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Welcome To The Home Of Angelssongs

What I Love, What I Like to Do

Every good gift and every perfect gift cometh down from Heaven: James 1:17

I have often thought that to tend a garden and make it grow and turn into a thing of beauty, you must spend time doing this and nutured it will become what you is the same in your relationship with Family, friends, but most of all with God...
With any relationship whether it be in your tending of the garden or that of a person or God, it must be worked on....inner self is important in the Belief in our Lord, but in order for it to grow we must go out and spread the news that Jesus died to set us free and in so believing in Him we find our salvation!

Hello my name is Lola, Thank you for joining me at my web site home.I have a page honoring those I have lost, I have also set up a page to honor others, if you would like your loved one on this page please provide me with a small picture, their name and the year of birth and the year of death,If you can tell me a bit about them so I can write a memorial to them and a poem, I would be honored to add them in my memories.

The poetry page that I have on one of my web pages tells of how I use to feel and to where I am at today! I hope it will help anyone to understand a lonely broken person, but also show how that a person can over come these things with the Power and Grace of God.

Go and enjoy my friends page, I wrote it for all my internet friends but let your friends know how you feel about them too!!!!

"Angels Among Us"....."Inspiration"...Aaaahhhh to go back to our Childhood Days...Images Of Love..... Please visit and enjoy... with my love!
For that special someone who will come into my life when God is ready, I will dedicate this page to us: "Always and forever".....

I have now added a page called The Beauty Of *CHRIST* mas please go and enjoy the story and send your friend there too! God Bless!

My new addition is a page called "God's Blessings: Our Children," if you have time while browsing my pages please go and take a look....

As far as I know the gifs and graphics on my pages are public domain .. except the ones I have already given credit for... if you see one that I have not added to my link page and it needs to be added for credit or if it needs to be removed please e-mail me and I will do so immediately....

Please note that here recently I have been being attacked in my guest book as being a fraud and a non believer and they say they know me.... In the Christian world we find unkind people... though I have edited this lie I still want to say to who-ever is doing such unkind things that I and God love you and will pray for you, I ask all of my brothers and sisters in Christ to pray for this person for they are surely unhappy with themselves and are in great need of our prayers and that they need to be brought to the Lord.... God Bless!

There will be many times I will add new things to each of my pages as they grow so please be sure and check them out and see what has been added!

I want to thank everyone for coming to visit and hope you will take a look at all my pages, enjoy your time and let me know what you think!

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Romans 8:2
--"For the law of the Spirit of life
in Christ Jesus made me free from
the law of sin and of death."

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[ Angelssongs] [My Angels][Memories]
[Honoring][Poetry][Friends][Angels among us] [Inspiration]
[Awards][Childhood Days[Links] [Always & Forever][Images Of Love][The Beauty Of *CHRIST* mas][Angels Amongest Us 2] [ More Pictures][God's Blessings: Our Children]

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