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How To: Beat the Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Demo Boss

By RyThom

With the newest Legend of Zelda game, The Wind Waker, coming out only a few days away from the posting of this article, it might be a bit worthless, but if you want to impress your friends with you ability to beat the boss in the in-store demo of the game, here it is.

First, how to get to the boss.  When you first walk over to the store display kiosk playing Zelda, the first thing you will see is a save game loading screen.  The first two options are straightforward dungeon type scenarios, but the third option will let you jump straight to the boss.  Select that, and let the battle begin!

When the game loads, you'll see our hero Link walk into a huge lava filled chamber.  Once you take a few steps forward, a gigantic crab-like monster will arise from the lava and start fighting you.  Freaky, eh?  Your first order of business will be to dodge the initial attacks the monster throws at you.  He will occasionally shoot a fireball and if you get close enough, attempt to pin you with his claws.  Should you find his claws blocking your way, you can roll under them by running towards them and pushing the A button.

Most people can handle not getting hit by this guy, but the real trick is figuring out how to do damage to him.  At first you cannot hurt him directly - that's where your hookshot comes in!  By default, this grappling hook like tool is assigned to your Y button.  When the monster takes a break from attacking, push Y and immediately target that red hook like protrusion coming from the ceiling in the center of the chamber.  Move the red laser-like sight over the object until an explosion icon appears.  Once that pops up, hit the Y button again and let the rope fly!  What's this?  It wasn't a hook after all, but a dragon's tail!  Incoming rock!

Well, that rock seems to have knocked some sense into Mr. Crab there, but you're still swinging from the ceiling.  When Link reaches the apex of his swing, push the A button to let go of the rope to clear the lava pool or if you're lucky, onto one of the platforms on the side of the cave laden with heart containing pots.  Smash a few of them open to regain lost health, wait for the tail to re-appear and hookshot it again.  Repeat this process until the crab doesn't do a whole lot more moving and hangs on the edge of the pool with his eyeball exposed.  Now's your chance to get in front of him and hack away with your sword!  Take that!  After a dozen or so hits with Link's little knife the crab will finally give up and die quite spectacularly.

Once the crab is done exploding, run across the now cooled lava and grab the heart container he dropped.  Would ya look at how happy Link is?  It's like he's never seen a heart container before.  As soon as he's done celebrating, some bizarre wind sweeps around Link and lifts him off.  To where?  Wait until March 26th to find out in the full version...


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