gallant attitudes give comrades courage.

Weapon; Spear
STR 48, INT 41, ALI-L/N, Lancer

A stunningly beautiful spell caster that is well acquainted with all kinds of
powerful attack spells.  Her INT & MP increase faster than a wizard's.

Weapon; Fan
MP 60,INT 60, Philosopher's Stone

Witches specialize in using supportive spells such as Ray of Paralysis.  They do
not have strong attack spells and make poor fighters.  A witch's beauty may be
her strongest weapon.

MP 38 INT 35, ALI-N/C, Vixen's Whisper

Dragon Tamer
Dragon Tamers handle dragons gently and will enhance the power of any dragons
within the range of 3 panels.  This female class can cast missile type magic and
are unforgiving to those that would hurt a dragon.

Weapon; Thrusting Sword
HP 140, MP 14, No more than 1 dragon killed

Beautiful, solitary, and wise, a Sorceress is experienced in casting elemental
and high level bane spells.
Weapon:  Fan  (Cybil Only)

One who can hear the voices of the spirits that dwell in nature.  Shaman are
born with the ability to use elemental and summon spells

MP 54, INT 70, Euphaire only, Philos. Stone

*3 Items

Healing Leaf
Expendable.  Curative herb leaf.
Restores 50 HP to a character.
Store Price:  $150

Healing Seed
Expendable.  Curative herb seed.
Restores 100 HP to a character.
Store Price:  $300

Healing Salve
Expendable.  Curative herb salve.  Restores 150 HP to a character.
Store Price:  $400

Healing Essence
Expendable.  herb extract that restores full HP to a character.
Store Price:  N/A

Magic Leaf
Expendable.  Curative herb leaf.
Restores 25 MP to a character.
Store Price:  $150

Magic Seed
Expendable.  Curative herb seed.
Restores 50 MP to a character.
Store Price:  $300

Magic Salve
Expendable.  Curative herb salve.  Restores 100 MP to a character.
Store Price:  $400

Expendable.  Medicinal herbs used to cure poison status.
Store Price:  $500

Tome of Discipline
Expendable.  Lawful scroll that raises alignment of its reader.
Store Price:  N/A

Alter of Resurrection
Expendable.  Ancient alter for resurrecting the dead.
Store Price:  $2,200

Revive Stone
Expendable.  Chimera tail/dragon fang pill.  Cures Petrification.
Store Price:  $500

*4 Rare items
All items with the Store Price N/A are rare but the items with (Rare) along with
N/A are extremely rare.

Spirit Fruit
Expendable.  Fruit of Titania the Fairy Queen.  Cures abnormal status.
Store Price:  N/A

Angel Fruit
Expendable.  Fruit of Archangel Mizar.  Restores full HP and MP.
Store Price:  N/A (Rare)

Expendable.  Crystal orb containing the formidable power of the elements.
Store Price:  N/a (Rare)

Savage Bugle
Expendable.  bugle of barbaric Gallaba Tribe.  Summons Storm.
Store Price:  N/A  (Rare)

Coral Harp
Expendable.  Harp of Basque, god of the sea.  For Calming a storm.
Store Price:  N/A (Rare)

Mirror of the Gods
Expendable.  Mirror that reflects user's element on teh target.
Store Price:  N/A (Rare)

Urn of Chaos
Expendable.  Causes pandemonium and lowers user's alignment.
Store Price:  N/A (Rare)

*5 Spell Books


Drakonite Spellbook.  Permanently changes the caster into a sword.

Side Note:  Snapdragons are extremely rare and once find one its good to use
with a character that is strong, only have equipped with the character you are
going to use this spell book on stuff that can be purchased in a store or items
that you have at least a duplicate of.

Grag Crush

Aera-Effect (Earth).  12 MP, Range 6, AOE 1-5.  Damage foes with falling
boulder.  AOE broadens as user's INT goes up/

Ice Field

Area-Effect (Water_.  12 MP, Range 6, AOE 1-5.  Damages foes by freezing the
air.  AOE broadens as user's INT goes up.


Area-Effect (Fire).  12 MP, Range 6, AOE 1-5.  Pillars of fire that damage foes,
burn fields, melt snow.  AOE broadens with INT.

*6 Character Types

These violent, wandered fighters crave battle.
They live much longer than humans, but maintain a youthful appearance.
Because of their wings, terrain is not a factor.
Weapon:  Hammer

A demi-human whose upper body is a human and lower body is a fish.
Mermaids live in the sea and can swim competently.
Echoing from craggy shorelines, their voices can revitalize listeners.
Weapon:  Spear

Tiny, flying demi-humans.
Though they're not very impressive at fighting, Fairies make cute mascots on the

An undead character whose soul exists outside of a physical body.
Ghosts are unaffected by physical attacks.
They can use low level bane spells, and though they may run out of HP, they'll
resurrect after a certain amount of time.

Dragon Zombie
A dragon that's been revived after death.
Terrifying and violent, Dragon Zombies attack using venom.
They will also resurrect after being slain in battle.

Blue Dragon
Relying on water element, Blue Dragons use their Cold Breath to put enemies to
Their strength is unmatched and their HP increase at an astounding rate.

A monster with a snake-like body and snakes protruding from its head.
Gorgons have the power to petrify enemies.
Don't forget to equip a shield when facing them.

*7 Weapons


Two-handed weapon.  Power 55.  Spear with 3-pringed tip.
Piercing.  Agility +3

*8 Helms

Plummed Headband

Lucky Plumed Headband.  Agility +5, Physical Resistance +2, Bane Resistance +4,
Physical Defense 6, Spell Defense 5.

Sherwood Hat
Hat adorned with a branch from Sherwood Forest.
1 of 4 Enchanted Hunting Wares.
Improves attentiveness.
Physical Defense 6, Spell Defense 5, Agility +5, Physical Resistance +2
Store Price:  N/A

Dragon Helm
Helmet crafted from the skull of a dragon.  Repels Dragon Breath & transforms
wearer into a dragon.
Physical Defense 30, Spell Defense 5, Physical Resistance +10
Store Price:  N/A

Dragon Helm
Helmet crafted from the skull of a dragon.  Repels Dragon Breath and transforms
wearer into a dragon.
Physical Defense 30, Spell Defense 5, Physical Resistance +10
Store Price:  N/A (Rare)

Circlet of Wisdom (Obtained from Eleanor if nice to her later)
Circlet adorned with a gem of wisdom.
Physical Defense 15, Spell Defense 15, INT +10, Physical Resistance 5
Store Price:  N/A (Rare)

Goblin Helm
Helmet worn by a legendary sword master who defeated 100 foes. (Bane)
Physical Defense 21, Physical Resistance +7, Strength +20, Agility +5, Virtue
Resistance +5
Store Price:  N/A (Rare)

Freude Helm
Sacred helm of Filarhh.
Repels darkness (Virtue).
1 of 4 Divine Armaments.
Physical Defense 30, Spell Defense 10, Physical Resistance +10, Bane Resistance
Store Price:  N/A (Rare)

*9 Rings

Scared Ring
Healing ring blessed by the Archangel Eustus (Virtue).
Healing effect.  Spell Defense 10, INT +8, Bane Resistance +5
Fixed chance of breaking.
Store Price:  N/A (Rare)

Warp Ring
Ring made by mischievous fairies that enable movement between dimensions.
INT +3, Agility +4
Store Price:  N/A (Rare)

*10 Armor

Cloak of Authority
Cloak designed to resist the effects of the elements.
Physical Defense 15, Spell Defense 30, Physical Resistance +5, Wind Resistance +5,
Fire Resistance +5, Earth Resistance +5, Water Resistance +5
Store Price:  N/A

Grincer Coat
Camouflage cloak dyed in the colors of the forest.
1 of 4 Enchanted Hunting Wares.
Defense up VS beats.
Physical Defense 18, Spell Defense 5, Physical Resistance +6, Earth Resistance +2.
Store Price:  N/A

Fire Garb
Robe which was found buried in volcanic ash.
(Fire) INT +5, Physical Resistance +5, Water Resistance +10
Physical Defense 15, Spell Defense 20
Store Price:  N/A

Thunder Chain
Enchanted chain mail with the power of lighting (Wind).
Physical Defense 18, Spell Defense 10, Physical Resistance +6, Earth Resistance
Store Price:  N/A

Water Garb
Garment worn by priests of Titania, queen of the fairies.
Protected by the spirit of water (Water).  INT +5, Physical Resistance +5, Fire
Resistance +10, Physical Defense 15, Spell Defense 20
Store Price:  N/A

Plate Mail
Upper-body armor composed of iron plates.
Physical Defense 30, Spell Defense 10, Physical Resistance +10
Store Price:  

Earth Garb
Robe with the power of the earth (Earth).  INT +5, Physical Resistance +5, Wind
Resistance +10, Physical Defense 15, Spell Defense 20
Store Price:  N/A

Flame Leather
Enchanted hard leather armor bearing the mark of fire (Fire).
Physical Defense 18, Spell Defense 10, Physical Resistance +6, Water Resistance
Store Price:  N/A

Ice Chain
Enchanted chain mail that uses the strength of ice (Water).
Physical Defense 18, Spell Defense 10, Physical Resistance +6, Fire Resistance +10
Store Price:  N/A

Robe of the Wise
Cloak that enhances spell Power with its interwoven crystals.
Physical Defense 18, Spell Defense 25, INT +5 Physical Resistance +6
Store Price:  N/A

Heavy Armor
Heavy plate armor reinforced with additional plates.
Physical Defense 39, Spell Defense 10
Store Price:  N/A

Robe of Abyss
Robe of vast darkness (Bane).
Physical Defense 15, Spell Defense 20.
INT +10, Physical Resistance +5, Virtue Resistance +10, Bane Resistance -5
Store Price:  N/A

Cloak of Oath (Lobelia wares when joins/Angel Knight)
Cloak given to those ordained as saints (Virtue).
Physical Defense 15, Spell Defense 20.
INT +10, Physical Resistance +5
Virtue Resistance -5, Bane Resistance +10
Store Price:  N/A (Rare)

Earth Leather
Enchanted hard leather bearing the emblem of earth (Earth).
Physical Defense 18, Spell Defense 10, Physical Resistance +6, Wind Resistance +10
Store Price:  N/A

*11 Shields

Dragon Shield
One-handed shield of layered dragon scales.  Physical Resistance +20
Physical Defense 20, Spell Defense 5, Defense up VS dragons.
When equipped user is transformed into a dragon.
Store Price:  N/A

Saint's Shield
One-handed shield protected by Oberon (Virtue).
1 of 4 Divine Armaments
Physical Defense 20, Spell Defense 15, Physical Resistance +25, Bane Resistance
Store Price:  N/A

Earth Shield
One-handed shield of Dryad, the forest nymph (Earth).
Physical Defense 20, Spell Defense 10, Physical Resistance +25, Wind Resistance
Store Price:  N/A

Flame Shield
One-handed shield forged by the fire djinn, Efreet (Fire).
Physical Defense 20, Spell Defense 10, Physical Resistance +25, Water Resistance
Store Price:  N/A

*12 Boots

Greasy Boots
Boots known as 'black beetle feet'.  Enable water walking.
Physical Defense 9, Spell Defense 2, Agility +4, Physical Resistance +3
Store Price:  N/A

Warp Shoes
Shoes crafted by mischievous fairies.  Allow movement between dimensions.
Agility +4, Physical Resistance +3, Physical Defense 9, Spell Defense 2
Store Price:  N/A (Rare)

Forest Boots
Silent walking boots.  1 of 4 Enchanted Hunting Wares.
Physical Defense 9, Spell Defense 2, Agility +4, Physical Resistance +3
Store Price:  N/A

*13 Special Weapons

Hyacinth Fan
One-Handed weapon (Wind)
Power 54, Earth Resistance +5
Translucent hyachinth metal fan that shines gold in sunshine.

Two-handed weapon (Wind)
Power 52, AGI +4, Earth Resistance +5
Far Eastern katana that produces blades of wind.

Two-handed weapon (Fire)
Power 52, AGI +4, Water Resistance +5
Far Eastern katana that glows with searing flames.

Ice Blade
One-handed frozen sword (Water)
Power 52, Fire Resistance +5

Dowsing Rod
One-handed weapon.
Power 0
It senses the number of hidden treasures on the stage and deals corresponding

One-handed weapon.
Power 58
Attack power up VS dragons.
Used by Sigurd to defeat the dragon Fafnir.

Fire Wand
One-handed weapon (Fire)
Power 26, INT +17, Water Resistance +5
Magical staff that Firebird, the spirit of fire, is sealed in.  Firestorm
effect.  Fixed chance of breaking.

Ice Wand
One-handed weapon (Water)
Power 20, INT +20 Fire Resistance +5
Magic staff that Ice King Horribus is sealed in.  Ice Field effect.  Fixed
chance of breaking.

Stun Mannus
One-handed lighting sword.  (Wind) Power 54, Earth Resistance +5
Store Price:  N/A

Two-handed WPN (Wind).  Power 62.
Double-edged sword of Notos, god of the South Wind.
1 of 4 Relics of Wind.  Earth Resistance +5
Store Price:  N/A

Tundra Bow
Two-handed missile weapon.  (Water) Range 6, Power 54.
Bow found in a pillar of ice.  Freezes foes instantly.
Fire Resistance +5
Store Price:  N/A

Thunder Bow
Two-handed weapon for missile attack.  (Wind) RNG 6, Power 50.
Bow of Thor, god of thunder.  Earth Resistance +5
Store price:  N/A (Rare)

Two-handed weapon (Earth).  Power 52, Agility +4, Wind Resistance +5.
Far Eastern katana that intensifies the user's power.
Store Price:  N/A

Sherwood Bow
Two-handed missile weapon.  RNG 7, Power 54.  Mysterious bow that masks the
bowman's presence, leaving targets off guard.
1 of 4 Enchanted Hunting Wares.  Power up VS beasts & dragons.
Store Price:  N/A

Firedrake Sword
One-handed flaming sword (Fire).
Power 56, Water Resistance +5.
Store Price:  N/A

Osric's Spear
Two-handed piercing WPN (Water).
Power 66.  King Zamora's ice spear.
Store Price:  N/A

One-handed weapon (Virtue).
Power 52, Agility +8, Bane Resistance +5.
Charm effect.  Protection form charm.
Heart-shaped fan used by dancing maidens to worship the goddess of beauty.
Store Price:  N/A

Earth Wand
One-handed weapon (Earth).
Power 26, INT +18, Wind Resistance +5.
Staff that draws on the spiritual power of the Earth.
Crag Crush effect.
Fixed chance of breaking.
Store Price:  N/A

Earth Javelin
Two-handed piercing WPN (Earth).
Power 68.  Wind Resistance +5
Spear that draws power from the Earth.
Store Price:  N/A

Needle of Light (Angel Knight basic weapon)
One-handed weapon (Virtue).
Power 60.  Bane Resistance +5
Thrusting sword that draws on sacred energy and light.
Store Price:  N/A

Gypsy Queen (Cybil has when joins party)
Caldia that been tainted with evil (Bane).  One-handed.
Power 52.  Confusion effect.  Agility +4, Virtue Resistance +5, Bane Resistance
Store Price:  N/A

Flame Bow
Two-handed missile weapon.
(Fire) Range 6, Power 52.
Arrows so fast that they burst into flame.  Water Resistance +5
Store Price:  N/A

Earth Dragon Axe
Two-handed weapon (Earth).
Power 68.  Wind Resistance +5
Wide blade used for decapitation.
Attack Power up VS dragons.
Store Price:  N/A

Rapture Rose
Two-handed weapon (Bane).
Range 2, Power 66.  Charm effect.
Thorn whip made from rose vines.  Virtue Resistance +5
Store Price:  N/A

Sandstorm Bow
Two-handed weapon for missile attack.
(Earth) Range 6, Power 48
Bow passed on from the time the ancient kingdom Habiram sank into the desert. 
Wind Resistance +5
Store Price:  N/A

Two-handed weapon (Wind).
Power 70.  Earth Resistance +5
Deadly axe with the power of Boreas, god of the North Wind.
1 of 4 Relics of the Wind.
Store Price:  N/A (Rare)

Sugar Cane (acquired from the defeat of a Dark Angel)
One-handed weapon.  Power 16.
Sweet candy cane, decorated with red and white food coloring, that tickles the
minds and taste buds of small children.
Be Careful not to gain too much weight!
Store Price:  N/A (Rare)

Bloody Cleaver (Obtained after Naris's defeat
Two-handed weapon (Bane).
Power 72.  Virtue Resistance +5
Huge butcher's knight.
Life Force effect.
Store Price:  N/A

Two-handed piercing weapon.
(Virtue) Power 74
Black spear created from the horn of the fallen angel.
it can pierce the skin of th eSacred Demon.
Virtue Resistance +5, Bane Resistance +5
Store Price:  N/A (Rare)

Anbicion (Obtained after beating Safer first time)
One-handed weapon (Virtue).  Power 68.
Sacred sword that King Anbicion received in a covenant with God.
Agility +5, Virtue Resistance -5, Bane Resistance +15, Anbicion effect.
Store Price:  N/A (Rare)

*14 Expendable Emblems

Cup of life
Expendable.  Cup that increases the max HP of the user.  Permanent.
Store Price:  N/A

Stone of Swiftness
Expendable.  Magic stone that promotes the speed and raises AGI.
Store Price:  N/A

Sword Emblem
Expendable.  Emblem that compels owner's spirit and raises STR.
Store Price:  N/A

Crown of Intellect
Expendable.  Crown that touches the soul and raises user's INT.
Store Price:  N/A

Sorcerer's Cup
Expendable.  Cup that increases the max HP of the user.
Store Price:  N/A

*15 Emblems

Philosopher's Stone:
Presented to spell casters who effectively use area-effect spells and defeat many
Required to become a Siren.

Knight's Certificate:
Awarded to courageous warriors who attack head on.
Required to become a Knight.

Awarded for striking 2 enemies with one piercing attack.
Required to become a Valkyrie.

The Pen and the Sword:
Awarded for experience in hand to hand combat as well as the use of destructive
Required to become a Warlock.

Book of Initiation:
Awarded for skill in dodging enemy's attacks.
Required to become a Sword master.

Embodiment of Desires:
Recognizes expert treasure-hunting ability.

Self Preservation:
Awarded for using a counterattack to finish off a foe.
Increases counterattack ability.

Blood Reign:
Awarded for killing 25 foes.  It terrifies enemies within 3 panels of the owner.

Heavenly Spirit:
Awarded for healing comrades on the battlefield.
Required to become a Priest.

Dragon's Scale:
Honors one who slays at least 5 dragons.
Required to change to Dragoon, but the trust of dragons will be lost.

Animal Hunter:
Honors one who slays 5 ferocious beasts.  Trust from beasts will be lost.

Awarded in praise of ability to kill with one strike.  Affects changes in luck.

Vixen's Whisper:
Awarded for using feminine persuasions to befriend enemies.
Required to become a Witch.

Praises the miraculous dodging of an attack when nearing death.  One miracle
leads to another.

War God:
Honors those who deal ferocious blows to their foes.
Increases strength at the expense of intelligence.

Fist Fight:
Awarded to heroes who defeat enemies with bare fists and no equipment.  Their
fists become even more lethal.

Honors extraordinary heroes with remarkable strength, intelligence, or agility.

Gibe of Fallen Angel:
Dishonorable emblem for clergy members who slay numerous living beings despite
their sworn duty.

Bogus Hero:
All the training in the world won't amount to much if you choke on stage!
This emblem's penalty cna eb negated by the emblem Miracle.

*16 Special Thanks

All work has been compiled and done by me JMB for your use if you want to use
parts of it as you go through the game or not.

If you have any questions or want to add anything to the data here you can
instant messenger me at
or if you want to e-mail me send it to

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